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“Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a story teller”

Ibn Battuta

Image by Marcus Woodbridge
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Image by Ayda Oz


During a time of hardship and uncertainty in the world, in the unprecedented situation they call ‘lockdown’ all I could think of was getting away! Ironic, when you want to escape the most, it’s during a time where you HAVE to stay home. My thoughts were consumed with why this had to happen and everything was all so doom and gloom every which way, until Ticket-E-Boo was created. A platform where all my thoughts, plans and memories of fantastic city breaks, holidays and getaways could be relived. This blog is a a trip down memory lane for me. A little taster of my early days of travel and how things gradually changed with the arrival of children. I hope you enjoy my memories, my tips and advice and everything I have to share over the coming months! 
Until the next getaway 

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Hello, nice to meet you

During a time where I have far too much time on my hands and a brain that all too often likes to work over time with it thoughts, I...

New York top 5 memorable moments

I know, I know … how could I possibly chose just 5? Such a hard task! But these top 5 for me, were the most memorable and sereal moments...

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