

When you break out from limiting beliefs you hold that block happiness and success, you enter the space of creativity and miracles. Open doors you did not know you had closed to discover what you can you accomplish when you escape from your own hidden limits.

Mandy Evans is the originator of Breakout Coaching. She works with people from all walks of life, including some of the most successful coaches and writers in the field of human consciousness and people who are just learning to read.

In her books Emotional Options: A Handbook for Happiness and Travelling Free: How to Recover from the Past by Changing Your Beliefs she shows how you too can break free from hidden beliefs that block your success and happiness.

Visit my Amazon Author’s Page for reviews and more.  http://amazon.com/author/mandyevans

Leaders in personal and spiritual development say:

Mandy Evans is the original Miracles Coach. She helps me get clear so I get results. I have never met anyone like her. I love her.
Joe Vitale, author of “The Attractor Factor” and “The Secret” video teacher
Watch “Introducing Mandy Evans by Joe Vitale

Mandy Evans’ work with belief systems is strong and clear. She helps people overcome their own self-defeating beliefs in an empowering way.
John Gray, author of “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus”

Whenever I’m feeling stuck and convinced I’ll never get back into the flow, I turn to Mandy Evans. Her deceptively simple questions are fast-acting, long-lasting, friendly and fun!
Michael Neill, super coach, author of “You Can Have What You Want”

“Travelling Free” gives insight into freedom from victimization through outworn memories.
–Deepak Chopra
, author of “Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul”

To Your Happiness and Success!