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Family Table Talker - Victory

Kidology's Family Table Talkers are a reproducible tool designed to help families disconnect from tech and connect with each other and God's Word.


Train Your Kids to Become Bible Ninja Warriors

It ought to be a sin to bore a kid with the Bible!


Oh, No! Not Another Meeting!

What is your gut response when you hear the word ‘Meeting’? Is it excitement or dread?


Romans Road Gospel Tool!

An updated Romans Road Gospel Tool for Kids!  


Yes! Preschoolers CAN Study the Bible!

Use this Bible Curriculum for non-readers to challenge the youngest children to learn – they will rise to the occasion! 


Soaring with Jesus

Use a hair dryer and ping pong ball to help explain eagles soaring and waiting on God found in Isaiah 40:31.


Why I Do What I Do...

And at the HEART of everything is the GOSPEL MESSAGE…which is why we are constantly looking for new and creative ways to communicate the timeless message of the Gospel! 


That's One Week Rope

How much time do you spend with Jesus each week? 


Levitating Matchstick

A puzzle is shown where one matchstick is standing up and a second stick is placed on top of a nickel and leaned against the standing stick. The puzzle is to figure out how to get the nickel out from under the leaning stick without touching either of the matches or the nickel.


The ABC's of Team Building

I know far too many former children’s ministry leaders who are “former” precisely because the “job” of being in children’s ministry seemed like a “bait and switch.”


Fresh Ideas



NEW from it Bible CurriculumPOWER UP! is an 8-week video game series your kids are going to LOVE! If you’re following the it Schedule, this series starts June 9th!

POWER UP tells the stories of 8 Winners in the Bible, concluding with Jesus, and reveals the Power-Up that made each a winner. 

Your kids will collect Power-Ups while learning how to pick up these character traits throughout their week so they can WIN, too!

Theme Verse: By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. 2 Peter 1:3

Starter Members can download a Complete Sample Lesson or Purchase the Complete Series in the Kidology Store