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Sadguna Vaibhava – Splendor of Virtues
Virtues from Gurumayi for Birthday Bliss

Sadguna Vaibhava
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I like to think of the relationship between the word discipline and the word disciple. I feel that discipline is the natural instinct of a disciple, something that a seeker strives for in order to stay inclined toward and aligned with the Guru’s ever-present flow of grace.
I have learned that each day brings a new opportunity to practice discipline by focusing on love and respect. One way that I try to do this is by chanting while I cook. I used to experience resentment about cooking. But now, by chanting when I cook, it is as if I am riding an engine toward love and respect. This practice has resulted in the manifestation of peace in my family. I have also come to feel that my cooking enables me to offer my service toward the highest consciousness.

Dombivli, India

I practice discipline in my life by making an effort to see the hand of God in everything that happens. I ask myself, “What is my dharma in this situation? How can I practice right action even if I am facing a big challenge? What do I have to learn from this apparently unpleasant event? How can I make sure that I take care of the well-being of the people affected by this decision? Would this decision be pleasing to my Guru?”

I have learned to make these efforts through years of practice. I am very grateful to Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga teachings for giving me this ability. I love my work and family, and I am disciplined in taking care of them. One area I want to bring more focus to is taking care of myself—exercising, meditating, and taking time to do what is essential for my soul. This month, in honor of Gurumayi’s birthday, I make the resolution to focus on creating balance in my life so I have enough time and energy for pursuing my deepest longing.

Marlanval, France

Discipline has been a challenge for me in my sadhana. I pray for support, while I know that self-effort is key; to learn discipline I have to make the effort and I have to be willing to stay in awareness and choose to change old habits. 
After I participated in a Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in Gurudev Siddha Peeth in 2020, discipline came easier to me, after having had the support of the Ashram to practice being in my heart every day. Then, after coming home, I got into the daily rush and my discipline started to wane.
So with this call from Gurumayi to remember discipline, I am employing that self-effort once again. It is made easier for me when I remember Gurumayi’s teaching about thinking of God’s presence in every action. This supports me in remembering my purpose for discipline—which is to honor God in me and everything around me.

Kingscliff, Australia

Every morning I sit for meditation, prayer, asanas, and pranayama. Sometimes my practice is strong and firm, other times it is not. My greatest challenge is to not judge the quality of my practice and to be grateful for what it is. I find that returning to my practice every morning gives me the absolute best start for the day!

Hørsholm, Denmark

For many years, the virtue of discipline has significantly shaped my life. Over the past year, after I became ill, my sleep became erratic, and I had days of doing nothing. As I began to heal, I set an intention to sleep well at night and to once again be disciplined. I decided to offer my daily hatha yoga practice to Gurumayi in honor of her birthday month. As I started to do that beginning June 1, my sleep pattern became naturally easeful and regular.
I offered this gift to Gurumayi, and I received from her the gift of positivity, which has supported me in restoring discipline to my life.
When I practice discipline, I enjoy the many moments of my day, and I experience Shri Guru’s blessings, which lead me to a happy state of mind.

Gurgaon, India

What perfect timing for me to find discipline as the virtue for today!

This year I decided that on the first Sunday of each month I would dedicate the whole day to doing the practices, starting with Shri Guru Gita and finishing the day with the Shiva Arati.

But in meditation today, a doubt arose: Why am I spending a whole day on the practices when I could be catching up on home duties, repairs, or gardening? After meditation, I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and saw that the virtue of the day was Discipline. Reflecting on this, I understood how important it is to honor a valuable promise to myself and regularly rein in distractions, training my mind to develop longer periods of concentrated focus on my connection to my Guru and my sadhana. I am grateful for discipline.

Ocean Shores, Australia

Today I decided to focus on the virtue of the day—discipline—during my recitation of Shri Guru Gita.
I lovingly brought my body into the right sitting position, and I let go of my thoughts and gently concentrated on the sacred text. I experienced that discipline is the fruit of love and inner awareness and is not at all harsh or rigid or joyless.
It was a beautiful experience!

Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

When I was younger, I thought discipline was a long list of dos and donts. I imagined that the rewards of discipline, if any, were locked away in some distant future. Then I read Gurumayi’s book The Yoga of Discipline. It describes the term discipline as “alive with the joyful expectancy of divine fulfillment.” Suddenly, discipline seemed both promising and exciting! I actually looked forward to trying it out.
Throughout each day, I have identified dozens of opportunities to choose discipline. When I eat just the right amount, I feel light, alert, and satisfied. When I keep silent at the right time, it’s easier to maintain harmony in my friendships. When I regularly focus on mantra repetition, I feel calmer all day. I have discovered that discipline is a fast track to the reward of contentment in the here and now.

Texas, United States

Since childhood I have observed that all Siddha Yoga satsangs start on time. From this I learned and understood the importance of discipline and I have made an effort to be ready on or ahead of time for the activities of my life. This intention has helped me to set my priorities clearly and plan my schedule beforehand to be available on time. This expression of discipline has changed my life in many different ways, and has inspired others too.

For me, discipline has become like a steady flame that I can focus on. In this way I am able to harness the energy of my senses and direct them towards the core of my being.

I am deeply grateful to the Siddha Yoga path for teaching me about such an invaluable virtue. 

Ahmedabad, India