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Internet Word of the Day


Derived from the first letters of a phrase, acronyms are meant to make the phrase easier to say and remember. With an acronym, the first letter of each word makes up a new word that is, in fact, pronounceable (for example, SNAFU is pronounced "sna-foo" and WOMBAT is pronounced "wahm-bat").Acronyms have been an integral part of computer culture, and...

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NetLingo Word of the Year 2023

Word of the Year: AI

NetLingo Word of the Year 2023: AI
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It's inevitable. Robots are going to take over. In addition to hardware bots, software algorithms have now infiltrated our online lives. Artificial intelligence is officially here. From regulation to religion, there's been a wave of AI updates this year, hence it is NetLingo's Word of the Year. Known as the simulation of human intelligence, it's time to learn about this brave new world. Read more...

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