The Computer Programming Network
420 Alien Avenue Galaxtus Jupiter A735Z9 | (555) 420-0420

Welcome to

The Computer Programming Network

Coding & Programming Community
est. November 2019

The CPNetwork Scholarship

The CPN Scholarship started in June of 2020. The purpose of the scholarship is to at least assist but is aimed at, completely funding the first year of a high school student seeking a certificate/degree in a Computer Science field. For more information about the scholarship, or for information on how to donate:
Visit The CPN Scholarship Page.

The CPNetwork Purpose

The goal of CPN is to gather a group of tech enthusiasts to share ideas, help solve each other's code issues, and offer tips & tricks for the various programming languages. Search engines have become less reliable and most tech groups are formed in a class of formal education. As a self-taught developer, I aim to create a network available to self-taught and certified programmers alike.

"No obsticle is greater than the self."

"With the proper resources, literally anything is possible."

"If you can think it, you can do it."

"Fear is success unnoticed."

"Failure is success in progress."

The Founder's Adventures

Joshua Netzley, Entrepreneur and Small Business Owner, Aquarius of the year 1981.
A brain for elcetronics from a very young age, repairing game controllers and consoles at the age of 8 was a simple hobby that left the interest unsatisfied. It was a natural feeling procceding through a 16 month Computer Science course by the age of 17, learning the hardware components of computers, as well as navigation of the Microsoft DOS and mouse-less navigation of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Then, standing on a lack of resources, turning to the internet was the greatest option. By 2000 the internet had already had a vast supply of resources for research and learning just about anything.
Here is where we give credit to the major sources for my research, and the two most influentual sources for practicing the ancient art of trial and error in HTML.

Over the next 20 years, the rabbit hole seemed to keep getting deeper. HTML obviously wasn't enough, not for the passion and not for the world. Programming languages emerged faster than most could learn them and being self-taught, keeping up proved difficult. However, that did not stop the growth of passion for Computer Science. The vast scope revealed a hint of A.D.D. as the decision on which language to learn next revolved faster than a six shot pistol.
Learning HTML progressed to PHP and Mysql but came at the cost of time; finding a section of code online, then changing and adding to it in order to obtain the desired operation. This time was not wasted as data management and manipulation was the hot hit. The ability to create, view and manipulate arrays and databases paved a highway for ideas. The ideas are where the A.D.D. hit hardest with desires of web pages, Windows applications, as well as tablet and small device applications. The langauges between web coding and software programming are similar yet very different in practice. A realization of the benefit of focusing on one, either web or software, may have come a bit late. Again, time is not wasted as this lead to a rich experience with most of the common web langauges and an understanding of the software development structure.

    Languages of Experience
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • AJAX
  • JSON
  • Python

The Founder's Ladder

Outside of the computer passion, there has been alot of time spent in the growth and care of each community lived in or vistied.
Starting with carrying lumber, the rungs on the Founder's Ladder of growth include the founding and establishment of:

Personal Projects

Thanks to the ridiculously over priced products from, The Computer Programming Network is able to offer a trove of personal projects, notes, tips, code examples and some very awesome resources, including some PDF files!

The projects listed highlight my evolution as I learn and work more with computer languages. As with my time in construction, I have struggled with "interior design". Understanding code functionality has come a lot easier than the ability to design an asthectically pleasing experience. These projects will also display my evolution in web design and element layout.

    Crave Music * In development
    It's where you go when you Crave Music.
    Freedom Space * In development
    Socialize with freedom of expression.
    Code Cave * No longer maintained
    A trove of tips, examples and resources.
    Miliplex * In development
    The Military Complex Game.
    Geography USA
    The Geography and details of The United States of America. * Amazing learning tool!
    Name Generator
    Excellent for naming a game character or even a baby!
    Naughty Night
    A digital spin on the famous Naughty Dice Game.

I also have a few unfinished projects as well as a couple projects that are not listed and are for my personal use. These projects include a scheduling program for me Pet Daycare & Boarding business that I have used flawlessly since June 2022. As well as a "Contacts" program to store friend information in a format that I prefer, including the information I want and excluding the information that I find irrelevent, while incorporating personally preferred functions.

Personal Game Guides

Personal Game Guides were built to provide myself with easy to find information about video games that I play. These guides were built to my personal preference and highlights my ability to create a custom program to suit personal needs. This section also displays a difference in the use of PHP vs JavaScript, proving the strength of JavaScript and it's importance in project development and user experience.

    Civilization VI * In development
    This guide utilizes .txt files to store information and PHP to retreive and display the various information.
    Red Dead Redemption 2 * In development
    This guide utilizes pre-defined JavaScript arrays and dictionaries on a .js file, and retrieves the information using JavaScript within the HTML Script tag to display the various information in designated HTML elements.

Contact The Computer Programming Network

Address: 420 Alien Avenue, Galaxtus Jupiter A735Z9

Phone: (555) 420-0420
Fax Number: (555) 420-4200
Business Hours: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM