"Now There's Finally A Way To
Transform Your One-Finger Melodies Into Full-Sounding Gospel Songs... IN JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS!"

By Jermaine Griggs

 Don't take my word for it ...
Listen to real-life examples of these three elementary steps in action!

Step One:                     Click audio to find out                           

Step Two:                     Click audio to find out                     

Step Three:                     Click audio to find out                     

(Click the audio buttons above to discover these three revolutionary steps to playing gospel music in MINUTES... not months)

... and these three amazingly simple steps are not super complicated theories that require several years of experience. In fact, they were designed for the TOTAL BEGINNER with absolutely no musical experience.

You see, what most musicians don't understand is that songs follow patterns. If you've been mistakenly learning songs, one by one, you're only exercising your ability to MEMORIZE stuff (and that ain't gonna help you when it comes time to learn the next song). It's also precisely why it takes SO LONG to learn just one tune.

... But if you concentrate on LEARNING PATTERNS, you'll never go wrong because songs are built on repeating and predictable patterns. You should never ever rely on memorizing dozens of songs when they all share the same exact CHORDS, PROGRESSIONS, AND PATTERNS

Keep reading to learn how you can apply these super simple three steps that will allow you to learn tons of your favorite hymns and congregational songs in MINUTES... not months.

(I've even included some video clips below so don't leave this page without seeing them. You'll be missing the secret puzzle piece that's been holding you back for the longest, if you leave).


I am truly blessed to have found this website. I took music lessons in my youth and never really took playing seriously. I was trained in classical music and could only play what was in front of me.

With the help of The Gospel Keys courses and unlimited community assistance, I am learning all kinds of tricks and have a renewed excitement about playing the piano. I never thought I could master the art of improvisation, coming up with fill-ins to sheet music and other venues, but now I am not only doing fill-ins but am improving my ability to quickly play what I HEAR!

Brunette Carvalho


From: Minister Jermaine Griggs
Thursday, 8:25 p.m.

Listen to a Personal Message
from Jermaine Griggs...


Dear Friend,

If you've been to my main website before, you already know that I'm known for giving away tons of techniques, concepts, principles, and tricks to playing the piano by ear. And this site is no different because what I'm about to reveal to you is something that half of musicians still don't know.

... but before you read any further, make sure that at least one of the statements below applies to you:

  • You have a very strong desire to play the piano, organ, or keyboard for your church but have very little experience or musical training.

  • You've literally come to a halt in your piano playing and seem to be progressing very slowly, if any at all.  

  • You're a total beginner and want to get your piano training started the right way instead of wasting time and energy on techniques that have little or nothing to do with gospel music.

  • You need help learning songs from "scratch" and literally don't know where to start.

  • You're very good at picking out melodies to songs but don't know where to go from there (...really pay close attention to what I have to share below...)

  • You know how to sight read very well but want to lessen your dependence on sheet music --- in other words, you want to play by ear!

Or perhaps you've been playing for years and:

  • You want to refresh yourself on the "basics" of playing piano by ear.

  • You're still spending a countless number of hours learning song after song instead of applying systematic patterns to your piano playing.

Don't worry about any of these issues any longer. These problems will never be a concern to you again if you learn to apply simple patterns. If you can identify with any of the statements above, then I highly recommend that you keep reading as this site will change the way you look at gospel music --- I PROMISE!


There are four main ATTITUDES that hinder musicians from progressing in their abilities to play gospel music by ear. Let me explain...


Attitude #1: "Learning songs by myself is too difficult so I'd rather just get the chords from someone else..."

Relying on others to show us chords and progressions is one of the leading causes why we don't move to the next level in our playing. While we might sound, look, and play beautifully, the reality is that we don't understand anything we're playing. Sure enough, we might be playing some of the prettiest "2-5-1" progressions ever heard, but we lack substance ... knowledge ... and the know-how to advance to the next level.


Attitude #2: "Ok... I'll learn the song in 'Ab' major but I'd rather transpose it to all of the other keys..."

