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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>*mogs you*
>*steals your girl*
Your move, humancel
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>300 PRC
sounds like a hipster version of 300 win mag
Derrick Mcreacry in GTA 4 calling C4 PE4
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Ok boomer. Belted cartridges are for plebs.
I've been in the woods with both bears and women, and the bear wasn't the problem.
You could say they barely gave you any trouble

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Does this build warrant a bulk or a cut?
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Bulk until she's too swollen to bend her toes
I prefer her brown. This bitch always looked uncanny.
Camal toe
Moose knuckle
I think I've found my limit

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How fit does a guy in his 30s need to be to be able to still date girls in their 20s?
>How fit does a guy in his 30s need to be to be able to still date girls in their 20s?
You can date any girl age 18-29 if you go for low hanging fruit and have no standards.
Millions of single, fat, and ugly M*xicans and blacks of there
How fit? Nah all you need to be is to not be ugly.

What's the catch?
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they're for pouring over gin and ice
Didn't know that and I'm an american
just drink water, faggot. just get fruits, juice them, and add water, faggot.
>digesting water
this is what we're dealing with here

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i don't like how veiny and vascular i'm getting
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you think 31 and 36 is a big age gap?
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I only have a vein in my left arm
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she was tied to Bieber for the longest who is a year younger
NTA but think they mean seriously dating then marriage older than previous generations. Not the age of the other person.

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The feels bar is O-P-E-N!
Its finally here and its almost summer edition....
Come on take a sit , order your favorite and enjoy....
Whats bother you ? How was your week?
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Nta but the IPs are the same if you’re referring to that femanon who posted her tits
KEK yeah I thought so pretty sure that’s the last person who should be trying to speak on relationship issues can’t even get a guy to fuck her properly
i cant think of a single thing to do right now. i live in a stupid fucking old people community in florida, there is nothing to do here, no one to hang out with, nothing to do, the entire county shuts down at 10 pm. i poured myself an unusual drink because i am feeling incredibly trapped in a stupid shithole and it will be 4 hours until i can go to bed. literally scrolling up and down repeatedly for an hour now on the same page, i cannot think of a single game to play or website to visist that will distract me from this frustration of living with my mentally ill retard family. yes i am doijng everything i need to in order to hopefully gtfo. old people are easily the number one more justifiable group who deserve to be shit on, completely retarded people who have no concept of the world the currently live in, completely warped, selfish cunts, just sit there regurgitating whatever filth is on the 'news'. honestly, i want to leave this country. i hate all these stupid fucking maericana suburban wastelands, just strip malls and retarded drivers who honk at you and never allow you into their lane.

im more certain every day that not just this community i live in, but the whole of the us is just shit. i will do whatever i can to go traveling as soon as i get some money. god damn it all. there isnt a single person i know who understands how to have a good time
Not sure what that guy is on about but I'm a white man in my 20s
I've been making friends by being true to myself, being honest, kind, direct, non-judgemental and optimistically naive at times.
It takes courage to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, rather do that and be rejected and get hurt than live like a coward wondering "what if".

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Does mouthbreathing kill gains?
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No they aren’t, they’re Arabs. Arabs came from Arabia centuries ago. Middle Eastern Jews exiled from Egypt, Iraq and Afghanistan would be the closest since they stayed pure.
You know Islam cleansed the entirety of North Africa, the Levant and the Caucasus of Christians? I don't have to like one to think that Islam is a complete scourge.
I pick the side where both mudslimes and kikes die
get the fuck outta here
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Reminder that /his/ rules are in effect and that only LATAMs sperg out about whiteness constantly.. Anglos and Germanics don't do that sort of thing.
This. Fuck both sides, fuck muh gay desert strip. We owe not one second of attention to bickering outsider tribes.

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I do:
>tricep extensions
>hammer curls
>bench press

What do I add?
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Do some kind of curl with the wrists in a supinated position to isolate the biceps more
Kinda need bb biceps and triceps or you'll hit a ceiling, that triceps rope and db concentration curls for the outside of the bicep is all you need desu. Ohp bench and pulls won't grow them enough at all.
So just bicep curls?
Not sure i’m following what you’re saying
How would barbell curls be any different from dumbbell curls/extensions?
Also how would you work triceps with a barbell?
I kinda fuck my shoulders on bb or ezcurl but without using both hands to load more total weight you won't get as big as quick. Look at any bodybuilder the ones that are huge always use bbs for strength and cables dbs to hit different parts.

