
The best in health, wellness, and positive training from America’s leading dog experts

Parks and outdoor areas make for dog friendly vacations.

5 Best Dog Friendly Vacations

Ready for a vacation but don’t want to leave your dog behind? Dog friendly vacations take a little more planning, but many destinations boast...
A sick dog that doesn't eat may eat bland foods if offered.

5 Things to Feed a Sick Dog With No Appetite

Consider offering a sick dog with no appetite small meals frequently. A variety of different foods might tempt them to try and eat.
Rarely, young dogs can be affected by puppy strangles for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

What is Puppy Strangles?

Also known as juvenile cellulitis the puppy strangles is a rare condition whose cause is not known. Most dogs are able to make a complete recovery.
Heartworms transmitted by mosquitos can dramatically lessen a dog's lifespan.

Dog Life Expectancy After Heartworm Treatment

Without treatment, heartworm disease will shorten a dog’s natural life expectancy. With early treatment and resolution dogs will have a close to normal life expectancy.
Your dog losing hair is upsetting, but hair loss isn't always harmful.

Why Is My Dog Losing Hair?

If you see your dog losing hair concern is normal. It's not always a cause for concern though with some dogs naturally shedding, and other having hereditary conditions. It's only when the skin beneath the hair looks abnormal that worry is called for.
Hydrolyzed protein dog food is an option for dogs with allergies and sensitive stomachs.

Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food

The process of hydrolyzation uses enzymes to break proteins in dog food down into smaller, more easily digestible pieces. While hydrolyzed proteins are generally easier to digest, some dogs may experience gastrointestinal upset during the transition period to the new diet.
Dogs can get hypothermia even in warm weather if they get wet during a swim or rainstorm.

Symptoms of Dog Hypothermia

Although hypothermia is usually a cold weather problem. Swimming in cold water, or wet and chill due to rainy weather can also cause hypothermia in dogs.
Dog taste buds work in a different way than human taste buds do.

Do Dogs Have Taste Buds?

Dogs have approximately 1,700 taste buds, less than 20% of what humans have. This difference in number of taste buds might help to explain why dogs can be much less discriminating in what they eat.
Cooling vests for dogs can help to keep your pup comfortable on hot days or long hikes.

Cooling Vests for Dogs

The best cooling vests, or coats, for dogs are lightweight, breathable, loose-fitting, and light in color. Anything heavy, tight, or dark will result in more heat absorption and retention.
Dog tracking devices are a desired device, but rarely work as desired.

Dog Tracking Devices for Newbies

GPS technology to track your dog is fairly new, but the number of dog tracking device options has grown. The effectiveness of those tracking devices has also substantially improved.
Vacuum cleaners and other sounds dogs hate can be a source of stress for a dog.

Common Sounds Dogs Hate

Dogs’ hearing is both more sensitive and has more range than our own. This can create complications when things that sound fine—or are even inaudible—to us come across as painfully loud or jarring to our canine companions.
An adorable brown dog gnaws on a hard plastic toy.

The Best Dog Toys for Serious Chewers

Even the best “indestructible” dog toys will one day succumb to the efforts of our fluffy destroyers.
Dogs can get herpes, and have their own form of canine herpes that is often fatal for puppies.

Can Dogs Get Herpes?

Dogs can get herpes, and have their own form of the herpes virus. Canine herpesvirus—also known as canine herpes—is a disease that is nearly 100% fatal in young puppies. It does not typically cause...
Dog allergy medication can help with a dog's constant itchiness, and other symptoms.

A Guide to Dog Allergy Medications

There are several manifestations of allergies in dogs, including atopic and flea allergy dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and bronchitis, hives, and insect bite hypersensitivity. Symptoms may include pruritus (itchiness), sneezing, coughing, clear nasal discharge, or...

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Updates on Some Blog Posts From the Past Year

Life with dogs has ups and downs, and I thought I’d share some of the recent happy and sad outcomes to some of the stories I’ve shared with you this year, starting with the most recent and going back in time.