This is one of the biggest hindrances known not only to gospel musicians --- but to musicians in general. Why? Because every chord has multiple roles. By just playing in the key of "Ab" or "Eb", you've only used "Abmin9" or "Ebmin11" chords as it relates to those particular keys. But did you know that "Ebmin11" also has a role in the key of "Gb" or even the key of "B" major? It's not that you have to learn a whole new way of playing --- YOU JUST HAVE TO TRANSFORM YOUR MIND TO THINK IN PATTERNS ... that's all.


Attitude #3: "I'll just learn new songs by pressing different notes and chords on my piano until it sounds right..."

"Guessing" may or may not work for you but I can say that it is far from the best method of learning new songs. And while it may sound funny, tons of musicians rely on this very technique to "play by ear" --- though I wouldn't call it exactly that. It is the absolute opposite of learning music theory and patterns and ultimately leads to frustration and exhaustion. In other words, you simply get tired of doing the same thing over and over again.


Attitude #4: "I'm a trained sight reader so I can survive in a church setting by getting the sheet music to all of the songs..."

This may work until there's either no sheet music for a particular song or until someone ends up improvising on a song without giving you prior notice. I would honestly say that in most church settings, the ability to play by ear is absolutely a must! To be quite frank with you, reading sheet music will only go so far --- especially if you're playing piano or organ in an uptempo, charismatic church. Rather, developing your ear and being on alert for sudden changes in a song will assure your "survivability" in a church setting.


By learning simple patterns, you'll abolish these thoughts from your mind from now on ...

If you've never had any of the above "attitudes," I'd like to congratulate you because I know I've dealt with them at one time or another. In fact, attitude #2 was one of my biggest hindrances. But after learning the basics, I was able to see the "whole picture" in a better way.

My friend ... it's just like anything else you've learned how to do. You learned how to walk ONCE and now you can walk and run wherever you want to. You learned how to talk, and now you can organize your words into different patterns to relay your thoughts to other people. You learned how to write and now you can combine different words to create meaning on a sheet of paper. Well... learning hymns and congregational songs is the same way. You learn the three basic steps to playing simple songs, and you then perform them over and over again.

If you let me, I can show you step-by-step how to play basic congregational songs by ear. These are not difficult rules. These are not complicated techniques. They have been used by musicians for generations after generations (though they might not have been explained in the 3-step process that I am going to show you). Once I learned these basic rules 13 years ago, I've never forgotten them.

"I had never touched a piano before coming in contact with this method. I didn't know anything about music. I just wanted to play. I wanted to play gospel music but I wanted results faster than I had seen in my children's playing years ago. I took them to piano lessons for years before they played complete songs and those weren't gospel songs neither. After studying with you, I have been able to play about a dozen hymns in all major keys and I accomplished this in less than 2 months. I wouldn't trade anything for this training. God bless the hearandplay family. I will be coming back."

Donald Jesby, 59, Massachusetts


Just before I show you the details of my program, here's a few things about myself:

*Use the scrollbars to the right to view the entire section.

    BBBOnLine Reliability Seal


"I am a retired music teacher, band director, and a member of the board of education in the city of New York. I am currently working in a church part time as well. I have come across much music during my experience as a teacher but your course is far and away, the best I've ever seen. Even though I am a jazz instrumentalist and arranger, I have learned much in the short 2 weeks I've had this course. Your course has given me the same kind of freedom I have playing jazz in terms of opening up my creativity. Being a latecomer to sacred music, I am so grateful that God led me to your course. I will definitely be going through the other GospelKeys dvds when they are available."

Alexander Lombard, 65, New York


Finally, you can start from scratch BY YOURSELF, in the comfort of your own home, without bothering other musicians for tips and advice...

Here is what you'll gain from studying with me:

Learn my 3-step process to playing tons of hymns, congregational, and basic songs by ear! I show, step-by-step, how to take a song from just a one-fingered melody to a full-sounding arrangement!

  Learn how to determine melodies in songs in less than TWO minutes. I believe that learning songs shouldn't take days and weeks! In fact, I specialize in learning songs in less than 5 to 10 minutes! I'll show you EXACTLY how to pick up basic songs by ear in no time!

Discover ways to harmonize virtually ANY melody with just SEVEN chords! By learning how these chords work with the various tones of a major scale, you'll never have a problem finding the right accompaniment to a melody. I learned this technique over SEVEN years ago and haven't stopped using it since!

Learn how to determine which bass notes to play when harmonizing a melody. Learn what I call the "common bass" technique and how to apply it when learning hymns, congregational songs, and more!


"I've been purchasing materials from HearandPlay.com for about two years and they have never cease to amaze me with their professionalism. Everyone knows that there is a lack of resources out there for gospel musicians but no longer can it be said that there is no one catering to the gospel community. Jermaine and his team has definitely filled a void that many organizations have been unwilling to venture into in the past. As a corporate leader, I know the struggles and thank God for a company that is striving to excel in teaching musicians how to play gospel music by ear. God Bless You."

Mark Montgomery, 37, Illinois


 BEGINNERS BEWARE: Start your musical journey the right way before you get stuck with bad habits ...


Discover ways to apply the 3-step process to basic songs like "O, Come Let us Adore Thee," "Kumbaya My Lord," "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee," "This is the Day" and others! After this course, you'll definitely know what it takes to pick out hundreds of hymns and basic songs ... WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS!

Learn how to use your ear to assure that you've picked the right melody harmonization chords. There's no formula, technique, or trick in the world that can help you until you're able to recognize what sounds RIGHT and what sounds WRONG! Don't worry... we will work on this!

There's more good news...


If you're a beginner, this course is perfect for you! It will show you, step-by step, what it takes to go from playing just ONE-FINGERED songs to playing tons of your favorite hymns, congregational songs, and harmonies by ear --- with full sounding chords!


ALSO … every single melody, chord, harmonization, and song is played multiple times so that you never miss a beat! Everything is slowed down and described in detail. I don’t skip over anything --- you’ll see.

 Here's just one of many case-studies ...

Shante Burroughs contacted us because she thought that she'd never learn how to play the piano by ear. Though she tried to get musicians at her church to help her, no one would cooperate. She had no prior experience and not the slightest idea of how to get started. We were willing to take the challenge.

"You'd be surprised how rude fellow musicians can be. I tried to get everyone to help me but no one would. I prayed and asked God for some guidance as I was at the edge of my patience. Soon, I started searching online for gospel piano sites and I ran across your site. I called your phone number and admit to being a little pessimistic as I had waited a long time for help and no one at my church would help me. Your staff said that they could help me and if I just bought your course, that I could schedule one-on-one consultation calls with your piano teachers for free. I took you up on your offer and to make a very long story short, I'm playing songs already and it has only been about three months. I'm harmonizing melodies, playing progressions, and enjoying every minute of it. I'm constantly growing and I'm amazing those around me. I have shared your site with everyone as I've promised myself to never be as selfish to others as they have been to me. Your company is truly an inspiration and I can't wait until you release more dvds. Thanks Jermaine and the rest of you at Hearandplay.com!"

Shante Burroughs, 27, South Carolina

You could be getting similar or even better results. All it takes is applying a few of the simple techniques and rules that I use in my "GospelKeysTM 101 Series" DVD course entitled: "The Basics and Fundamentals to Playing Piano By Ear."



Here's what another professional musician has to say about our resources...

HammondMan (from N.Y.) is no stranger to thousands of people online. He is an organist, keyboardist, director, producer, artist, and more! His knowledge of music and his application of unorthodox chords and progressions makes him one of the best gospel musicians around.

Realm of Hammondman!


Don't you want to study at your own pace? Aren't you tired of relying on others for basic tips and advice? Here's what my DVD course has to offer:


My GospelKeysTM 101 Series dvd course will teach you everything you need to know to get started playing basic hymns and congregational songs. I will show you, step-by-step, how to harmonize every single tone of the major scale. AND since songs are based on melodies (and melodies are based on major scales), you'll be able to harmonize MOST songs.

Note: This course may not be suitable for "ultra" advanced players. This is a basic "101" course on harmonization and creation of simple hymns and congregational songs. If you're more advanced, feel free to check out other dvds in my GospelKeys series: GK 300 | GK 202 | GK 500


Here's what you'll get:

1. GospelKeysTM 101: "The Basics and Fundamentals to Playing Piano By Ear"

Click thumbnails for video sample


Click thumbnails for video sample


Click thumbnails for video sample


Click thumbnails for video sample

Click thumbnails to view video files (Windows Media Player required). Click here if the Windows player doesn't load automatically.
  • 90 minutes of step-by-step, over-the-shoulder footage on how to use the three-step process to play your favorite gospel hymns and congregational songs by ear.

