This Is Us

There are a few shows that I love to watch.  There is one particular show that at first I had a love/hate relationship with.  Nobody in my house will even be in the room when it is on.  I have literally sobbed during episodes at times but I just could not stop watching it.  There is something about the real life injected into this show and how it weaves it all together from the present and the past that just has kept me watching it through the years.

After an incredible nap today on this Sunday during COVID-19 quarantine life (which is not normal for me), I was scrolling through my recorded shows to find something to watch and found that I somehow I missed seeing the season finale nearly a month ago of this show.  Life was sure different a month ago.

This Is Us. A show about life.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  It is filled with love, joy, anger, pain, everything in between and then it starts all over again.  How all of those things fit together and make you the person that you are.  The family that you are.  How a family of people raised in the same house with the same circumstances are impacted so differently and tell a different story from the same events of their family history.  How the events of your life impact every ounce of being you become and how you can choose to let them define you or change you.

The show flips back and forth between the present day life of this family and the past from their individual perspectives.  Though there have been a few things sprinkled throughout the series about the future of this family, the final episode of the season really starts to show you a glimpse of the lives of some of the actual people born from the decisions we have watched unfold throughout the series.

It was a blatant reminder that the future of the decisions and events that are made or happen in a split second can literally impact a lifetime.  Not only a lifetime of a person but the entire line and creation of a family.  (I would inject some examples here but would not want to spoil the viewing experience of anyone that has not watched the show.  By the way, if you need a quarantine binge watch you can start here…but I would warn you to grab some tissues.)

I found myself literally smiling today during those glimpses of the future and seeing the faces of the people born or impacted by those moments in years past.  Some of those moments intentional and some….not so much.  We have all had some of both of those.  Those who have been watching this series about this family unfold, have been watching the present and the past and then got to jump to the future and see some of the life and good that came from the it all.  There was a man on the show that said something so profound it caused me to stop what I was doing and grab my computer to start typing.  He was referring to a song that he sang during one of the saddest moments of his life and then again during one of the happiest moments of his life.

“That song made us happy, it made us sad, it made us happy again — the whole human experience wrapped up in that one song…the trick is not trying to keep the joys and the tragedies apart. You’ve got to let them…coexist…If you can…forge ahead with all that joy and heartache mixed up together inside of you, never knowing which one’s gonna get the upper hand…life has a way of shaking out to be more beautiful than tragic.” ~ Dr. K

Life right now is uncertain in the midst of the war of this disease our world is facing.  Things happening right now will impact lives, families, business, churches, governments, communities, states, countries and our world forever.  We are living in a time that will go down in the history books as something that at moments is like a Sci-Fi movie.  Something like what we have read about in history of the past that we could not imagine what they went through.  Well we are here.  Right in the middle of a story that will be in history as a story of tragedy, a story of loss, a story of hope, a story of determination, a story of courage, a story of rebuilding, a story of family and a story of victory.

Every individual story will be different during this time.  The same situation will play out in lives around the world for a person but will result in different outcomes.  Partially because of opportunity.  Partially because of the drive of a person.  Partially because of simply how a person was raised.  The reality is that we are all a product of a mix of historical good and bad that we will probably never truly understand the how or why behind or where it started originally.  The one thing that I do know is that each person has the ability to decide the way in which they will live out their destiny.  The way in which they will endure the tragedy in their life.

Today I am thankful for “The Moment” that changed my life.  I am thankful for the “Hope” that I have always clung to in my marriage to take us to the place we are today.  I am thankful that though I did not have a relationship with my earthly father, there is “Hope for the Fatherless” centered around my Heavenly Father, Jesus.   I am thankful for people who take the time to make sure they can impact people through as many moments as possible like “Two Sisters.  Changing Lives” and for people that have come into my life for a season to teach me about things like “Puzzles. Autism. Love.”  I am thankful for every study I have done or taught over the years that have helped me do things like how to “Get Over Yourself” and get on with my purpose.

