ASHA ProFind

Communication Help Near You.

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ASHA ProFind is your connection to over 20,000 ASHA-Certified audiologists and speech-language pathologists who have indicated they are accepting referrals.

Learn how to find the right professional for your needs.

For Certified Professionals

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If you are looking to grow your private practice and are an ASHA-Certified member, we encourage you to join ASHA ProFind.

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If you have joined ASHA ProFind or our legacy product, ProSearch, be sure to update your profile so that potential clients and patients have the most up to date information.

Terms of Use: By using ASHA ProFind, you agree to ASHA’s Terms of Use. Copying or using ASHA ProFind profile information for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. ASHA’s Marketing Solutions are available to identify the right marketing tool to connect you with the largest audience of customers and prospects in the speech, language, and hearing markets.

Disclaimer: ASHA does not endorse of otherwise verify the accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of the information provided by the members listed in ASHA ProFind. The information and materials available through ASHA ProFind is for informational and educational purposes only. Your reliance upon information obtained through ASHA ProFind is solely at your own risk.

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