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Chiropractic Therapy


Dr. Elliot Berlin, DC

Prenatal & Family Chiropractor

Berlin Chiropractic Corp.

Options include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustment with no bodywork

  • Chirossage, our signature mix of bodywork and adjustment

    • Focused Sessions are 25 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

    • Extended Sessions are 45 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments



Dr. Sarah Dirks, DC

Family Chiropractor

Independent Practitioner

Options include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustment with no bodywork

  • Chirossage, our signature mix of bodywork and adjustment

    • Focused Sessions are 25 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

    • Extended Sessions are 45 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

  • Craniosacral Therapy: Entails the use of gentle touch to re-balance and manipulate the joints from head to toe while relieving built up muscular tension throughout the body.


Dr. Ginnie Critten, DC

Family Chiropractor

Critten Chiropractic Corp.

Options include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustment with no bodywork

  • Chirossage, our signature mix of bodywork and adjustment

    • Focused Sessions are 25 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

    • Extended Sessions are 45 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

  • Craniosacral Therapy: Entails the use of gentle touch to re-balance and manipulate the joints from head to toe while relieving built up muscular tension throughout the body.

  • Cupping Therapy: Entails the use of ancient Chinese medicine techniques and mechanical suction to increase blood circulation, promote tissue healing, and reduce pain and inflammation.

  • Myofascial Release Therapy (MRT): Entails the use of manual therapy techniques to stretch and loosen fascia to restore motion and flexibility.

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM): Entails the use of specialized tools to manipulate the skin, fascia, muscles, and tendons by various direct compressive stroke techniques.

  • Red Light Therapy (RLT): Entails the use of infrared light wavelengths to aid in the relaxation of muscles and reproduction of adenosine triphosphate on a cellular level, aiding in tissue regeneration.


Dr. Katy Fowler, DC

Family Chiropractor

Independent Practitioner

Options include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustment with no bodywork

  • Chirossage - Our signature mix of bodywork and adjustment

    • Focused Sessions are 25 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

    • Extended Sessions are 45 minutes of bodywork plus chiropractic adjustments

  • Craniosacral Therapy: Entails the use of gentle touch to re-balance and manipulate the joints from head to toe while relieving built up muscular tension throughout the body.




Dr. Alyssa Berlin, PsyD


Berlin Chiropractic Corp.

Individual and couples counseling sessions are available. Dr. Alyssa is the creator of The Afterbirth Plan Workshop, a powerful tool for baby-proofing your relationship. The workshop is made up of nine powerful modules that you can complete at your own pace online.  


Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture


Jason Starr, LAC


Independent Practitioner

Acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs, nutritional counseling, and other Chinese modalities. Jason is also offering remote Chinese herb consultations and herbs are available to ship.


Clinical Massage Therapy


Deanza Dominguez, CMT 

Massage Therapist

Independent Practitioner

Massage therapy is available in 30 minute increments. Deanza specializes in prenatal and postpartum massage. All clients of any gender, pregnant or not, are welcome. Kindly note that Deanza is unable to provide super bills for potential insurance reimbursement. Please call 323.549.0070 for more information.


Tune in every Thursday for true stories about pregnancy, fertility, birth, parenting, and more with Dr. Elliot Berlin and guests!

Dr. Berlin's features:

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