What will you make of these moments during this time and how will you let them shape the story of your life?  Think for a moment about the impact that your decisions might have not only on you, but your children and your grandchildren.  Those that are already born and on this earth and those that are not even in human existence yet.  What legacy will you create?


Puzzle. Autism. Love.

There are often defining moments in life that you can look back to that you know changed something about you or the way you think.  For me May 14, 2011, is one of those days.  That was the day that my eyes were truly opened to many things.  One of those things on my heart tonight is the impact that one young boy and a family had on my life.  That day a man that worked with us was in a tragic accident.  He lost his life.  His family lost a loved one.  I witnessed a mom that had to break that heart wrenching news to her children.  One major thing that I remember from that day was the reaction of one of the children, who is diagnosed with Autism, about the death of his father.  Until that point in my life, I had not been around many people with Autism and did not really understand it or know much about it.

Since that day I have been close to others that have children with Autism or other disabilities, attended IEP meetings at school with my friends who needed support, listening to the struggles of friends they have in many areas of life with issues with being treated differently and living with things that many, like myself, can never truly understand.

When trying to come up with a design for our maze, there was only one that kept coming back to my mind.  I knew wanted to have a cause.  A reason behind the design.  The one thing that kept coming to my mind was the Autism puzzle piece and the love that I have for this family and others that I am close to.  Here is a picture of our maze design this year.


It will be sure to stump even those expert maze goers while at the same time bringing awareness to Autism by incorporating puzzle pieces into the maze design.  To us it represents unity.  We are all different in our own ways, but together as a community we make a puzzle and each person has their own unique way of fitting in.  We hope that the families that are impacted by children with special needs are celebrated by bringing awareness about this subject and the challenges that they face.  

My personal challenge to you is to take some time to understand the special needs that families have that have children with disabilities if you do not already, ensuring inclusion and acceptance with appreciation for the uniqueness of all people.  Every life was created with a purpose.  I for one am thankful for those in my life that have opened my eyes and heart for those with special needs.  It has been a-MAZE-ing to do something small in our business to show them our LOVE.  I can only hope that there is a ripple effect and that this will be a fun and safe place for all children and families.


Psalm 139:13-16 ~ For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.




Hope for the Fatherless

I am quite sure there will always be a void in my life on this earth this time of year.  I have spent the majority of my life without an earthly father.  Divorce started it and then conflict, distance and other things finished it over the years.  My relationship with my dad was over.  For years and years, I would pick up that phone and just let it ring with no answer on the other side.  I would hope that something would change to put it on the mend.  Years went by and nothing.  Nothing ever changed.

Sometime during 2011, while I do not remember the actual day, I do remember the call and the pain like it was yesterday.  Someone randomly searched his name on the internet and underneath his name it said died in 2008.  I literally broke down.  How could this happen?  How could he have been gone that long without me knowing?  How did he die with the pain of knowing that I would never again have the opportunity to make things right?  Never having the opportunity to say goodbye.  Never having the opportunity to share his grandchildren’s lives with him.  While he was in my life and had met my first child, he did not even know that I had a second child.  He would never see her beautiful face.

As I searched for answers about his death and the timing of it, the pain actually worsened by me finding out that he had been sick for months before he died with cancer.  Not that it would have really made it easier by it being something sudden with no warning but knowing that he would have had the time and ability to reach out to me and let me know of his illness and did not contact me made that pain greater for me.  The words of the obituary did not even include the name of my sister and I as his children.  Definitely a low point for me.  The rejection was pretty unbearable for a season.

There are lots of things I think that can happen to a person when they do not have a father figure in their life or one that comes and goes.  Some fall into lives of bad choices and pain, some are determined to rise above it and some I think never really realize the true impact that it had on their life and why they are the way they are.

Thankfully during my life, especially as an adult, I have had others that have played that role of a father to me.  First of all, my heavenly Father.  The one who will never fail me and comforts me through anything unconditionally.  No matter my faults.  Beyond that my husband, my father-in-love(recently heard that term and love it!!), my cousin, other relatives and many counselors and friends that I have turned to during my life when I did not have my earthly father to turn to.

Just as you see all the pictures of people posting about their fathers that have been a great influence on their lives, whether still here on this earth or have left this place, there are so many I know that have other types of pain and sorrow with their relationships or lack thereof with their fathers that are probably way more complicated and painful than mine.  I can only hope that those people can see the hope found in our heavenly father that never disappoints.  Never fails.

Happy Father’s Day to all those great dads out there.  And honestly, if you are not a great dad or you don’t have a great relationship with your dad, it is never too late.  Just take the time and watch the movie I Can Only Imagine, and you will see a real-life testimony of a life and relationship changed through Jesus and Jesus alone.  (You may want to bring a box of tissues!) And if it is too late for you to make that mend like me, just pick up and be the best that you can be and know that your past does not define you.  It makes you who you are and you choose what to keep and what to learn from and what to rise above from.

My prayer is that one day I will see my earthly father again.  Until that day my hope is in Jesus.  My creator and my Heavenly Father.


Fear, Anxiety and Doubt

The word I was looking for verses about today is Doubt.  Again – I think a close relative of Fear and Anxiety.  Combine the three and you can have a perfect storm.  I cannot even imagine having all of those and not knowing Jesus.  This week ~ I am sure thankful for his grace.

I found several verses that spoke to me but one in particular pretty much describes how I have recently felt.  James 1:6-8 says “But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by this wind.  That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.”

Being totally transparent with this day 3 of sharing my devotional time, I have felt a little unstable recently in many things.  A little tossed in the wind.  I know, without a doubt, the plan God has revealed for my life, however getting there is another story lately.  Decisions that normally should be easy to make(like the color of a wall!!), projects that I should be able to zip through, distractions that I should be able to recognize, thoughts that I should be discarding as the enemy….all these things have paralyzed me at times.  When talking to a trusted person this week she said something very simple which can almost be considered a mathematical equation, because that is the way my analytical brain thinks.  She brought to my attention that I was letting myself be controlled by fear, anxiety and doubt.  She asked me where those things come from.  I said very definitely Satan.  Well unfortunately, in this equation, if you are being controlled by fear, anxiety and doubt and those things come from Satan, then you are allowing yourself to be controlled by Satan.  Ouch.  While it was true and something that deep down I knew and have heard time and time again(even last week by another really smart person!), I did not like hearing it in that moment in that way.  The reality of what I was allowing in my life despite my faith.  I am the daughter of the most high King.  Nothing else has power over me.  Unless I let it.

Her challenge was for me to look up some verses on each of those words and put them on my desk so that in that moment of those thoughts coming into my mind, I had easy access to my weapon to fight them.  So that is what I have done for the last three mornings.  I now have a stack of colorful cards on my desk that I can flip through in those moments where I don’t feel capable, worthy, good enough, overwhelmed or whatever other random feeling I have that is not coming from God.

On the way home from my time with her I heard a song.  One that I am pretty sure I had heard before, but it took on a new meaning for me that day.  Almost a theme song for me in this season.  You see all of these things (anxiety, fear and doubt) are giants that I have let creep into my life.  That I have let distract me.  Sometimes derail me ~ destroying my confidence in things.  This song gave me words to sing out to Jesus that speak of the faith, hope and heart that I need to face my giants with confidence.  It is amazing the peace that song gave me in those moments after hearing out loud again what I was allowing in my life.  This is not a new message that has been given to me.  Just one it took a little longer to sink in and snap out of.  I have snapped out of it.  I am sure that there will be things that happen and thoughts that try to creep in but I am going to pull out my weapons.

Here is a link to the song that I heard that will be one of my weapons.  I pray that if you are facing giants in your life, it can be your theme song to have the faith, hope and heart to face your giants with confidence.


Below are Day 1 & Day 2 of this journey for me that I had posted on Facebook.

Day 1 – I opened my bible to look up some verses about a subject I need reminding about ~ fear. We all have fear in some way. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being hurt. Fear of not fulfilling a dream. Fear of failure. Fear.

