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Saturday June 8, 2024

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World Oceans Day - June 8

World Oceans Day - Wikipedia - Oceanography

2024 Theme: Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate

World Ocean Day is an international day that takes place annually on June 8. WOD started in 2002 and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. Each year a different theme is designated to help save the oceans. Read more

The secret of what lies below the oceans has always fascinated humanity. We are drawn to live near bodies of water - often the oceans.

We allegedly evolved from the sea and so we shall one day return - referring to physical evolution tied to biblical flood stories which reset the simulation of reality. Some of this is science while the rest is metaphoric often linked with mythology.

Lying beneath the oceans are allegedly sunken cities as well as UFOs called USOs and their bases.

This theory parallels creation myths about Amphibious Gods who allegedly came from the sky - went into the sea to create a biogenetic program that goes back to the beginning of the Human Experiment.

In the 21st century oceans are changing due to many factors that, by design, are creating massive climate changes affecting everything as all is connected.

Covering more than 71% of the planet, the Earth's oceans are a vast and mostly unexplored mystery. For most of recorded history man could only guess what lay beneath the ocean's surface, but new technologies are reaching new depths.

Archaeological research around the world has lead to the discovery of underwater complexes and sophisticated monuments that defy the conventional historical record - often lost civilizations that were once exposed on land then later submerged under the sea due to climatic changes millennia ago. They were lost to ice ages of the past that created great floods destroying everything in their wake - which appears to be the fate of our planet in the near future.

Current discoveries also include a new world of sea creatures and microorganisms, the latter of which could be harmful to other sea life and humans.

And so the never-ending story continues in the collective unconscious (sea, ocean, consciousness grids) until the end.

June 8, 2024

Belmont Stakes - Wikipedia - News

Dornoch wins the 2024 Belmont Stakes

June 6, 1944

D-Day - World War II - Allied Invasion of Normandy - Videos

D-Day 80 Years Later in Normandy

President Biden and key U.S. allies were in Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the U.S.-led allied forces' D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France. The brazen air and sea invasion would mark the beginning of the end of World War II, leading to the defeat of Adolf Hitler's Nazi German forces in Europe less than a year later.

Foo Fighters of WWII

The modern-day human-alien experiment began during WWII. The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots during World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations.

Steven Spielberg Presents

Taken (10-Part Mini Series)

It all began during World War II with Foo Fighters ... sweeping over three generations ... until there was Allie.

Steven Spielberg Presents "Taken" With Ellie and Allie

Remembering UFO Researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee

May 6, 1942 - May 10, 2024

Lately, I'm being pulled back to the realms of UFOlogy as people I met through the decades are returning to my life one way or another. This is a well needed diversion from the world we live in today which has become a showcase of dysfunctionality and not at all where I belong.

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Maccabee - who passed last month - in the early days of my UFO journey through a group called MUFON. I was very impressed by what he had to say along the lines of physicist Stanton Friedman.

Along the way I met most of the keynote players in UFOlogy - some going on to do great things - others pulling back as they became more involved with the emotional dynamics of the field vs. scientific research.

This was a time Simulation Theory was not as yet spiking in the grids of human consciousness - but I never forgot that as we got closer to the end the creators would remember and activate.

There were the abductees, the contactees, those who had seen lights or other anomalous objects in the sky, those who are interested in the creation story of humanity linked to something not of this world, and as per human programming the conspiracy theorists. Interesting times. Interesting programming.

So who was Dr. Maccabee - a man from my generation with similar interests?

Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee was an American optical physicist employed by the U.S. Navy, and a ufologist. His UFO research and investigations included:

the Kenneth Arnold sighting (June 24, 1947),

the McMinnville, Oregon, (Trent) photos of 1950,

the Gemini 11 astronaut photos of September, 1966,

the Tehran UFO incident of September 1976,

the New Zealand sightings of December 1978,

the Japan Airlines (JAL1628) sighting of November 1986,

the numerous sightings of Gulf Breeze UFO incident, 1987-1988,

the "red bubba" sightings, 1990-1992 (including his own sighting in September, 1991),

the Mexico City video of August, 1997 (which he deemed a hoax),

the Phoenix lights sightings of March 13, 1997,

2004 Mexican UFO incident and many others.

Maccabee also carried out historical research and was the first to obtain the secret "flying disc file" of the FBI (what he calls "the REAL X-Files"). In addition, he collected documents from the CIA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, and other government agencies.

Maccabee was the author or co-author of about three dozen technical articles and more than a hundred trade articles about UFOs over the last 30 years, including many which appeared in the MUFON UFO Journal and MUFON Symposium proceedings. Among his papers was a reanalysis of the statistics and results of the famed Battelle Memorial Institute Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14, a massive analysis of 3200 Air Force cases through the mid-1950s. Another was a reanalysis of the results of the Condon Committee UFO study from 1969.

In addition, he also wrote or contributed to half a dozen books on the subject of UFOs and appeared on numerous radio and television shows and documentaries as an authority on the subject.

Space in the News


Boeing's astronaut capsule arrives at the space station after thruster trouble

In first, SpaceX's megarocket Starship succeeds in ocean splashdown

Russian Cosmonaut Becomes First Person To Spend 1,000 Days In Space

Heat-switch device boosts lunar rover longevity in harsh moon climate

' Our galaxy has collided with many others in its lifetime. ESA's Gaia space telescope now reveals that the most recent of these crashes took place billions of years later than we thought

Stunning New Pics of Jupiter's Moon Io Snapped From Earth's Surface

Negative Ions Detected On Far Side Of The Moon By Instrument Aboard Chinese Lander

Russian Cosmonaut Becomes First Person To Spend 1,000 Days In Space

A 'new star' could appear in the sky any night now. The Blaze Star can be found in the constellation Corona Borealis, the "Northern Crown," between the constellations of Bootes and Hercules. Here's how to see the Blaze Star ignite

Mystery Of What Caused This Giant Hole On Mars - And What Lies Inside?

