Memorial Day Savings
25% off Sitewide

Kickstart your creativity with our memorial Day sitewide discounts. It's the perfect opportunity to stock up on essentials for the year ahead.

(Exclusions Apply. Discount is applied at checkout)

Memorial Day Savings
25% off Sitewide

Kickstart your creativity with our memorial Day sitewide discounts. It's the perfect opportunity to stock up on essentials for the year ahead.

(Exclusions Apply. Discount is applied at checkout)

Crafts you'll love
Begin your needlecraft journey with DMC
Worth $100
free chest

For a limited time, receive a free Petite Vintage Chest, worth $100, when you buy selected thread assortments.

25% off our
Stock up and save
a Pattern & Thread

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crafter we have patterns you'll love. Filter the patterns by level and technique to find your next project, then add all the threads you need with one click using the 'Make it a kit' tab.

From One Fine Thread,

Work Of Art Is Born.