the official blog of Demonica D. Gladney


Are You Really Willing to Wait?

the book

Have you been waiting a long time for God’s promises?  Are you frustrated because the months have turned into years?  Are you tired of constantly watching the clock? 

The reassuring answers that you’ve been searching for are found in this book.  Willing to Wait will walk you step-by-step through the waiting process that we all must go through in preparation for God’s promises. 

Willing to Wait provides a practical and insightful discussion on the significance of waiting on God’s perfect will and divine timing.  Willing to Wait offers a profound, biblical view on the keys to understanding the purpose and benefits of the waiting process, including:

1. Believing every promise in God’s Word,
2. Stepping out by faith on those promises,
3. Allowing patience to help you persevere
4. Receiving the renewed strength of God

After reading Willing to Wait, you will learn the hidden secrets to waiting on God and the detrimental consequences of not waiting, particularly for those seeking a mate.  Whether you’re waiting on God for a financial miracle, divine healing or a mate, you must be willing to wait on Him no matter how long it takes.  As you embrace the life-changing journey toward your promises, get ready to receive everything God has in store for you!