New model suggests partner anti-universe could explain accelerated expansion without the need for dark energy

STEVE - the bizarre purple ribbon in the sky - has a 'secret twin' that appears only before dawn

The sunspot region responsible for the glorious auroras that shimmered over most of Earth in early May is back, and is still engaging in shenanigans.

China Just Landed Its Lunar Probe on The Far Side of Moon

Physics in the News


Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

Can Information Escape A Black Hole?

What is the 3-body problem, and is it really unsolvable?

Chemistry in the News


'The blade of the sword was still sharp': Lost metal detectorist discovers Bronze Age sword and ax in UK

Rare-earth elements could be hidden inside coal mines

New Evidence Challenges Origin Theory on The Universe's Heaviest Elements

Something Very Weird Happens To Metal In Space

Technology in the News

Evolutionary Mismatch Might Be Why We Struggle in Today's World. Many of our contemporary problems, such as the rising prevalence of mental health issues, are emerging from rapid technological advancement and modernization

Mount Everest Receives Its First Ever Drone Delivery At Nearly 20,000 Feet

The Largest Solar Power Plant In The World Just Got Switched On

First Metal 3D Printing In Space Is A Giant Leap In Microgravity Manufacturing

Elon Musk's Starlink has connected an isolated tribe to the outside world and divided it from within.

Researchers use AI to analyze cosmic explosions

Company Behind World's Tallest Building Plans To Turn Skyscrapers Into Gravity Batteries

The Cybertruck Is Not Off To A Great Start

Health in the News

Health Index

What's going on in our brains when we plan? Study uncovers how mental simulations rely on stored memories

The brain can store nearly 10 times more data than previously thought, study confirms

Restless legs syndrome tied to 140 'hotspots' in the genome

A man in Mexico died with one form of bird flu, but US officials remain focused on another

Younger children are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD than their older classmates, says new study

Auto-Brewery Syndrome - A woman kept getting drunk despite not drinking. Fungi in her gut were brewing their own alcohol.

New AI tech developed to detect heart failure earlier

Planet Earth in the News

Planet Earth Files

A Giant Ancient River System Revealed Beneath Antarctica's Ice

Faster alerts for California megaquakes: Early-warning system gets major upgrade

A hail stone the size of a pineapple was found in Texas. It likely sets a state record

California faces another record-breaking hot summer

New rare 'green bean' galaxy discovered

100-foot 'walking tree' in New Zealand looks like an Ent from Lord of the Rings - and is the lone survivor of a lost forest

Summer droughts in Northern Hemisphere increasingly likely as seasonal streamflows change, finds study

Danger warnings as heat wave hits western US

Sustainable plastics are not a solution, researchers warn

What looming La Nina means for global temperatures

Thawing permafrost: Research suggests it's not a climate tipping point, but nevertheless has far-reaching impacts

Arid Deserts Are Devouring Earth's Rangelands, Threatening Billions

A small, seemingly unremarkable fern that only grows on a remote Pacific island was on Friday crowned the Guinness World Record holder for having the largest genome of any organism on Earth

Animals in the News


The World's Most Dangerous And Cranky Bird - Southern Cassowaries - Is Now Threatened With Extinction

We've Learned Why Giraffes Stick Their Necks Out - And It's Not For Sex

Snake-Headed Fish That Can Breathe Air And Slither On Land Caught In Missouri

Archaeology in the News


Sunken Ruins Show Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous In Ancient Rome

An ancient Olmec monument symbolizing the entrance to the afterlife has finally been restored to its former glory and returned to its ancestral home, almost 3,000 years after it was sculpted

Five mysterious ancient artifacts that still puzzle archaeologists

Why are so many ancient Egyptians buried at the Saqqara necropolis?

Crosby-Schoyen Codex: Ancient Coptic manuscript reveals sermon that spurred violence against Jews

A Sudden Climatic Change In The Nile May Have Kickstarted Ancient Egypt's Prosperity

One Of The World's Oldest Games May Have Not Been Invented In Ancient Egypt After All

2,000-year-old rock art, including nearly 140-foot-long snake, may mark ancient territories in Colombia, Venezuela

Woman Warrior Monk Discovered Among Remains Of Medieval Spanish Knights

Rock Art in the News

Petroglyphs, Pictograms, Geoglyphs

4,000-year-old rock art of boats and cattle unearthed in Sudan paint a picture of a green Sahara

3,500-year-old rock art of wild sheep and double-humped camels revealed in Kazakhstan

2,000-Year-Old Snake Engraving Is Among The World's Largest Rock Art

2,000-year-old rock art, including nearly 140-foot-long snake, may mark ancient territories in Colombia, Venezuela

Paleontology in the News


Evidence of Earth's First Rains Found Trapped Within Primordial Crystals

Giant 'Giga-Goose' Once Thundered Across Prehistoric Australia

Move Over Daddy Longlegs, Meet The 48-Million-Year-Old Iridescent "Grandpa Longlegs"

Kids discover extremely rare teen T. rex fossils sticking out of the ground during North Dakota Badlands hike

Huge cheetah that roamed China 1 million years ago would have stood face to face with a tiger

Giant Prehistoric Mastodon Tusk Found By Amateur Fossil Hunter In Florida

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Land Rover Jaguar Fairfield

Country Music Awards

June 5-16, 2024

TriBeCa Film Festival - Wikipedia

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