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China Travel Guide

Temple of Heaven, Beijing
Comprehensive China travel information on destinations, attractions, transportation, weather, maps to help you achieve an unforgettable trip!
Potala Palace, Tibet
Follow us to explore the popular attractions and discover the essence of the heritage left by nature and history to this ancient oriental realm.
Chinese Opera Make-up
Over 5,000 years of fascinating history endows China with a profound culture, penetrating in every aspect of people's life…
144-Hour Visa Free Permission
I'm traveling with Air China London to Beijing. Within 144 hours, I plan to return from Beijing: flight to Hong Kong and onwards to London. Is this itinerary OK? Thank you.
Yes, your itinerary is eligible for 144 hour visa free transit in wider Beijing area, but you have to have in mind that your flights London - Beijing and Beijing - Hong Kong are not allowed to have any additional landings within mainland China of any kind. Better to say, those flights within your itinerary have to be of nonstop nature.
The New York Times Travel Supplement has named our company as being in their opinion a large and reliable Chinese travel agency.
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