  • Over six segments of useful information and examples. I break up every single tone of the major scale into segments. Every single minute of the course is used to share needed concepts and techniques related to melody harmonization.
  • Close-ups, Titles, and Charts to make sure you're playing the right chords or harmonization. This dvd wasn't just put together. It was designed specifically to make sure you understand all of the techniques from a visual and mental standpoint.

  • Emphasis of all techniques to guarantee that you never miss a beat. I will never quickly fly through anything that I teach you. In fact, I usually play all examples more than two or three times.
  • Concepts from the 300-pg course are also used in hymns and congregational songs. You will learn, step-by-step, how to integrate chapter 17 of the 300-pg book into playing gospel hymns and congregational songs. If you already have the course, you're at a wonderful advantage. If you don't have the course, I will still explain the harmonizing chords enough for you to understand them (but you might want to also consider the 300-pg course as well).

  • Practice Techniques. I cover a host of exercises you can practice everyday so that you remember the patterns taught in the dvd course.


Click thumbnails to view video files (Windows Media Player required). Click here if the Windows player doesn't load automatically.

Plus, if you order by midnight, I will also throw in THREE BONUS ITEMS:

A. BONUS #1 --- GospelKeysTM 101: "The Basics and Fundamentals to Playing Piano By Ear" CHORD CHART PDF (ONLINE ONLY)


This online PDF chart will illustrate EVERY SINGLE chord introduced in the dvd so that you don't miss a beat! Here's what's included:

  • Chord pictures illustrating all major and minor triads used in the harmonization process.

  • Charts and Diagrams detailing how to use various chords to harmonize melodies of different hymns.

  • ALL TWELVE MAJOR KEYS are covered in the charts so that you won't be limited to ONE major key.

  • Tips and Strategies that will show you how to make the most of your practicing sessions and how to quickly grasp the concepts introduced in the basic 101 course.

  • and much much more!

This could have easily sold separately as a direct download for $19 to $25 but it's yours absolutely free as part of this comprehensive program.

Note: You will receive an e-mail with the link shortly before your dvd course arrives in the mail.


B.  BONUS #2 --- 15-minute consultations with my staff just in case you have any questions about what I'm playing in the video.

There's no other gospel training site online offering this type of value to its customers. There are only two requirements that I ask of you:

  • All appointments are to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advanced.

  • All students must call our direct support line (just like you do for software troubleshooting or any other huge "Fortune 500" company).

If you agree with those easy requirements, then this program will definitely benefit you. When's the last time you bought something that came with a personal tutor? Now you have one at your disposal if you so choose to take advantage of this service. My teachers normally charge $25 per half an hour for something like this. So every time you call, just think of it as about $12.50 saved. All FREE for our students.

Listen to a real-life testimonial from Bishop Karl L. Robinson of the Good Success Christian Fellowship


C.  BONUS #3 --- Weekly Training Chats (Monday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays).

Now... I am not even going to tell you that I charge for these chats because I don't. While I host Monday nights, I have two dedicated friends and fellow colleagues that host Wednesdays (Anthony Gray; aka "Hammondman") and Thursdays (Ernest Walker; aka "E-man"). The thing is that most people in our chat are committed and don't have a problem with investing in their musical education. So to not have the material right in front of you might mean to possibly be "lost" in a conversation pertaining to it. Basically, as long as you have the dvd course, you can participate in the chat and know what you're talking about!

Mondays: 6pm (pacific), 7pm (mountain), 8pm (central), 9pm (eastern). Log-in by clicking on "chat room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).

Wednesdays: 7pm (pacific), 8pm (mountain), 9pm (central), 10pm (eastern). Log-in by clicking on "chat room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).

Thursdays: 7pm (pacific), 8pm (mountain), 9pm (central), 10pm (eastern). Log-in by clicking on "chat room" from our main site (www.hearandplay.com).