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previous: >>74256092
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I've got a fat fuck co-worker like that
He practically lives off of Hardy's burgers and M'Dew.
His gut has gotten so big, he can't even do field sample testing anymore since his stomach gets in the way and he can't see it stand very long.
Despite this, he always makes snide comments about me and another coworker that meal prep all of our lunches. He's been complaining about shortness of breath, dizziness, and general shitty feelings lately. I don't see him living another 2 years.
Tell her she’d look better anorexic if that’s what she thinks anorexic means
Work has had me on one of their bigger projects for the past year with another 3-4 years to go
I’ve whittled away the fatties from being on my crew while at the same time having 5-8 gym bunnies on my shift
I stopped caring, any time she starts talking about her weight beyond my initial advice, I just mute my phone and randomly say 'uh huh'. Been working fine for the last month
But doll she’s clearly miserable eating that =_= uhh salad. There’s no food there and it’s probably her only meal! Where is the bread? Where’s the sugar? You need sugar to live! It’s what feeds our brain!

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74248988
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>Performing badly on a max test = crashing and burning
That's not what that means. I also did not lower my bench max after that. On the contrary, I increased frequency (eventually) and made gains. All without reducing maxes.
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Bobbybros.... it's over.
1.remind everyone what level the sheiko programming you used was.
2. By how much did your alleged maxes increase?
3. How long did such increases take?
4. What was your bodyweight change during said time span?
Answer these, and everything will become clear.
You failed 385. You were claiming 410 during this time. You should have hit 385 at 8. You didn't.
>410 during this time
Clearly not, given in your screenshot I hadn't even hit 405 yet. In fact, that was probably my first max test given I started sheiko gold less than 2 months prior to that screenshot.

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What the FUCK is his routine bros? I have the build and genetics for this (I barely exercise, I sit on my ass all day, and I have visible abs/V shape due to some sports when I was younger)
How to achieve this level of ottermode yet still buff as fuck exactly as Jeff Seid?
1. Exercise your whole life 2. Steroids in the ass 3. Gay sex till failure
>What the FUCK is his routine bros?
i thought it was well established he is natty except for that one competition
His routine is diet and exercise (and roids).
You already knew that but dont want to hear it.
That's why you will never look like that no matter what you try.
Also why does his "routine" matter to you?
Do you think if he did a different routine his body would be shaped different?
he's going to compete again, probably on test rn

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Carbs are literally the worst food to eat if you want to look aesthetic and build lean muscles
But in 2017 /fit/ got astroturfed by carbheads that just never left and they violently attack and harass non-carbheads and shutdown all discussion on the topic
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Hm I wonder what the diets of bodybuilders, athletes, etc. consist of...?
Do deez nutz
Drop a saltine in a glass of water and it'll do the same thing. But there is no amylase in water.
Protein (animal sources)
I'll give you a hint, bodybuilders get ~50% of their calories from c_rbohydrates.
Can you guess the missing letter?

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why not just become a hot grill? if youre fit then youre halfway there
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checked and post it
>people here will actually tell you if you're ugly
have you ever been to the lgbt board? its a hug box?
it's really not, especially compared to any more moderated website

It happens because they get scraggly. When the twink is youthful with tight skin and a plump little ass they are desirable. The fucking second a line or crease hits their face, or the skin gets a little rougher, it's fucking over.

HRT has allowed them to extend the timeline a bit, but it still comes in the end. At that point you transition from twink to flaming. No more straight men on the down low. No more pampering. You are just a fag at that point.
I like being a man. Being a woman has never seemed appealing
Probably true lol

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in a sane world this guy would be arrested for nutrition speechcrime
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him too, fuck vegan nutritionists
you're still so naive.
btw fuck keto, carni, and vegan.
>I'm le enlightened faggot
He just made a blackpilled video about pajeets, basically said they're all worthless poopskins
Based Dr. Bergchad

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