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Over 3 billion people have little or no access to the gospel.
We want to reach the last.

Over 3 billion people have little or no access to the gospel.
We want to reach the last.

Our Solution:
Since 1954, radio and other forms of media have given us unique opportunities to share the good news of Jesus in places like China, the Middle East and across the world.
Our Solution:
Every gift reaches more people for Christ!
0 25 50 100 250 500 1000 More
You could reach 10,000 people
with this gift
See Calculation in:

how we do it

Through partnerships with:

Quick Facts
  • Over 275,000 hrs. of content produced each year 

  • Ministering to a potential audience of 4 billion

Content Creators

We partner with more than 120 missions-minded ministries to create and distribute content in 200+ languages all over the world.

Quick Facts
  • Over 300 global staff

  • Serving communities on five continents

  • Engineers, artists, business leaders, finance professionals, and more! 

Skilled People

Our global family members give their time and distinct gifts to help bring Christian media to the ends of the earth. How could God use you?

Quick Facts
  • Over 20,000 active donors

  • Reaching the nations for just $0.01 per person


We are grateful to join together with generous stewards of God’s resources to reach the world for Christ.

God has equipped us at TWR with media to carry out that call as we add new facilities, technologies and forms of media to expand our gospel reach.

We believe this
is just the beginning.

Every person

has a story

We want to
Reach the Last

Do you? Join us!

The Latest News

The nations are preparing to assemble in Paris for this summer's Olympic games, and we’re partnering with Phare FM in France to reach them — will you join us?

Let's go!
0 25 50 100 250 500 1000 More
Choose your gift!
You could reach 10,000 people
with this gift
See Calculation in:
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