Reclaiming Your Life

If you’ve been following this post, you found that I am focusing on women getting their life back and making it their own.   It really is as if you are having a birthday, so if you imagine your birthday is today and you are your current age, how would you want to celebrate? Would you go for something small and quiet, or elegant and over the top?  It’s your day~

Please keep in mind what it’s like when it’s your B-Day.   It’s your day and you can almost wave a magic wand and get your wish (within reason) whether it’s the kind of cake, who to invite to the party, what food you’ll have and of course, what gifts are on your must-have list.

If you absolutely love flowers and color, maybe you’d focus on that stand-out centerpiece that you would remember for the rest of your life.  Whatever your imagine, make it as vivid as you can.  This is the secret to reclaiming your life.  You must know what you want, how you want to live and what you desire to feel as you “do life.”

Use all of your senses to make your new life come alive.   Please remember, this is about “reclaiming your life” and remembering those child-like moments that made life special.

Action Step:  Grab a piece of paper & write down the details of your Birthday if you were being born today.

Today’s post is about having that light bulb or aha moment.   Sometimes this moment is profound and sometimes not, but one thing I know is that once you have your “moment” your life will never be the same.

I had my light bulb moment the other day as a co-worker and I joked about wanting to live to be 100.   Even though we laughed, we really weren’t joking, and admitted we’ve both started some lifestyle changes that will increase our chances of making it to 100.    I realized that if I lived to be 100, I only had 42 years left to live.  That’s when I experienced my “light bulb moment.”

The Aha came when I realized that I had been working for 41 years and committing my time and energy to someone elses dreams.   WOW~  So, I designed some simple action steps for you and here they are:

  1. Take a piece of paper and enter your current age
  2. Now enter the age when you started to work
  3. Subtract #2 from #1 above                                                               
  4. Next, enter any non-working years (pregnancy, illness, emergency, etc.)
  5. Subtract any non-working years from #3  
  6. You’ve now calculated the # of life years you have given to someone else                                  

I used my numbers and I’m shocked to see that 41 years of my life have been given to someone else.  I could be angry, sad or depressed about this, but instead chose to use this information as a catalyst to begin reclaiming my life.  

Action:  Work the 5  steps above for yourself and then ask if you are willing to give more years away or if you are ready to start a revolution to reclaim your life.

Scripture,  in John 3:4  tells the story of a man named Nicodemus.  When told he must be “born again” to enter the Kingdom of God,    Nicodemus reportedly asked, “How can a man be born when he is old?”  “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born?”

You and I would probably have had the same reaction.   After reading the title of this post, you might think  I am reverting to my hippie, 1960s days and just ate the wrong batch of brownies, but stay with me. 

I believe that being born again means a new start, a new life and a new beginning.   As Nicodemus suggested, we sometimes think we are “too old.”   I feel that if you have forgotten your dreams, it’s time to remember your dreams and be “born again.” Birth doesn’t happen immediately, but there is a gestation period during which the fetus is  protected and cared for until it is strong enough to enter the world.   Those mothers reading this post know what I mean.

Before a baby is born, the mother suffers contractions, and sometimes, hours of pain and agony – but as all mothers know, the pain is quickly forgotten once a healthy, baby is born.   So too with your life.  Some mothers give birth and are up and back in the swing of things in a matter of days.  Other births are more difficult and the new mother takes longer to get back to herself.   Regardless of the details about a birth, the mother’s life is never the same.

If you haven’t been “born again,” where are you in the process?   Here are some simple questions to see where you are:

QuestionDo you have a queasy feeling  when you think about never realizing your dreams?

QuestionDo you feel emotional, impatient, quick-tempered and frustrated without knowing why?

QuestionDo you feel like you may not have enough time to reclaim your life & “birth” your dreams?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I believe that is a good thing.   Start with your answers and get ready to take the next step.   Why?  Because after you’re born again, then what?  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

When you are on the journey to reclaim your life, after your relationship with God, your health, spouse & children,  nothing is more important.   The path may seem lonely, but that is to be expected when you begin.   I believe that planned loneliness is not a bad thing, it’s just something you have put in place to create the right environment to grow.

I read an eye-opening book called “The Third Chapter,” after seeing the author, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot,  interviewed on Frontline with Bill Moyers.   Ms. Lawrence-Lightfoot dealt with the issue of using the Third Chapter of our lives to live a life of fulfillment, not totally focused on accomplishment.

“The Third Chapter” highlights the way we live in the 25 years between 50 and 75.   To reclaim your life, my question to you and that I ask myself is, What are You Waiting For? 

Tip to move forward:  Don’t dip one toe into the pool, jump in.  Getting started is a must  because the universe rewards growth and momentum.

Next Post:  Have You Been Born Again?

A mentor of mine, Mike Littman, has a quote I absolutely love.   He says, “You Don’t Have to Get it Perfect, You Just Have to Get it Going.”

This really applies when you have accepted the challenge to reclaim your life.  The important thing is to get started.    Once you get started, the path and way will be opened to you or created by you as you go.

How do you get started?  By taking one simple step.  Here are some ways you might get started, I know you can think of others:

  • Get a new hairstyle
  • Call a friend you haven’t talked to in years
  • Go for a long drive with your favorite music blasting
  • Indulge yourself (spa,  mani, pedi, massage, facial)
  • Ask for what YOU want from a spouse or partner (their response doesn’t really matter – this is about you)

Easier said than done?  Not really.  To thank you for starting this journey, I have a free report titled “Easier Done Than Said.”  It’s enlightening.  I’ll share the link in a few days and I hope you enjoy. 

Next:  Where Do You Begin?


The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up~ Paul Valery


The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live ~ Elbert Hubbard


Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make them come true Leon J. Suenes~


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