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Teenlink didn’t just sit around all summer. We got busy blogging. Check out more at

Denim Alterations

By Riche Desilien, Piper High

As we all know skinny jeans has been all the rage for the pass two years or so but what are you going to do with all of your old baggy jeans? I hope you’ve haven’t thrown them all out because a good tailor could make them fashionable again.

Need a Job?

By Elizabeth Moccia, St. Thomas Aquinas

Two years ago, I started my very first job as a soccer referee. If any of you are looking for a job, you should consider this one.

Instead of being stuck in one place all day, like most jobs teenagers get, you get to be outside and the pay is great!

Wimpy band kids are an urban legend

By Pauline Vargas, Cypress Bay High

Whoever started the stereotype that band was for wimpy geeks clearly has never laid eyes on a marching band, let alone done any research about all the work that goes into achieving the perfect marching show.

Summer’s Lessons

By Kristen Suarez, Pembroke Pines Charter

Just because you once could do something doesn’t mean you still can. You may have always been able to out run someone in soccer, and now you can’t. You might have been able to seem interesting to a guy, and now you can’t.

Bottom line: Things change and you can either accept it or work hard to get it back.