Gift Basket Wholesale Suppliers


Gift Basket Wholesale Suppliers

Even though running a gift basket business is low cost and affordable, you will still need to make timely and critical decisions for your business to succeed.  One of the biggest decisions that you will have to make is choosing your gift basket suppliers and distributors, because there are a wide range to choose from.  Initially however, especially if you’re just starting out, it is advisable you choose a niche that you will be comfortable with.  Once you have decided on the niche, the work of finding a supplier will be that much easier and enjoyable. If you have the space in your home, that is probably the best location for you to begin your gift basket business.  This will keep your overhead low, and you may have some built in help nearby. Who could that be? Why, your … [Read More...]

Gift Basket Tradeshows


Gift Basket Wholesaler Trade Shows

Not only will you find beneficial gift basket suppliers and wholesalers while attending trade shows, it also is the perfect opportunity for you to network -- this is your chance to see and meet partners and customers for your gift baskets.  Trade shows are created and organized to make your business partnering as efficient and easy as possible.  Gift basket manufacturers and wholesalers display and offer details about their products, so you should view the trade show as a fact finding mission. Take home as much information as you can, which should include information about styles and variations, as well as brochures and store promotions. It is a great idea to find out about presentations or lectures that are usually held at the trade shows as well.  You can find out about valuable insights to … [Read More...]

TIps and Ideas


Gift Baskets For Teen Boys? Who Would Have Thought?

Having one teen boy and one tween boy in my household, I am always at a loss when it come time to give gifts to my son's friends. My boys usually give a gift card from some retailer. The kids like it, but it feels so impersonal, especially since they refuse to give birthday cards anymore. So, I was very excited by this idea -- a gift basket for teen boys. I love this simple idea, especially since teen boys definitely do not like too much fuss made over them. This gift basket has soda, candy and sun glasses wrapped with a transparent plastic wrap. But the real beauty of this basket is not what it includes -- it is the concept that really works. You just put in what the teen … [Read More...]


Gift Baskets: Who Buys Them?

Everybody.  But you will probably be unsuccessful if you target them all.  You may also drive your gift basket wholesale supplier crazy, since they will not have any idea how to help you out by recommending new products or ideas, since you will be all over the map.  The overview below should help you get started.  Please keep in mind that this is an important step, especially if you are a beginner. In past years, women were the biggest and, by some research, the only market for gift baskets.  That is no longer true.  In general, we can divide the current market into two entities: individual or corporate. Both are great clients to have. Men do buy gift baskets, but usually it is more of a … [Read More...]


Are You the Gift Basketeer “Type” ?

Are you a crafty person?  Do you enjoy making gifts for other people? If so, then the gift basket business is an excellent choice for your talents.  With the right gift basket suppliers providing inexpensive and complimentary gift basket supplies, you will be on your way to true success and happiness. As I am sure you know, gift baskets are the perfect gift because it is easily customized to suit the needs of the recipient.  That is why making  gift baskets is truly an exciting career because it is  artistic, entrepreneurial and creative.  What is more enjoyable that putting lots of [Read More...]

Sierra Exif JPEG

Types of Gift Baskets

The best way to start off your business is to have a generic set of gift baskets and custom gift baskets in your catalog.  If you need help initially with this, make sure to ask advice from your trusted gift basket wholesalers and suppliers.  Generally around 10 generic gift baskets are sufficient to start with, but make sure the baskets cover a wide range of themes.  The typical themes are baby shower, toiletries, fruits and gourmet imported foods, holidays and weddings.  Make sure that each of the baskets come in the standard three sizes: small, medium, and large. It may be … [Read More...]


Can I Do This From Home?

Can I run my gift basket business from home? The short answer is yes, thanks to the internet and UPS.  The exception is, and it is rare, is when you are expecting to have this be a very large, very profitable business.  Generally, you can make a comfortable living with a home gift basket business.  Having a good relationship with your gift basket wholesaler or distributor can also make running this business easier for you. You also want to make sure that you have the space to run this business from your home. You may not be able to do it if you live in a one bedroom apartment.  But … [Read More...]


Pricing Your Gift Baskets

Typically in the gift basket industry, 100% percent markup of your product is typical. You may be tempted to go higher, but remember, you want to keep your prices competitive. The one thing that is determining your price is your customers.  You want them to buy your gift baskets, but you do not want to set your price so low that you sell your baskets at a loss. It is truly a balancing act. Make sure to keep a detailed account of your expenses.  Do not short change yourself by not having the exact duration of your labor.  It is very important to keep a list of everything that it takes to build these baskets.  This will be the basis of your pricing structure. Timing is key … [Read More...]


Selecting The Right Gift Basket Suppliers

Just as with any other business, the gift basket supplier relationship is beneficial for both partners. This relationship consists of the following features: Partnership As mentioned earlier, both sides win.  which means that  both sides should put in an equal amount of effort to make the business work.  If your supplier do not want to work this way, then move on to the next one. Quality This is the first thing your customers will notice so it is very important that you be equally critical with your gift basket distributor.  You want to think and see things like your customer does. … [Read More...]