
Sponsor a child in Jesus’ name with Compassion International.

Children in poverty need support now more than ever. And Compassion sponsorship is a powerful solution to that problem. It connects a child to their local church where they receive support for necessities like food,medical care, education and more.

Ice Cream Emergency

Join KSBJ for FREE Blue Bell Ice Cream Emergency stops nearest you.

Rescue This Father’s Day

Rachelle & Carder have your chance to rescue Father’s Day with an awesome prize including 75” 4K TV! Find out how you can win here.


hope is always here

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”- Hebrews 10:23 

Our Hope is always here, because God listens.

Compassion International

Rachelle & Carder in the Morning

Graduates Surprising Their Moms

Graduates Surprising Their Moms

by Rachelle and Reyna Graduation is a time students AND parents don't forget. We wanted to make this one EXTRA memorable, so we got 2 graduating seniors to secretly come in and record a tribute to their moms. And then we sprung it on the moms, who happen to be...

Midday’s With Denise

Join Denise & CeCe Winans as they talk about The Goodness of God

Join Denise & CeCe Winans as they talk about The Goodness of God

I've known CeCe Winans for a while now. She is just a delight!! She and I sat down to talk about her new song "That's My King", as well as her "Goodness of God" tour (that's coming to Houston on April 26th!). She is more than happy to talk about being a grandma to 3...

Morgan in the Afternoons

How You Can Help Serve Houston After the Floods

How You Can Help Serve Houston After the Floods

by Morgan There comes a moment when you're watching the news channel during a flooding disaster that may make you feel kind of hopeless. I know that's true for me. Water is powerful... and there's not much we can do to stop it. We just get out of the way, pray, and...

Spiritual Assesment Quiz

This brief Spiritual Growth Assessment will give you helpful insights and feedback for your spiritual journey.

Request Prayer

God listens, it’s more than a catchy phrase. The ministry of KSBJ is committed to praying for the needs of you and your family because we truly believe God listens.

Stay Connected

We’d love to get to know you and interact with you more through email and text!

Volunteer Opportunities