Next Dog Training Obedience Class starts

Class starts: May 4, 2024

Registration is still open!

Class time: 8:00 AM or 9:00 AM - 30 minute dog training classes

What are your Dog Training Goals?

⭐️12 dog training classes for only $351!⭐️
CALL OR TEXT (818) 559-5482

Build confidence in yourself and your dog with Group Basic Dog Obedience Classes Puppies and Adult dogs!

Payment can be done using Zelle and the phone number, (818) 559-5482 or this website in the link here: Dog Training Programs

Monthly Subscription-based Dog Training

 When you complete your set of 6 Obedience Classes you are then eligible to attend as many Group Obedience Classes as you want within a given month.

The cost for a one-month subscription is only $81!

What do I get for the Group Obedience Class 6 week Program?

Dog Training Class - Lesson 1
Identifying motivation - Games
Drills to build your dog’s ability to have self-control
Proper leash management
Clicker Training
Hand Commands for “Touch”
”Place” Command
4 Phases of dog training
Begin Recalls

Dog Training Class - Lesson 2

”Down” Command
”Leave it” Command
”Release” Command
Review Lesson 1 (above)

Dog Training Class - Lesson 3

”Back” Command
”Stand” Command
”Stay” Command
Review Lessons 1 and 2 (above)

Dog Training Class - Lesson 4

“Go say Hi” Command/Proper Meet and Greet
”Take it” Command
”Drop it” Command
Review Lessons 1 thru 3

Dog Training Class - Lesson 5

”Stay” Command
”Down Stay” Command
”Touch” Command - an item from a distance (this eventually leads to getting a dog to learn how to retrieve which is practiced later in the Intermediate Class)

Dog Training Class - Class 6

Review Lessons 1-5
Review Canine Good Citizen Test Items to prepare for Test

This is an investment in yourself and your pup!

You and your best friend are not just a number in my classes. This is personable, Certified dog training and you can expect nothing but the best kind of training around. Science-based techniques and learning one step at a time. The Lead Trainer, Adelita Alvarez, will help you, answer your questions and you will know that you have made great progress every lesson you take.

The dog classes include twelve, 30 minute obedience lessons, attending Saturdays and Sundays, and it includes socialization as well as Basic Obedience. Once you have completed your 6 week program you have the option of repeating the class (good for puppies who need more repetition around a variety of dogs) or moving into the Intermediate Obedience Classes.

*Most classes begin on the first weekend of every month.

A real example of one of the 12 obedience classes provided. A lot of room to work and less distractions such as squirrels, other dogs or people.

By having 12 dogs per class, you are getting a very personal lesson, nearly a private dog training lesson with the trainer, Adelita Alvarez.

Most dogs and puppies have short attention spans.

Gains are made with smaller classes, more frequently and you will end off on a good note.

Authentic experiences bring the quality of training to you and your dog with our Good Dog K9 Training Group Obedience classes.

Getting a chance to ask questions directly to the trainer at your obedience class, get the right answers and build your confidence about dog training. A lot of dog owners who take the class feel they are getting much more out of the classes than what they had expected.

*Once you have completed the set of 12 classes, your pup is eligible to attend Monthly Subscription-based Dog Training: Unlock Your Dog's Full Potential!

Are you ready to take your dog's training to the next level? Look no further! At Customized Dog Training and Pet Services, we are thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking Monthly Subscription-based Dog Training program. With this innovative approach, you can enjoy professional dog training resources, expert guidance, and unlimited support—all conveniently delivered right to your doorstep.

*A $25 discount on first lessons are given for:

  • First responders

  • Teachers

  • Veterans

  • Anyone who rescues a dog from any Burbank or Los Angeles Animal Shelter and takes our Obedience Classes (for the first time for a given dog). This is retroactive for anyone who would like to join our classes. *Screening must be done for all dogs joining the dog classes to ensure safety for everyone.

Custom programming and Private dog training lessons to help you build the dog behaviors you want and more!

Here are dog behavioral problems that we are able to assist you with:




Separation Anxiety - Get a simple, 10 Step Program

Dog socialization

Resource guarding


House breaking

New Home Acclimation

Fear-related problems such as meeting new people or dogs

The founder, Trainer and owner of Good Dog K9 Training and Services®, LLC, Adelita Alvarez, has been training dogs since 2003. That’s a lot of happy clients including 7 Veterinarians who have asked her for help with their personal dogs.

And, after 20 years of dog training, there’s been no small shortage of celebrities, famous producers, writers, musicians and other similar type calibre of clients whom Adelita has helped with since we are in the City of Los Angeles but, this is not something to focus on as the dogs and puppies are what Good Dog K9 Training and Services®, LLC are all about.

No matter what dog trainer you pick, you are going to have to take a risk and decide on what is best for you and your dog. But, knowing her experience, dog training completion, certification and knowledge base is what she will bring to you and your dog.

Having seen just about everything as well as seeing through to completion the dog training programs from a new puppy, puppyhood, rescue situations to many kinds of behavioral problems that develop and are sometimes innate, she will be able to help you overcome these problems and more.

Private dog training lessons help you create the behaviors you want to reinforce and extinguish the ones your don’t with in-home dog training. Having your dog trained in your own home will bring not only fortify your bond, but you will receive the best care and control possible by personally learning and investing in your dog’s future. You will learn the secrets to dog training beginning with self-control and identifying what motivates your dog.

Based on certified, scientific methods of dog training, a behavioral assessment and treatment plan are done which will include identifying what the source of your puppy or dog’s problems are and clarifying what dog training program would be best for reinforcing the behaviors you DO want and eliminating the ones you don’t. You will also receive a lesson to get you started on your training program.  and worth every penny to finally get the program that works.

Obedience Classes are available for committed owners who understand the value of training with your dog in the real world.

Call (818) 559-5482
to schedule a phone consultation

Registration for Dog Obedience Class training is now open:
(Click here)

Don’t wait - these classes book up months in advance and you will want to reserve your spot.

Adele uses hand and body commands, a clicker and positive reinforcement methods to train dogs.

Using positive reinforcement can go as far as putting challenges to build confidence and bring out the best in a dog or puppy.


Every dog is a STAR.

The more you train,

the brighter you are!™