Friday, May 24, 2024

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 14, 2024May 14, 2024

It wasn't that the late night host was cropped out of a photo, it was that it was the paper of record and they cropped out 90% of him from the photo at the big event last week, but the 10% left was enough to identify him. He thinks it was done on purpose to humiliate him.

Andy Cohen/New York Times/Met Gala

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 14, 2024May 14, 2024

Speaking of things getting to their head, this A list director made sure she was front and center for the press photos and questions at this annual festival. She was taking the spotlight. 

Greta Gerwig/Cannes

Blind Item #8

This former tween/teen reality star turned social media star turned please let me stay famous doing something, still hasn't fessed up to stealing the song she keeps trying to force down people's throats.

Blind Item #7

The celebrity offspring's mother sees nothing wrong with the offspring sleeping with one of the men the mother did many years ago.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 14, 2024May 14, 2024

The flowering financial institution has made herself clear. Adults in their 40's are allowed to be with 16 and 17 year old. She said she did it and it is fine. 

Azealia Banks

Blind Item #6

If you ever needed proof that someone else has access to the social media of the permanent A list "singer," a recent post related to trauma suggests the singer doesn't do drugs. Not true. It was also the subject of said post that got her pregnant and not the A list singer solo and in a group which led to the abortion.

Blind Item #5

The not much left ginger haired one has been mass emailing PR firms to try and get marketing help for his charity next year. They also include a NDA ten times longer than is necessary.

Blind Item #4

Speaking of singers, this A list country singer is about to buy their way out of their Live Nation contract because they are losing money even while selling out 15,000 seat venues.


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