Special Bonus Opportunity:
You'll Also Get 3 FREE  "Monthly Music Mentor"
Courses Just For Trying This Program...

     As a very special one-time bonus, I'd also like to send you three free courses from my Monthly Music Mentor CD of the month program.

     The Monthly Music Mentor program is aimed at teaching you everything you need to know to play piano in the quickest and easiest way possible. Just as it sounds, this program was designed to take you by the hand and "mentor" you step-by-step through the musical process of playing by ear. If you lack time and want to make the best of the limited time you have, you're going to love what these monthly cd lessons will do for you.

https://secure.hearandplay.com/mmm2/images/cds.jpg     Here's how it works: Order now, and I'll throw in a one-month FREE subscription to my Monthly Music Mentor program - PLUS you'll get three free Monthly Music MentorTM introductory courses, which provide an incredible introduction to the ongoing training... and you'll get all this just for trying this program.

     The three courses you'll receive are "Piano By Ear For Starters" 2-hour course, "How To Find The Key To Any Song" 80-minute course, and the first Monthly Music Mentor introductory CD (80-minute "Getting Started" program). All of this is worth $79.95 but yours free as a bonus today.

     I'm so sure you're going to love Monthly Music Mentor courses that I'm even going to pay the additional priority SHIPPING cost to send the starter kit to you.

     If you love the three starter courses (which you will), keep them and stay subscribed to the program. Every month, I'll send you a new lesson on CD, and you'll automatically be charged only $15.95 a month... which is roughly just a quarter of what one private lesson would cost you... and you can't rewind live lessons). You can cancel anytime you want with no questions or hassles. If you cancel before 30 days, you won't be billed at all.

The Three Courses Are Your Gifts
To Keep Either Way...

     If you get these 3 courses and you DON'T love them and get IMMEDIATE success with the material you learn, you can cancel and keep all the courses FOR FREE... just for TRYING it. In other words, you get to keep all the material for free either way... even if you cancel right after you get it.

     This bonus is worth at least $79.95 alone, and it's yours free just for trying this program --- but this special free offer is only available with your purchase right now.

***If you prefer NOT to get this free $79.95 bonus package, you can "opt out" with one click while ordering... and simply complete your order without the free bonus and 30-day trial. Your choice. It's that easy.


Here. Let's make a deal...

If you're serious about learning the basics and fundamentals to playing hymns and congregational songs by ear, then you won't have a problem with this deal at all.

I will give you GospelKeysTM 101 and the Online Chord Chart (a $19 value by itself)  PLUS I will extend to you  free consultations (normally $12.95 per session). Plus, you'll get the additional 3 Monthly Music MentorTM courses valued at $79.95. So you're not only getting 90 minutes of step-by-step dvd footage on hymns and congregational songs but an additional 4.5 hours of audio training in free bonuses. Then there's the ongoing support --- what else could you possibly ask for?

For all of this, I could very well charge over $130 and still get tons of orders for the dvd, online chord chart, bonus training, and consultations (wouldn't you agree) ? With values at $49.95 for the dvd (90 minutes) , $19 for the online chord chart, and $79.95 for the 3 additional bonus courses, that price would be well justified. But I'm not going to charge you $130. I'm not even going to charge you $100... or even $60.

For just 2 easy monthly payments of $26, this entire GospelKeysTM 101 Training Program plus all the bonuses can be yours. This offer is subject to change at any time so if you're really interested in this dvd course, I suggest you act quickly --- otherwise, you might end up paying $100 or more in the future with no payment plan.

Click here if you are ready to order online through our secure server or by check or money order. If not, my 100% "NO-RISK" guarantee should help you make a decision --- or you're just not serious about this opportunity.

Even though the price is extremely reasonable (about the cost of dinner for two at a mediocre restaurant), here's what's really important. If this program was just another useless course that just sat in your bookshelf and didn't teach you anything new, it wouldn't matter what the price was. IT WOULDN'T BE WORTH ONE SILVER DIME.

