Goodbye Vulcan: Real-life Star Trek exoplanet doesn’t exist
Astronomers thought there might be a real-life version of the famous Star Trek exoplanet Vulcan orbiting the star 40 Eridani A. But a new study says no.
Giant Joro spiders … coming to your city?
The giant Joro spiders are not going anywhere ... except maybe to a city near you. The spiders continue to track up the East Coast.
Astronomy Essentials

Jupiter coming to June’s morning sky, opposition in December

Giant Jupiter is closest to Earth for 2024 on December 6. Then Earth will fly between the sun and Jupiter - bringing Jupiter to opposition - on December 7.

Sun news June 9, 2024: 3 M flares. Auroras possible tomorrow

Sun news for June 9, 2024. Sun activity is moderate with the production of 3 M flares. Auroral display expected late tomorrow.

Phoenix exoplanet’s puffy atmosphere survives red giant star

Astronomers have discovered a Neptune-sized world orbiting close to a red giant star. And surprisingly, the exoplanet's puffy atmosphere is still intact.
Human World

Apollo 8 Earthrise photographer killed in plane crash

Apollo 8's William Anders captured the iconic "Earthrise" photo on Christmas Eve, 1968. Anders was killed Friday, when the plane he was piloting alone crashed.
Human World

Celebrate World Oceans Day today, June 7, 2024

World Oceans Day has been honored since 1992. It's a day to raise awareness about how we're connected to the oceans and how we can protect ocean habitats.

Blaze Star to go nova soon! Here’s how to see it

A recurring nova in Corona Borealis - nicknamed Blaze Star - should appear bright enough to see with the unaided eye sometime in 2024.

SpaceX Starship 4th test flight: Lots of successes

The SpaceX Starship - the world's most powerful rocket - had a successful 4th test flight on Thursday, June 6, 2024. Watch it again here.

NASA’s Perpetual Ocean video will wow you

To honor Earth's oceans on World Ocean Day, this beautiful NASA video, Perpetual Ocean, follows the currents and eddies around the world.