Love God.
Love People.

Times ▽

Worship services happen on Sundays at 9 and 11am, both on-site and online. ASL interpretation and Spanish translation offered at 11am.

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Here ▽

You might be wondering what Worship Center is like, what we believe, and what to expect. Click below to get to know us a little better!

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If you’re ready to visit, let us know you’re coming. We’d love to meet you, give you a free gift, and answer any questions you may have.

We're Here To Help

Worship Center is a church in Lancaster County, PA, whose main mission is to love God and love people. We’re here to help you take your next step in following Jesus, finding your people, and serving the world around you. We believe only Jesus can transform our hearts and lives, and that finding our identity in anything other than him leaves us empty. Knowing Jesus is not about a list of rules; its about living a new way of life — a new nature.

As we grow in our new life, we also grow in community with each other. People in church should be connected, needed, and known. We believe each person has unique talents and abilities that build up the church and serve the world around them. As we follow Jesus, we want to help people like he did and build his kingdom for the good of others and the glory of God.

>>>>>> How can we help you?

Kids &


At Worship Center, your child or teen will have a safe place to grow in their journey of faith and learn what it means to follow Jesus. We want to partner with parents as they raise the next generation of people who know God and love people.



The Living Room (TLR) is our ministry for young adults, ages 18-30. Here, you’ll be a part of a growing community of people who love God and others and you’ll be encouraged to pursue Jesus, do life together, and be bold and courageous.

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