It may be time for a change in how you evaluate business effectiveness

The standard means of evaluating business effectiveness have historically been efficiency and productivity. However, according to the 2024 Human Capital Trends report from Deloitte Insights, it’s time for a change. Improving human outcomes (meaningful work) will drive business outcomes (achieving or exceeding financial targets) and create a win-win cycle.

What it takes to become an elite leader

Incredible leadership doesn’t come from superior talent, intellect or resources. According to Brandon Bornancin, author of The Power of Going All-In, anyone can achieve greatness. However, exceptional leaders must have a vision, passionately pursue big goals, maintain relentless positivity, roll up their sleeves and possess the drive to do whatever it takes.

Expert shares how to shake up your leadership model

Leadership is fluid, yet consistent. It is a skill that can be learned, mastered and utilized in a host of situations. Pete Steinberg, former Olympics rugby coach, sports commentator and author, knows this firsthand, with a history leading in diverse roles and an impressive leadership skillset to share. Steinberg, president of Innovative Thought, a business consultancy, shared some leadership advice in an exclusive interview.

Building leadership-development strategies that make an impact

Leadership development in 2023 took a hit from the economy. According to the 2024 LEADx Leadership Development Benchmark Report, budgets have fallen 30% since January 2023, along with headcounts. Learners say they “have no time to train,” and leadership-development professionals report they lack support from managers and the C-suite.


Today's Leadership Tip

Each year that the digital lifestyle engulfs us all, the power of a simple handwritten note grows. Just as getting a real greeting card in the mail dwarfs even the snazziest animated e-card, handing off a note of thanks, encouragement or motivation written in your own hand is a gesture that gets noticed and remembered. If your staff doesn't know your lettering by sight, it might mean your communications with them could use a personal touch.


Q. I’m in the process of gaining U.S. citizenship. When I applied for a job recently, the employer asked me to produce documents proving I was legally able to work. I provided my driver’s license and Social Security card, but then he asked for a “green card,” which I do not have. Is this legal?

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