We exist because committed barristers across England and Wales
care about access to justice for everyone

We match members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise in deserving cases for those who are unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay.

Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity that makes it possible for barristers to balance a dedicated practice with making a significant contribution to the community.


We really need your support

Advocate is an independent charity that relies on donations to meet all its running costs.

Get involved by donating, organising an event, or running for access to justice

2024 Bar Pro Bono Awards

Advocate were delighted to hold the 2024 Bar Pro Bono Awards ceremony on 8th May to celebrate this year's pro bono heroes.

New Pro Bono Guide for Pupils & Supervisors

As many pupils begin their second six this April, we are delighted to announce the publication of a new guide called ‘Pro Bono: A guide for Pupils and Supervisors’.

Justice and access to it: A lecture by Advocate’s former Chairman, Sir Robin Knowles CBE

On 14th March, Advocate was delighted to host a lecture given by our new Joint President (and former Chairman), Sir Robin Knowles CBE at Lincoln’s Inn. The lecture was titled 'Justice and Access To It'.