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Word of the Day


Definition: (noun) Equipment, such as clothing, tools, or instruments, used for a specific purpose or task.
Synonyms: paraphernalia, gear
Usage: He had half expected that she would drive up to the side door in a hansom, would wear a thick veil, and adopt the other appurtenances of a clandestine meeting.
Article of the Day


Grapeshot is a cluster of small iron balls loaded into a canvas bag and fired from a cannon. When a grapeshot-loaded cannon is fired, the balls disperse at a high velocity, causing devastation similar to that of a scaled-up shotgun. This ammunition was especially effective against infantry massed at close range and was used until the early 19th century, when it was largely replaced by metal-cased canister shot. Which pirate was killed by a blast of grapeshot? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

How to Conjugate "Be"

The verb "be" is unique among verbs for having a huge variety of conjugations. Not only does it have irregular inflections for the past simple tense and past participle, but it also has specific forms depending on what two things? More...
Idiom of the Day

keep (up) (one's) end of the bargain

To do as was promised in an agreement or bargain; to carry through with what one agreed to do. Also worded as "keep one's end of the bargain up." More...

This Day in History

The Fall of Saigon (1975)

On April 30, 1975, Saigon, the largest city in Vietnam and the capital of South Vietnam, was captured by the National Liberation Front and the People's Army of Vietnam. The event marked the end of the Vietnam War (1955-1975) and the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule. The city lost its status as the country's capital and was renamed after what Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary leader and late president of North Vietnam? More...
Today's Birthday

Eugen Bleuler (1857)

Bleuler was a Swiss psychiatrist who in 1908 introduced the term "schizophrenia." While studying schizophrenic patients, Bleuler concluded that the disease was not one of dementia, a condition involving organic deterioration of the brain, but one consisting of a state of mind in which contradictory tendencies exist together. He argued, against the prevailing opinion, that such patients were not incurable. "Schizophrenia" replaced what term for the disease? More...
Today's Holiday

Liberation Day (Vietnam) (2024)

On April 30, 1975, the Vietnam War officially came to an end as communist North Vietnamese tanks rolled onto the grounds of the Presidential Palace in the South Vietnamese capital city of Saigon. The Vietnamese hold celebrations throughout the month of April that culminate on April 30th, when the entire nation celebrates the final victory in Saigon (now named Ho Chi Minh City). In Ho Chi Minh City, there are military parades featuring marching bands and Vietnam War veterans. Fireworks are shot off to mark the hour when the South Vietnamese government officially surrendered. More...
Quote of the Day
Falsehood is so easy, truth so difficult.
George Eliot
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: spotted

cheetah - Taken from Sanskrit citraka, "leopard," related to citra, "spotted, speckled, variegated." More...

fleck - Of Scandinavian origin, it came from the adjective flecked, "spotted." More...

piebald, skewbald - Piebald is being spotted with irregular patches of different colors, especially black and white; skewbald is spotted white and a color other than black. More...

pinto - As in horse and beans, it is Spanish for "painted, mottled, spotted." More...

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