Renaissance fun

Da Vinci Stickies

Explore Leonardo Da Vinci's personal notebooks with the help of machine learning

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Artwork of the day

City on the water

Through delicately layering his brushstrokes, Ippolito Caffi has captured the opaque, luminous green that is unique to Venice's Grand Canal.

Merchants of Venice

Who are these early morning characters? What wares are they transporting through the slowly awakening city? Where are they headed?

Mirror image

Notice how the twin domes of Santa Maria della Salute in the distance echo the two heavily-burdened boats in the foreground.

Venice by Ippolito Caffi

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Celebrate World Oceans Day...

Collective action for a healthy ocean and a stable climate

Calling in Our Corals

In just three minutes help marine biologists attempt to bring life back into coral reefs.

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What's your favorite color?

Discover over 100,000 artworks by color

Gain a new perspective

Views of the earth, from ancient to spage-age

Which astronaut is this?
Clue: this was taken during the Apollo 11 mission
Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, Adler Planetarium
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3D Ancient Architecture

Explore the Mayan Temple of the Sun

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How Does Leonardo da Vinci Connect to Dinosaurs?

Discover connections between culture with Machine Learning

A Sunday stroll

The relaxing figures seem seem to shimmer with life: they're painted using dots and short brushstrokes, a technique called Pointillism.

Music in the air

The Sunday strollers in Paris are a mixed bunch. This man has brought his trombone!

Water, water everywhere

Seurat's short brushstrokes mean that these rowers blend in with the water around them.

Making a point

Though her face is unclear up close, this little girl is staring right at you. What's she thinking?

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat, 1884-1886

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Museum spotlight

The Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine was founded in 1923 by the artistic union "Berezil" headed by the prominent figure of Ukrainian theater Les' Kurbas.

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