One that stuck out to me this morning was this. Matthew 6:34 says “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

We are not promised tomorrow on this earth. We are shown that every day with something. Accidents. Illnesses. Violence. Some hit closer to home than others. Some are just reminders. Some are temporary. Some are permanent.

Don’t leave that dream unfinished. Don’t leave those words unsaid. Don’t leave that hug not felt. Don’t leave that apology never given. Find your hope in Jesus and not of the things of this world. They can be changed or stripped away in an instant. Look at those daily reminders as fuel to live every day like it is your last impacting the world like we are called to do and loving like Jesus did.


Day 2 – Since I had so many people say they needed to hear that little message I wrote yesterday, I decided to continue it with the word that I was looking up today. Anxiety. It is the close relative of Fear. Fear can cause Anxiety and Anxiety can cause Fear. It is real and there are often real symptoms. It can result in mental and physical illnesses.

Before I even opened my bible, I knew the first verse that I would look up and put on my little cards I am writing out to put on my desk as reminders. One of my favorites ~ even though honestly sometimes I forget to use it.

Philippians 4:6-7 says “Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I vividly remember a very very smart man (Jamie Hogue ~ your sweet hubby Andy) quoting this scripture to me and him saying, the bible has some absolutes. Emphatic words that are used to make very distinct points. In this case ANYTHING is the word that he highlighted for me. It says do not be anxious about ANYTHING. Nothing. It does not say “well except you should worry about your job, your kids, your illness, your friends…just don’t worry about the big stuff.” No. It say ANYTHING.

I know that it is so hard with the pressures around us to practice that. We live in a world of worry, comparison, illness, sadness and just pure stress. BUT ~ if you follow that next part ~ PRESENT it to God and he will give you PEACE. It might not be an answer right away that you understand or a fix to your problem, but with that peace you can weather any storm and I can assure you when you learn to trust that he is in control and give it to him ~ he will carry you!!

Btw…if you struggle with this…it does not mean that you have less Jesus in you. It just means you need a reminder sometimes and that you need to put some work into changing that thought process. It starts by turning to him and giving it to him. The ultimate provider. Nothing else will work. Not the social media, clothes, pills, alcohol, work, exercise or whatever else people try to fill their lives with to self medicate that anxiety. Nothing else will last.

Tomorrow I will wrap this up with the last word I was tasked to look up and a song that I will share that is my new theme song. For today ~ be blessed and cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you!!! (1 Peter 5:7) Write those scriptures on a sticky note, note card or scrap piece of paper and stick them in front of you as a reminder all day!!

I will miss you my love.

Quite honestly, I was against it at first.  I was angry and even refused to help fill out the application or be a part of the process ~ which I might add is a lengthy one.  At one point, I actually made him sign a contract that he would not even talk to me about it until after our big fall event because he was driving me so crazy with it.   I think in some ways I felt like he was abandoning me.  The life that we have.  The comfort of him being here every day.

The day that really turned the corner for those feelings for me was right after Hurricane Irma came through.  It was a devastating day that we had to watch a friend and trusted law enforcement officer laid to rest after a horrible car accident that took her life way too soon.  Thinking back, really any time he saw one of his former co-workers, you could see a bond.  A friendship that went deep.  A brotherhood.  That day was different though for me.   As we were surrounded by the family of law enforcement officers and first responders from all over that mourned and literally wept together over this lost life, I saw him in a different way.  He had been out of the profession for over 15 years, but it was like he was a long-lost family member that was back in his element in that moment.  Just without the uniform.

Remember the lengthy process I told you about?  Well fast forward about 6 months and on March 12th, 2018, my husband Anthony will start the academy to be a Florida Highway Patrol Officer.  With just a short time left until he leaves the reality is sinking in.  He will be gone for 6 and a half months to Havana, Florida, which is about 5 hours away from our home.  He will be able to leave most weekends during that time so thankfully we will have that time together despite the drive.

