Best Place for Snowboarding!

Snowboarding is a kinetic thrill no matter where you are, but the right destination can elevate the experience into something truly extraordinary.

From breathtaking runs to gorgeous views to brilliant terrain, USA TODAY 10Best’s panel of snowboarding experts compiled a list of their top places to snowboard across the U.S. and Canada. Then, readers voted for their favorite spots to decide the winners. See the full story here!

Annual Ski Sale & Swap

Our Annual Ski Swap & Sale was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone for coming out, grabbing great gear and supporting your mountain!

Ski ya soon on the slopes!

We are CLOSED for the season!

Thank you for another fantastic season of friendship and fun in the snow.

Follow us on Facebook for up-to-the-minute updates.

Bald Mountain Ski Area is located amongst the vast Clearwater Mountains along the Gold Rush Historic Byway in North Central Idaho.

The Clearwater Ski Club offers your whole family affordable, winter fun on land leased from Potlatch Corporation. Since establishment in 1959, this “close to you” ski hill offers terrain for every level of skier and snowboarder. Check out our links to learn more about our small, but action-packed facility.

To fully enjoy all that our area has to offer, check out the Pierce-Weippe Chamber of Commerce website for lodging packages and local information.



Alpine Responsibility Code – OUTSLOPES


  1.  Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid people or objects.
  2.  People ahead or downhill of you have the right-of-way. You must avoid them.
  3.  Stop only where you are visible from above and do not restrict traffic.
  4.  Look uphill and avoid others before starting downhill or entering a trail.
  5.  You must prevent runaway equipment.
  6.  Read and obey all signs, warnings, and hazard markings.
  7.  Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
  8.  You must know how and be able to load, ride and unload lifts safely. If you need assistance, ask the lift attendant.
  9.  Do not use lifts or terrain when impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  10.  If you are involved in a collision or incident, share your contact information with each other and a ski area employee.

Winter sports involve risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee.