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Instant Funders is an eCurrency exchange service providers that allows clients to

buy USD Theta (USDT)

amongst others into their accounts using Nigeria local currency. You can also


USD Theta (USDT) to us.  Our service is primarily for Nigerians.

At Instant Funders, we are

ecurrency exchangers

of repute and we pride ourselves to

instantly fund your account

for both small and large orders efficiently. We do not delay, we fund your accounts instantly. Our numerous client testimonies speaks for us!

Why Do Business With Us?
A. We have a physical office with good customer support in the heart of Lagos (Ikeja) you can come to for face to face transactions. Though you don't need to physically come to our office to transact with us
B. No P2P, no fraud/scam. no escrow account (middleman) to pay to, no delays, no stories
C. You pay directly into our given account details and we instantly fund you as agreed
Buy         Sell
N1,650/USDT   N1,600/USDT
Prices may change without notice Minimum buy $100, sell $100
Pay us in dollars and we would fund your Crypto account
Buy         Sell
N1,650/USDT     N1,600/USDT
Prices may change without notice Minimum buy $100, sell $100
Click to Buy or Sell
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Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm ONLY
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