This year we will celebrate 25 years of marriage.  We have been together for almost 27 years since I was 16 years old.  When you are together that long, and you have a change like this in your life, it begins to put things in perspective for you.  We have been through it all.  The stresses of family, careers, finances and just life in general.  There have been many highs and many lows and many in-betweens.  But there was always a glue.  I guess almost a gorilla glue.  One that kept our hearts bonded together through every moment of joy, sadness, anger, hurt and whatever else came our way.  It has not been a perfect and easy road but one that as we have traveled together, has now brought us to an amazing place of love, forgiveness, grace and peace.

They always say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  In our case, even before the absence, it seems like the anticipation and reality of him being gone has drawn us closer these last few months.  We live together, work together and do the majority of our life together.  When he leaves on Sunday to make the trip north, there will be a missing piece to the puzzle of my daily life.  A hole that is normally filled with my soul mate.

During this time, I will choose to cling what I am thankful for…

  • Every year of our marriage. The good and the bad.  Each one has shaped us to be the couple and people that we are today.
  • The two beautiful and amazing children that we have and are so incredibly proud of.
  • Our home and life that we have built together.
  • The business that we have built from the ground up as partners.
  • The faith and endurance we have had in our lives to weather each and every storm. (Our gorilla glue) 🙂
  • His desire to enter into a profession that will serve our state.
  • Most of all, our faith in God, that he sent his son to die for us and his place in our lives.

I know that now it feels like an eternity but that the time will pass quickly, and he will be back before we know it.  There is a mixture of emotions and thoughts about what is to come and the challenges I will have because of all the things that he does in our daily lives.  I know that God has prepared us for this and will put the right people and things in place for me to fill that void.  (Like picking up sod in the field!)

I am looking forward to the weekends ahead.  We will take it one day at a time and while I know there will be challenges that lie ahead for the next 6 months, I am so incredibly proud of him and thankful for the man that he is today.  The love of my life.

I will miss you my love.  XO


Just a few thoughts about a storm named Irma.

I could be upset about the fact that my bathtub that I pre-filled with water to flush our toilet is already running low after two days.  Or ~ I can be thankful that I have a toilet that is not completely underwater in a home that I had to leave because it was flooded by a storm named Irma.

I can be stressed out about the fact that in the middle of a scary storm, I had to mop up water in my house that was leaking so it did not cover our floor in water and that we have wet towels laying outside our door that we can not wash yet because we are without power.  (Which, by the way, all that water went into some large plastic tubs during the storm and was convenient to save to flush the other toilet in the house ~ you get creative/desperate when the reality hits that you have no water for an undetermined amount of time.)  Or ~ I can be thankful that I know that my water will come back on because my house did not burn to the ground, was not flattened by a tree or the roof did not go flying off in a storm named Irma.


I can be angry that I do not have power in my house because there are countless power poles and lines that were snapped like twigs around our entire community and beyond and major damage to some things that I am pretty sure I could not begin to describe or understand even though there are people across the highway or behind our property that have power because they obviously were coming off of a different substation than our house or because that section just happened to get worked on first in whatever order the amazing power companies chose to tackle in this mess of a puzzle they are putting back together.  Or ~ I can be thankful that there are men and women working countless hours away from their own families and storm clean up to safely restore power to people, some of which just complain about how long it is taking or why their neighbors have it and they don’t.  And ~ I can reflect and decide that a little bit of time without the TV going, technology everywhere and constant chaos in my life with the normal daily activities might not be all that bad.  I can take the time to look at the stars with someone that has been homeless for a while that somehow without all the lights around seem so much brighter pointed out to me by someone that slept under those stars last night that I met because of a storm named Irma.


I can be aggravated that I did finally get access to a generator today that was working fine for someone else but the moment it was turned on to be checked to come to our house it was not working.  Or ~ I can remember that everything happens for a reason and because that generator was not working and we went looking for a certain person to fix it that we met yesterday, God took us to a person that we needed to bless whose home was not flooded Monday after the storm while we were helping someone get out of their home but was flooded Tuesday as the river rose higher.  Imagine going to bed with water up to your doorstep happy that it was not inside your home but then waking up, putting your feet on the floor and feeling that water squish between your toes because of a storm named Irma.


