© Folkekirkens Nødhjælp

Storm Daniel - six months later

With robust support from the ACT Alliance network and Danish long-standing partners, DCA and Libyan partners are working to make life tolerable for those affected by Storm Daniel.

Turning the past into action

Turning the past into action

DanChurchAid has calculated its carbon footprint for 100 years and taken responsibility for historical and future emissions.

Read more

Where we work

DCA works in different parts of the world, mainly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, and in 2022 we added Ukraine as our first European country in decades.
In some countries we have a regional office and in other countries we work through our ACT Alliance partners.

Read about DCA around the world

Major donors

DanChurchAid donors

DCA has experienced an increase in funding from a multitude of major international donors, the European Union, USAID, and DANIDA over the last many years. Below you’ll find a list of our donors.

See our donors