Latest updates

RSMembership! 2.1.3 04 Jun 2024

Added - When allowing re-subscribing with the same email address a new option is available that allows to skip the New User Email, for not logged in users.
Fixed - The {username} placeholder returned empty in some emails.
Fixed - The {category} placeholder returned the category ID instead of the name.
Fixed - Removed the {coupon} placeholder from the list in New Extra Added / Renewal / Upgrade emails.

RSFiles! 1.17.4 03 Jun 2024

Fixed - Files bookmarked in the briefcase could not be downloaded.

RSMediaGallery! 2.1.3 03 Jun 2024

Fixed - Importing images with a space in their filename would result in an error.

RSNoticia! 2.0.2 31 May 2024

Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 backend Dark Mode fixes.
Fixed - Mega Menu feature did not work properly.

RSLibro! 1.2.0 30 May 2024

Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 backend Dark Mode fixes.

RSEdimo! 1.2.0 30 May 2024

Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 backend Dark Mode fixes.
Fixed - Mega Menu positions could not be removed after layout change.

Latest blog entries

17 Years Anniversary Promotion

Celebrating 17 Years of RSJoomla!

Celebrating another year of our contributions to the Joomla! community! Join us in commemorating our 17th anniversary and looking forward to a promising future!

RSForm!Pro Field Preview

New RSForm!Pro Field - the Field Preview

We are excited to announce a new addition to RSForm!Pro: the Field Preview functionality. This new feature enhances the flexibility and usability of your forms, making it easier for users to see their data before submission. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use this new functionality and what it brings to your forms.

RSEvents!Pro 1.14.7

New RSEvents!Pro version release - 1.14.7

The latest version of RSEvents!Pro introduces fresh functionalities aimed at enriching the visitor experience through your event planner.

Latest articles from our docs

Send an email to the entry's owner through an RSForm!Pro form
in RSDirectory! - Frequently asked questions 22 hours ago.

In this article we will describe the process of implementing a functionality which will enable frontend users to send a message (via email) to the visited entry's author using an RSForm!Pro form. Displaying the form on the entry's page Assuming that you have already...

Contact the website admin using an RSForm!Pro form (+entry title)
in RSDirectory! - Frequently asked questions 22 hours ago.

"I want to send an email to the website's administrator containing a message and the entry's title, using RSForm!Pro. "   Implementing this type of scenario will require the use of template overrides, as well as a little bit of custom scripting....

Knowledgebase template overwrite
in RSTickets!Pro - Frequently asked questions 22 hours ago.

The standard output from any Joomla! Module or Component can be overridden by adding code to the html directory of your template. Using template overrides is recommended because the changes you have made to the layout will not be affected by component updates. In this example...