I can be stressed out about the fact that I personally have not cleaned up anything in our yard or property yet.  Or ~ I can realize that the limbs and trash everywhere will be there later when some of the immediate needs around our community are taken care of.  Please know that I have by no means done the work of many people that have worked tirelessly so far in recovery efforts with this storm, but in the things we have done and time that we have spent, God has shown me some pretty amazing things so far because of a storm named Irma.

I can be worried about the fact that we do not have the ability to water our plants in the nursery but yet I don’t want to pray for rain because of the effects it would have on those that are in areas of flood dangers.  Or ~ I can be thankful that despite any losses that we have or plants and trees that do not survive, my husband is alive and able to continue to work to provide for me and for our family.  A husband that I am able to serve with to help people during this clean up.  I lost a friend this week.  A beautiful woman named Julie Bridges who will no longer be able to provide for and take care of her son.  A person that can no longer serve people as Julie did.  A child that will no longer have his mother to hold him and love him because of a storm named Irma.

Screen Shot 2017-09-13 at 9.17.21 AM.png

Perspective.  It can change your attitude about anything if you make that choice.  If you take the time to stop and look around you, there are countless ways you can help others now and every day of your life, not just in the aftermath of a storm.  This is a good place to start.  This storm for some brought no damage or they are taken care of with resources they have or insurance, power is already restored and/or life is back to normal.  Yes ~ there are some that life is back to normal.  Some however ~ don’t have a home, have significant damage, can’t cook a meal, have lost their possessions, have nowhere to go, were already in a horrible situation that Irma just made worse…the list goes on.  You can choose to be upset, stressed out, angry, aggravated or worried about all the things that are wrong for you right now(which are probably pretty much temporary or minor compared to many)…OR ~ you can choose to be thankful, remember there is a purpose for everything and reflect on a different perspective you could choose to focus on.  It is a choice you make daily.  Choose the right one and Be The Church today.  Be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Invest that time in those around you and beyond.  You never know what God will show you along the way.

Thanks Irma.  First ~ for leaving us to never return.  Second ~ for giving us a different perspective and the opportunity to serve.


Story of Moses ~ #30

30 days ~ 30 videos ~ celebrating 30 years.  When I began doing this interviews and meeting this SOJ family, I saw something that I was fascinated with.  For years, I watched from the outside and attended the play and was captivated by it, no matter how many times I saw it.  Last year my daughter was in it for the first time and I spent some time there during the practices and performances and got to see behind the scenes.  Among all of the costumes, makeup, stage, props and animals ~ I found an incredible group of people that I think thought I was a bit crazy at first but now are used to seeing me behind the camera.  Even though I don’t play a part or have a role in the production, they have welcomed me into the family and I am so blessed to be a part of it in a small way.

Today’s video is the visionary behind this production ~ Mike Graham.  I have watched this man over the years and seen his heart through the continued pressing on of this ministry.  The vision, dedication, love, heart and enduring spirit in Mike is amazing.  I am sure that it is a difficult thing for anyone to play the parts of Jesus, Noah or Moses while feeling unworthy as we all would ~ when you see him up close and get to know him, you can see the humbleness of a man that had to overcome those feelings and relentless spiritual warfare so he could continue to share the Bible come to life that has changed countless lives with over 500,000 in attendance in the last 30 years.  With any great difference you make for God, the battle will be fierce.

Unity in Christ.  That is a passion of mine that God has laid on my heart over the years.  It is not about the walls of the church that you attend.  It is about Jesus.  I love where he talks about the unity of this ministry.  It is a group of people from different denominations, backgrounds, families and communities.  As Mike talks about in this video, now that I think of it, besides a few people mentioning it to me when sharing their stories, in all the people I have met, we talk about Jesus and faith, but where they attend a church is never a focus.  The focus is on Jesus and sharing his love to those in attendance and involved in the cast and crew.  As with any family and with humans involved, there are challenges, but they make it work!  I believe that it is because Jesus is at the center of this family! 

