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New York Times - Top Stories



Far Right Surges in European Parliament Elections, Early Data Shows

Voters in the European Union were expected to deliver gains to anti-immigrant, nationalist parties, challenging leaders in Germany and France.

3 min read

Battered by Far Right, Macron Calls New Legislative Elections in France

President Emmanuel Macron’s decision was a measure of the devastating nature of the European Parliament election result.

6 min read

Voters in Belgium handed a victory to a conservative Flemish nationalist party in the elections, preliminary results showed.

3 min read

For Trump, Doug Burgum Emerges as a Safe Option, and a Wild Card

Mr. Burgum, North Dakota’s governor, is a prime contender in Donald Trump’s search for a running mate, but he remains untested on the national stage.

6 min read

Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota walking onto a stage at a Donald Trump rally. He is walking on a red platform with a large speaker in front of him. He’s wearing a dark suit and red tie.

President Biden visited a cemetery in France that Donald Trump skipped during a similar trip in 2018.

3 min read

Election updates: Donald Trump held a rally in Las Vegas.


Donald Trump is expected to have a virtual interview with a New York City Probation Department official on Monday.

2 min read







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