But if you can learn just 15  to 20 new hymns, congregational songs, chords, bass patterns, and more, what is that actually worth to you? If you'll finally be able to make that first step to play for your church like you've been desiring to, what is this course worth to you? I can't put an exact dollar figure on it for you --- only you can do that. But I can tell you this: at 2 monthly payments of $26, this program could very possibly be the best bargain and the best investment you'll ever make in terms of your musical growth. Click here if you're ready to take your piano playing to the next level.

Your "Nothing to Lose And
Everything To Gain" Guarantee

  Listen to my personal guarantee

If, for any reason in the next 365 days, you don't agree this incredible program is worth every penny, simply return it (and keep the free bonuses as a gift). You will receive every single dime of your money back minus the shipping costs. You won't be sold another product. You won't be asked any questions. It's as simple as that.

My accountant thought I was crazy to even offer ANY type of return policy or guarantee on a dvd or audio course because of the many ways people could cheat us... let alone a full 365-day year guarantee. However, I believe in my programs,  and I believe in my students so much that I am willing to allow you to test drive it on me. Heck, I'm even willing to take on even more risk by letting you break up your payments into multiple months.

So not only do you get the flexible payment plan, but you have a full year to decide whether this course is for you. At 2 monthly payments of $26, you are losing absolutely nothing and the risk is all on me. What else can I say?

Jermaine Griggs -- President
HearandPlay.com & GospelKeys.com

BBBOnLine Reliability Seal

* HearandPlay.com is a member of the Better Business Bureau

To view this guarantee in a pop-up window that you
print out for your records, click here.


I've acted on my end of the deal ... now it's your call. If you think 2 monthly payments of $26 is too much for you, then ask yourself this question: "How fast will I spend this money on snacks, movie tickets, or other leisure activities?" Some of you can't honestly answer more than 2 hours. I know I can't.

I am trying to literally give you 90 minutes that will start you on the right track to playing by ear. No one knows your condition like you do. Do you honestly need a push in the right direction? Are you progressing very slowly? Are you a TOTAL beginner? Do you want to play for your church someday? Do you want to improve your skills? If so, please do yourself a favor and take the first step.


If you answered "Yes" to any of the questions above and are serious about learning to play the piano by ear, here are five easy ways to order:

1) Click here to order my course online with our secure server (We accept all four major credit cards and deliver to all Countries).

3) Click here to print out an order form to mail or fax your order.

4) Click here to have us call you for your ordering information.

5) If you have a Paypal Account, you may click here to send us a payment. Our order form is now configured to accept paypal orders!


The dvd course is shipped via USPS Priority Mail or Express Mail. You will receive the GospelKeysTM 101 dvd course in less than one week and can get started learning hymns and congregational songs the very same day you receive it. You can literally be on your way to playing for your church service in no time!

I look forward to receiving your success story very soon.



Jermaine Griggs, President

Still not sure...? Did you watch any of the sample dvd clips? Check them out by clicking on any of the thumbnails below:


P.S. Don't forget --- I am including the online chord chart (normally $19) with this special offer. I honestly don't know how long this will last. All I can say is if you're serious about playing gospel music, you'll want to take advantage of this special offer while you can. Otherwise, you might be one of those individuals who pay more than $100 for this package. To receive your copy of the GospelKeysTM 101  (90 minutes), Click here.

P.P.S. Still not convinced that you need this gospel dvd course? Let me give you just one more reason to order. If you can't take what a vocalist is singing and create harmonization for two other singers IMMEDIATELY, then you definitely need this basic crash course on harmonization. It doesn't matter how long you've been playing --- sometimes, the basics are just skipped. If you want to grow in your musical ability, click here to order now. With my 365-day unconditional money-back guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

You Have Two Options:

Physical Dvd Version
(Sent in the mail)
$130.00 (Special Offer: 2 monthly payments of $26)


Downloadable Digital Version
(Not sent in the mail)
$130.00 (Special Offer: 2 monthly payments of $26)

*Instant Access  |  Save On Shipping*

Click here for answers to frequently asked questions concerning digital downloads


Hear & Play Music, Online!
 22521 Avenida Empresa Suite 113 * Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
© 2000-2016. All Rights Reserved


Click here for a FREE 22-minute interview of me explaining some of the concepts taught in GospelKeys 101...