Current Earthquake Activity and Aftershocks

Monday June 10, 2024

June 10, 1922 - June 22, 1969

Judy Garland - Videos - Filmography

How strange it is when an illusion dies.

More Birthdays and News

Looking Ahead

I was out bright and early this morning in what looks like a beautiful week of weather. Looking ahead at the rest of everything ... I've joined the ranks of those who prefer not to follow the news - just the headlines at the end of the day with Lester Holt. If something major happens - it comes up as an alert on my phone.

Ancient Artifacts

I watched an Ancient Alien episode about the Ark of the Covenant referred to as an alien device that could be in any number of places on Earth starting with the Temple Mount.

My memory stirred. This is indeed a powerful alien artifact ... but I remembered there 12 devices strategically placed across the planet - buried for all time - to be activated at the end

Further, these objects are linked to communication and teleportation along the lines of the wrist devices worn by the Anunnaki and the breastplates or Urim and Thummim worn by High Priests in that epoch.

My thoughts shifted to an archaeologist I met online back in the 1990's who insisted that I was linked to the Ark and wanted me to go in search of it with him somewhere in Egypt near the pyramid. I never saw myself finding it or feeling it was part of my destiny. What I felt was/is - no one would find the Ark as described - not even on eBay.

The word "Arc" is a continuous portion of a circle -which takes us to mathematics/sacred geometry/algorithms that create storylines for the simulation to learn.

"Ark" in Judaism refers to the Ark of the Covenant - a sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews allegedly kept two stone tablets known as the Ten Commandments. "Ark" also references a boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood -> creation and flood stories already explored in a recent blog.

We know UFO drones monitor the planet to be sure the simulation ends properly this time around and doesn't reboot. I remembered the drones have purposes other than surveillance - such as activating object on Earth - or should I say below the surface which could also mean in another dimension.

In the year 2011 simulation theory spiked in the grids - and the Fibonacci countdown sequence reversed to 1,1. There was also an increase in 11.11 sightings. Then I found this video. The ball of light is not exactly a spaceship - but more like a foo fighter. Egypt and the Middle East hold the secrets which hopefully we are about to learn.

After viewing the video - another memory returned - one which connected ancient times with events in Israel today. I 'saw' a holographic "thread" or "string" as in string theory - that connects all things - going from ancient timelines to current events to complete a cycle.

The timing of the war between Israel and Hamas is preprogrammed and somehow linked to the activation of one or more alien devices and closure.

The hologram paused there ... but more will come. Understanding comes from remembering ... not healing an endless string of issues ... get over them and out of the healing grid.

Extraterrestrials- UFOs in the News

Extraterrestrials and UFOs

This is an authentic NASA photo of Mars. What does it show - a crashed UFO or what they claim is the back-shell and parachute from the Mars Ingenuity Helicopter?

Space in the News


Sadly, That Proposed Lake Under Mars' Icecap Is Probably An Illusion

Physics in the News


Humanity Could Make Our Own Dyson Swarm, But It Would Come At A Great Cost

A Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output

Gravity Without Mass Is A New Explanation For The Failure To Find Dark Matter

Technology in the News

Gaming's annual preview marathon took place over the weekend, with dozens of new titles on show

Health in the News

Health Index

Daycares in Finland Grew Forests and It Changed Kids' Immune Systems For the Better

A glowing marker dye that sticks to prostate cancer cells could help surgeons to remove them in real-time,


Brain Cells May Actually Try to Predict The Future During Sleep
  Science Alert - June 9, 2024

The reason is - when focusing during out of body experiences - where linear time does not exist - traveling into what we call the future (grids) is easy. It's the ability to bring those events back to this timeline that's difficult for most people. We call it precognition. Time is an illusion as is everything we experience in our simulation (virtual worlds).

We exist in the realm of "emotion as reality" where feelings make everything appear real when it fact it's all ones and zeroes and streaming consciousness. Humans require sleep to - relax the chatter, process, and reboot or reset their brain (bio-chemical computer). This can also be said of meditation which often results in sleep.

Meditation Messages 2024

Clients and others have been telling me that their meditations have changed - often producing no messages. There's several reasons for that. The grids that have sustained the illusion of this reality are imploding leaving little or nothing for them to access that they don't already know.

Higher frequency grids may be shown but they have no way of processing what they see with their physical minds. Further - the physical grids that sustain reality are imploding and have been for a very long time as we define time. This would not be occurring if it was not meant to happen, so just go with it.

Planet Earth in the News

Planet Earth Files

England - Floating iceberg paintings called The Melt bring climate message about meltdown

India's heat wave longest ever, worse to come

Animals in the News


Scientists have traced the origin of the modern horse to a lineage that emerged 4,200 years ago

40 Przewalski wild horse species return to the Kazakh steppes in this vast Central Asian country

NASA Is Using Powerful Satellites to Watch Over Endangered Species

Archaeology in the News


Evidence of more than 200 survivors of Mount Vesuvius eruption discovered in ancient Roman records

Paleontology in the News


The Largest Feathered Dinosaur Was A 9-Meter-Long Bipedal Predator

Reading with Ellie

Text and Video Blogs

Ellie's Archives

Phytoextractum Plants & Extracts

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Real Kabbalah Talismans

Sacred Jewelry and Talismans

Jewelry for the Consciously Minded

Land Rover Jaguar Fairfield

World Oceans Day

Science and Pseudoscience

D-Day in Normandy 80 Years Later

Foo Fighters of WWII

Steven Spielberg Presents Taken

Episode 1 Features Foo Fighters

It all began during World War II

Sweeping over three generations

Until there was Allie.

"Taken" With Ellie and Allie

Watch All 10 Episodes

Remembering UFO Researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee

Visit Land Rover Jaguar Fairfield

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