HERO Makers

Serving Orphans, Caregivers, and Our Missionaries

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Come be a HERO in the life of a child at risk.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:

to look after orphans and widows in their distress

and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

James 1:27

Winter Missions for MenSummer Missions for Families & Adults

HERO Makers Serve Orphans in Mexico

Our short-term mission teams spend a week in the Mexican countryside just minutes south of the Texas border. We work with ministries which provide homes for orphans and children at risk.

HERO Makers work on construction projects, prepare meals for the children and engage in fun time with the kids and their caregivers.

Come with us to Mexico. Be a HERO in the life of a child. James 1:27

Sign Up for News & TripsUpcoming Trip Schedule
HERO Makers Serve Orphans in Mexico
HERO Makers Serve Caregivers

HERO Makers Serve Caregivers

We form long-term relationships with specific ministry leaders who are caring for orphans and children at risk. We look for loving, committed caregivers with integrity, follow-through, and long-term plans.

How can we support them and their ministry to the children?

HERO Makers’ leaders plan missions that match our teams’ capabilities with caregiver priorities. Though each mission is different, our primary objective is to love and support the caregivers and the children they serve.

Esperanza VivaAngeles De Dios

HERO Makers' Families Serve Together

Winter missions are strictly for men; summer trips are for families and adults. Children work right alongside their parents and participate in fun activities with the children we are visiting.

Read More About Summer Trips
HERO Makers' Families Serve Together

HERO Makers Serve the LORD

Morning worship and devotions, team ministry, prayer, men’s ministry, prayer walks, 3 pm prayer, praying over the children…Throughout the day and into the night, we devote ourselves to honoring the One who called us to serve, and to serving one another.

In the guest worker dorm right on campus, the team has a quiet place to withdraw to rest and reflect, fellowship and focus on the Lord each day.

Thank you for hearing our prayers, Lord. Open our ears to hear YOUR voice.

Join the Prayer Team



Watch Construction Begin on 4,600+ s.f. Home for 12 Boys and 2 Sets of Houseparents.



HERO Makers Help Everyone Remember Orphans.