Mike had a vision to produce The Story of Jesus, The Story of Noah and The Story of Moses.  In the 30th year ~ he miraculously achieved that dream by bringing The Story of Moses to life.  The challenge of bringing a new production together in the time they did it was enormous!  It was truly a miracle to see how God worked to bring this story to life for the ministry and it has been an incredible journey for me to watch it happen.  From the auditions to the production ~ I can not really put into words the blessing this has been to me and so many others.

Tonight is the final night of The Story of Moses.  It is a bittersweet night for everyone because they have had a great extended family reunion like they do each year with an exhausting amount of work, but continually getting refueled by a new production, baptisms, lives changed, the faces and stories of the spectators and how far they travel and the relationships they have with each other. 

With the final night comes the final task of the year.  Tear down and clean up.  If you have been there, you have seen the set and I hope you can imagine the work that it takes to construct it.  Along with that, I hope you can imagine the work that it takes to tear it down.  Especially after you have spent the last months working in the production along with the other things in your life.  One of the things Mike describes in the video is the help that they could use.  From laundry and packing of the costumes, trash pickup, cleaning, tear down of the set to the packing up of the props, putting a puzzle together getting all that stuff back in the trailers and countless other tasks ~ it is an exhausting job for the small group that remains.

THEY NEED HELP!!!!!  Whether you attended the production or not, if you are able in any way to help, it starts tomorrow for 3 days.  On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, they need willing and able people to help from teenagers to adults, the more the better.  If you can come for one hour or a full day, they will put you to work ~ day and night.  Every hour that someone shows up will take an hour off of one of the few remaining that don’t leave until the last thing is packed up and cleaned up.  I have created a Facebook event for you to share and invite your friends to help.  This is a perfect way to serve with a small group or as a family.  I am asking that our community come around this ministry and take some of the load off those that have made this possible.  Thank you in advance for your help and prayers!  Let this be the easiest cleanup in 30 years!!!   

May God bless the producer, production team, cast and crew tonight and in the years to come for their obedience.  Deuteronomy 28:1-14

Last night ~ lets make sure it is a sell out!

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more night to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are not many tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!



Story of Moses ~ #29

Lighting.  Sound.  Special Effects.  Three things that help to capture the audience when Power & Light Productions brings to the bible to life.  The cry of a baby, music that will send chills from head to toe and the parting of the Red Sea in the middle of a cattleman’s arena.  There are so many things that make this production amazing and as I have shared, there are many people that help to make that happen.  Today’s video is of a man that helps to put together the vision that Mike has in his head and coordinate that with the lighting, sound and special effects.  The timing must be precise.  I have gotten to see behind the scenes of most aspects of the play and the last couple of weeks I had the opportunity to sit in the booth where this part of the production is managed and I again was amazed.  It is pretty awesome what a team of volunteers get together and do in this “tiny little town”.  Thankful for this team and for what they do to make this production special.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more night to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are not many tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

Story of Moses ~ #28

If you have been following the stories of the cast and crew of this amazing ministry for the last 27 days, you have watched many different perspectives from people of all ages and situations in life.  Some born into the production, some joining in more recent years.  Everyone with their own reason they are involved.  Today’s video is of a man that might not always feel comfortable in situations because he has PTSD but he has found peace in this production with the SOJ family.  Thankful this can be a blessing in his life to give him a comfortable place to serve.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more weekend!  Just 2 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are about 1,000 tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

Story of Moses ~ #27

Today’s video is of a man that has been in the production from the beginning.  While I do not know him well, in the little bit of time that I have been around him, I have seen a man, along with his beautiful wife, (Story of Moses ~ #7) that have such dedication for this production.  They are faithful in all areas from the parts that they play to the incredible amount of work that they put forward in the construction and set up.  They are faithful to Mike in every way possible to ensure that his standards are met with the production.  I love the way he describes Mike Graham and the role that he plays in his life, this ministry and his church.

This year he shares the role of Moses with the Mike.  While he has played many roles over the years, he has been been playing part of the role of Jesus in recent years.  As he describes, you will always find him out interacting with the crowd and taking endless pictures with spectators.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more weekend!  Just 2 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are about 1,000 tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed