Alternative Energy Water

For hundreds of years people have been using the power of water for grinding grains into flour, for sawing wood and for many other purposes. When the electricity appeared, it substituted water in many applications. However, the role of water was not diminished. Nowadays, water remains one of the most significant sources of energy around the globe, which is mainly used to produce electric energy. Furthermore, water represents a renewable source of energy, featuring particular benefits in terms of environmental protection.

What is Biofuel Energy?

p align left Anything with the word fuel raises a red flag, doesn&rsquo t it We can just picture the traffic jams and the pollution rising from the chaotic masses. But the fact is there are alternative forms of energy that may offer a clean solution to the vehicles we love to drive so much. We have a vague idea that these types of enhanced natural resources can save our planet, but we also have heard that alternative energy may have some disadvantages that may not be as talked about as they...

Hydrogen Alternative Energy

p align left Many of you may not have put hydrogen in with the various alternative energy forms. Most of us are familiar and solar energy&hellip but hydrogen &ndash not so much. We also have a vague idea that these types of enhanced natural resources can save our planet, but we also have heard that alternative energy may have some disadvantages that may not be as talked about as they should be &ndash and where does hydrogen alternative energy fall into this equation p align left This page some...

History of Alternative Energy

We've all heard the term 'alternative energy' but how much do we really know about it. The fact is alternative energy encompasses a myriad of sub-topics that and more. This page is dedicated to showing you how it all began and who came up with the bright idea of looking for an alternative form of energy.Let's start with a quick question to get your minds cranking Question Which came first solar or nuclear energy Answer Read the rest of this page to find out. Sorry, but we here want you to miss...

Natural Causes of Global Warming

Benefits of is presenting this series of pages on global warming becaue we believe there is evidence to support it is real. Even so, we are open to be proven wrong, which is why there are pages on why it is not real. Fair is fair. The truth is we just want people to be aware that human activities have the possibility of creating adverse effects in the US, Antarctica, Greenland, and throughout the world. Global warming can also be detrimental to wildlife such as polar bears,...

Global Warming Green House Effect

The truth is we just want people to be aware that human activities have the possibility of creating adverse effects in the US, Antarctica, Greenland, and throughout the world. Global warming can also be detrimental to wildlife such as polar bears, creatures like sea turtles, and sea life like coral reefs. So is global warming a myth or are there facts to support it as a reality of our times? Is there really such a thing as the greenhouse effect? And if so, what is that?

Recycle Symbol - The Green Dot?

Unknown to many, the Green Dot logo (see diagram below) is not exactly a recycle symbol, but rather a trademark that is used in Europe. However, it does indicate of some green efforts to recover and recycle packaging waste. As such, in this article, I shall still refer to this logo as a recycle symbol . Not sure what I mean above Let me elaborate and clarify the situation for you below.

Recycling Should Not Be Mandatory

In the following viewpoint author Michael D. Shaw argues that recycling should not be required by law. Shaw believes that recycling efforts are more of a trend than a science-based solution for environmental problems. He contends that although some recycling programs yield good end-products, there are enough renewable resources and enough space in landfills to avoid recycling.

Recycling Benefits

Let us look into some hard facts. It has become clear that the perceptions regarding recycling are changing. The data and statistics from various government sources reveal that a whopping 20 million could be saved every year if we all adopted the habit of recycling. Essentially, the profits that most of us continue to reap are the result of those individuals that have decided to get behind the process of recycling. Recycling assists in lowering the cost of manufacturing new products. Creating...

Recycling Sustainability

Sustainability is the ability to maintain a certain status or process in existing systems. The most frequent use of the term &ldquo sustainability&rdquo is connected to biological or human systems in the context of ecology. The ability of an ecosystem to function and maintain productivity for a prolonged period is also sustainability. Living a sustainable lifestyle is one way to help. In this series pages we will go into what sustainability has to and more. We will also reveal what some...

How to Remove Food Stains from a Tablecloth

How to remove food stains from tablecloth is a question usually asked after a holiday or a dinner party. Many tablecloths have sentimental meanings to the owner and there is a need to know some great tips when trying to remove the stains. Like most other fabrics and stains it is much easier to remove the sooner you can begin treating the stain.

Natural Resource Sustainability

Natural resources like land and other raw materials can be found as naturally occurring substances. The value of these deposits is usually dependent on the amount available for extraction. These means that if even valuable resources exist in quantities to small to be extracted profitably or exist in a form that make extraction exceedingly difficult then the value is lessened as a consequence.

Why is Recycling Important?

Recycling is the process of separating, collecting and remanufacturing or converting used or waste products into new materials. The recycling process involves a series of steps to produce new products. Recycling helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by producing something that is useable. Recycling has a lot of benefits and importance not only to us humans but especially to our planet.

Recycling Paper / What is Recycled Paper?

Recycled paper is paper that was made from paper and paper products that has already been used and recovered. The waste paper undergoes a process in which it is made into new paper products. Paper that can be called legally recycled paper has to include materials that have been recovered after the initial manufacturing process. There are three kinds of paper that are suitable as materials for making recycled paper. -The picture to the left represents Acid Free Handmade Recycled Paper. Mill...

Composting Newspaper

Composting, often described as nature’s way of recycling, is the biological process of breaking up of organic waste such as food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, worms, and coffee grounds, etc., into an extremely useful humus-like substance by various micro-organisms including bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in the presence of oxygen.

Recycling Ink Cartridges / Why Not Just Toss Them in the Trash?

p align left Inkjet cartridges are made out of plastic. Plastic is a petroleum-based product and takes about 1,000 years to decompose. Every year millions of these empty inkjet cartridges are thrown into the refuse bin. p align left p align left These may end up in landfills or incinerators. An enormous amount of money is spent each year for landfill management because our landfills are filling up faster than ever. Recycling used inkjet cartridges is easy and will be eminently beneficial to...

The Symbol for Recycling / What does it mean?

This symbol and variations of recycling is used to designate recyclable materials. It is composed of three chasing arrows that form a continuous loop. This symbol is not a trademark. It is in the public domain and can therefore be used by anybody. Sometimes though, local law may limit the use of this symbol in product labeling when it&rsquo s used to mislead consumers as to the nature of these products. The universal recycling symbol is known internationally. The three chasing arrows of the...

Betadine Stain Removal

Betadine functions as a topical solution. It is used to kill germs. If your family has children, then you are likely acquainted with this chemical, as it is often applied directly to the skin if a cut or scrape occurs. Betadine is an element based in iodine. This means that if it comes into contact with clothing, it will likely leave a stain. Betadine stain removal can be very tricky if you do not know how to remove betadine stains.

Recycle CD and DVD

Wondering what goes on in recycling centers to recycle CD and DVD Wondering what else you can do with unwanted CDs and DVDs, other than recycle them Read on. What CDs and DVDs are made of CDs (ie. Compact Discs) and DVDs (ie. digital versatile discs or digital video discs) comprise of a mainly polycarbonate (type 7 plastic) disc body (ie. 75 by volume), with dye and reflective layers on the surface.

Byproduct Processing And Utilization

Sterile Processing Process Flow Chart

Ion Wast slag produce is around 100 million tons per year about 10 vrt of the global Ion Wast slag produce is around 100 million tons per year about 10 vrt of the global Rankinite Ca3Si207 Gehlenite Ca2Al2SiO, Wustite FeO Gehlenite CajAljSiO, pig iron 1.6-1J P results in a slag rich in P2Os content of the slag exceeds 12 high in the first slag and it can be used in 2Ca2SiO 4H20- 3 Ca0.2Si02.3H20 Ca OH 2 9.3 Ca0.7Al20j 12 H20 CaO. A1203,6H20 6 A120,.H20 9.4 SiOCa M2 SiOM CaJ 9.5 SiOCa M2 SiOM...

What do you need to know about recycling plastics?

Recycling plastics is one of the environmentally friendly methods of waste disposal supported by the solid waste management industry. More and more products once made from and packaged in paper, metal, glass or wood are now produced from and packaged in plastic. Two of the most commonly used plastic resins found in consumer goods and packaging are HDPE and PET some of the most-often recycled plastics in the United States.

How to Remove Ink Stains from a Dryer

Ink stains on the walls of your dryer are a common, but nevertheless frustrating problem. If you know how to remove ink from a dryer, you'll save both your dryer and the next load of clothes you need to dry. The difficulty of removing the stain will vary based on the type of pen that the dryer. A discussion of the chemicals found in ink is added to the bottom of this article.

Global Warming For Kids

Benefits of is presenting this series of pages on global warming becaue we believe there is evidence to support it is real. Even so, we are open to be proven wrong, which is why there are pages on why it is not real. Fair is fair.The truth is we just want people to be aware that human activities have the possibility of creating adverse effects in the US, Antarctica, Greenland, and throughout the world.Global warming can also be detrimental to wildlife such as polar bears,...

Petrochemical industry and tank farms

Vacuum Pump Charcoal

Vapor recovery units are installed at petrochemical plants, tank farms and distribution terminals of refineries. Tank venting gases are normally small in volume, discharged intermittently at ambient temperature and pressure and loaded with high concentrations of organic vapors.2 Processes used for the cleanup of such waste air streams with organic vapor up to saturation point are often combined processes 2,38,39 absorption and pressure-swing adsorption membrane permeation and pressure-swing...

Why Reuse And Recycle

The construction and building industries consume huge quantities of materials see Table 1.1 . The environmental impact of the extraction, gathering and production of these materials is large and growing. Moreover, when buildings are constructed large quantities of materials are wasted and most of these are sent to landfill see Table 1.2 . Quantities of materials used in building and construction In UK CIRA SP116, Voi.A, 1995 Metals steel, copper, brass, aluminium and alloys Polymers PVC,...

How to Remove Beer Stains

If you ever go to a party or other event where they serve beer, you may encounter a time where you get really excited and throw your beer, which means it may be time for you to learn how to remove beer stains . Beer is fairly easy to remove as long as you know how to do it and if you do it quickly. How to Remove Beer Stains from Clothing How bad a beer stain is depends on how dark the beer is.

Stain Removal for Chewing Gum

When it comes to stain removal for chewing gum , taking the gum itself out of the equation is only half of the battle. Even when the sticky stuff is gone, a stain usually remains behind, the result of any of the many ingredients that make up chewing gum. Stain Removal for Chewing Gum on Washable FabricsWhat You'll Need Before You Start An Ice Pack or Package of Frozen Vegetables Credit Card or Putty Knife Heavy Duty Liquid Laundry Detergent Liquid Chlorine Bleach Powdered Oxygen Bleach...

How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Skin

Removing nicotine stains from any surface can be difficult, but have you ever tried to learn how to remove nicotine stains from skin It's absolutely horrendous process that can take a lot of time, money, and energy. Keep reading, though we have some ways that may work for you without breaking the bank. How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Skin If you've finally quit smoking, you probably have been looking for a way to get those disgusting nicotine stains off of your skin.

Gerald Scott

Degradation Polymethylmethacrylat Co2

Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK PVC presents particular difficulties in disposal due to the potential environmental hazards associated with the chlorine content of the polymer. In principle materials recycling provides an ecologically acceptable way of re-utilising the energy content of the polymer but the processing operation is damaging to the durability of recycled artifacts unless the provenance of the waste is known. The principles involved in the protection of PVC against the...

Why Plastics Need to be Sorted

We have already seen that thermosets cannot be reprocessed in the same manner as thermoplastics, because they do not re-melt. Therefore separation is needed of thermosets and thermoplastics. But what about thermoplastics do they need to be separated from each other Can we simply just mix all the plastics together and reprocess them Well, if we could do this, plastics recycling would certainly be much easier. In some cases it may be possible to simply mix and reprocess but generally the...

Recycling Should Be Mandatory

In the following viewpoint Kathleen Ochshorn argues that mandatory recycling laws help reduce waste, lessen environmental impact, create jobs, generate profits, and promote a sense of community. She uses the example of Nova Scotia's recycling laws to show these benefits of mandatory recycling. In that community, residents are required to sort their trash, which keeps nonessential waste out of landfills. Also, trash is picked up once every two weeks, which reduces the gas needed for trash trucks...

How To Get Stains Out Of Polyester

Worried about how to get stains out of polyester clothing Thankfully polyester is one of the fabrics that is actually relatively easy to remove stains from. Stains on your polyester clothing can be defeated with just a few things that you most likely already have on hand. Learning how to get stains out of polyester clothing doesn't need to be a challenge, especially if you are able to move swiftly and get rid of the stain before it is allowed to set into the fabric.

What can you do to stop litter?

Consequences of litterWhile research indicates that visible roadside litter has decreased by about 61 percent since 1969, litter is still a big, persistent problem. More than 51 billion pieces of litter land on U.S. roadways each year. That's 6,729 items per mile. There are significant, tangible costs to this litter Litter cleanup costs the U.S. almost 11.5 billion each year, with businesses paying 9.1 billion. Governments, schools, and other organizations pick up the remainder.

Mechanical vs feedstock recycling

The distinction between mechanical recycling and feedstock (or chemical) recycling is that mechanical requires physical separation, whereas feedstock recycling converts mixed PE PP PS PVC into basic hydrocarbon building blocks. Thus, mechanical recycling is appropriate for the primary and secondary recycling routes discussed above, through the grinding of plastic products into pellets or flakes. Feedstock recycling technologies, whilst they can handle contaminated and mixed material, are...


Agglomeration is a process stage to be carried out after the material is sorted into a fairly homogeneous stream. The aim of the agglomeration is to increase the bulk density of the waste, which is necessary to ensure good feeding for some plastication units. It finds most application in waste plastics with film flake, which can have a bulk density of just 100 to 150 kg m3. This can make both feeding and storage cumbersome. Examples of film waste before and after agglomeration are shown in...

How to Remove Gasoline Stains

Gasoline stains are some of the worst stains to deal with due to the smell and the pain of taking out the stain. Even though it will take some elbow grease on your part to get rid of the stain permanently, the time you put into it is worth it. We're going to show you how to remove gasoline stains . How to Remove Gasoline Stains From Your Driveway If you were working on your car or your car developed some sort of leak, you likely have some sort of gasoline stain in your driveway.

How to Remove Tomato Stains from Plastic

It can be especially difficult to remove tomato stains from plastic , whether it's Tupperware, or plastic utensils or flatware. No matter where you store the plastic, or for how long, tomatoes and or tomato sauce will leave a stain. When you are cooking, you don't have time to think about trying to avoid leaving stains. If you are cooking with tomato sauce, you might forget to clean the items directly after use, leaving tomato stains.

How to Remove Grass Stains

The bright green color of grass is a beautiful sign of spring and summer. It isn't so beautiful on jeans and t-shirts, and a grass stain is notoriously hard to remove as it is considered a dye stain. The older the stain is, the more difficult the removal process becomes. In order to successfully remove grass stains, you must treat the stain as soon as possible.

How to Remove Stains From Upholstery

Remove stains from upholstery using the techniques shown here no matter what the cause. Whether it's your beloved sofa, a padded dining chair, or your car's seats, stains on upholstery need to be removed as they can make your home and car look less than fresh. You may have tried cleaning upholstery before, only to find that it looks worse than it did before you tried to clean it.

How to Remove Fiber Glass Stains

Fiberglass bathtubs and showers appear to be a great invention however, fiberglass is highly susceptible to stains from hardwater and soap scum and many bathroom cleaners can be too abrasive to use on fiberglass stains. It's recommended that the walls of tubs and showers get wiped down after each use to help prevent build up or water spots, but seriously--except for the most anal retentive among us, I don't see this catching on as part of the morning routine.

How to Get Stains Out of the Fridge

How to get stains out of the fridge is one question everyone asks themselves once in a while. Families clean out the fridge on a regular basis and find themselves faced with stains. Most often food stains can be removed with a little hot water and soap, but the most difficult of stains to remove from the fridge is mold and mildew.

How To Remove Bubble Gum

There are a few ways to remove bubble gum , which includes the aggravating (and gross) pulling it apart bit-by-sticky-bit to the disheartening cutting it away methods, when it winds up on any surface, from the cat to the clothes dryer. However, one is usually inefficient and the other often impractical. The best way to remove bubble gum from most surfaces where you would find an old or a melted piece of gum (ew), is to ice it.

How to Remove Cough Syrup Stains

During cold and flu season, cough syrup becomes a mainstay in many households, especially those with children. Children, by nature, make messes, and sometimes that cough syrup ends up all over the place. This sticky medicine can make unsightly stains all over your home, and, in this article, we're going to check out how to remove cough syrup stains . How to Remove Cough Syrup Stains From Clothing When you're sick, you usually don't fire on all cylinders.

How to Remove a Red Stain from Vinyl Floor Tile

Vinyl floor tiles are a popular flooring option for many people, and a broom, vacuum or damp mop are ordinarily all that is needed to keep them looking great. Removing a red stain from vinyl floor tile, however - or any other type of stain, for that matter - may take a bit more work.

How to Remove Grease Stains From Silk

Getting grease stains on silk seems like the end of the world as we know it--or at the very least, the end of the garment. But you need not start cleaning your house with silk rags, because silk, a natural fiber, is hardier than we give it credit for being. Don't give up on it until you try the following suggestion for removing grease stains from silk .

Process Flow Diagram

Thermo Setting Diagram

In this section we discuss the process flow diagram for the pyrolysis of waste plastics. This is required to be a compact process that can be controlled in a stable and continuous way, because of movement of the high-viscosity material for each unit system in the process. This material can block the flow line and make difficult the continuous control of unit process. In order to obtain an oil product in the pyrolysis of waste plastics, the major steps for waste plastics that are derived from...

How to Remove Cake Icing Stains

Many times, the stains that you get on clothing or other materials are due to the grease in the butter and the dye in the frosting. That means you have to treat it both as a grease stain and a dye stain. Do not fret, though this article will help you learn how to remove cake icing stains quickly and easily. How to Remove Cake Icing Stains From Fabric Your children may get excited about that cupcake they ate at school, or you may spill cake icing on your apron.

Remove Oil Stain from Polyester Fabric

It doesn't matter what kind of oil or grease stain you spill on polyester fabric, it's possible to get rid of. Since synthetic properties make it less absorbent than natural fabrics, it's not that hard at all to remove oil stain from polyester fabric . Polyester is a durable fabric that was highly popular in the 1970s. In recent years, it has begun to make a comeback. While it's easy to care for, it should still be handled properly.

How to remove Worcestershire sauce

A delicious addition to your stir-fry or your steak, Worcestershire sauce can also leave a big unwanted stain however, if you know how to remove Worcestershire sauce stains then you'll be able to add a tasty splash to your favorite dish without much worry. As with all stains, the sooner that you are able to address a Worcestershire sauce stains the better luck you will have at completely removing it.

Remove Food Coloring Stains

Food coloring dye is found in a variety of food and drinks. It can be very frustrating to spill something on a nice piece of clothing while eating lunch or dinner, or accidentally dumping food on the carpet. The good news is that you can remove food coloring stains off of just about any fabric, as long as you follow the necessary steps. Dealing with Food Coloring SpillsSince food coloring is a dye, you'll need to act as quickly as possible to remove it from the clothing before it sets in.

Pomegranate Stain Removal

Pomegranate stain removal can be a very difficult task, but it is very easy to stain clothing, upholstery, and carpets. There are a few tricks of the trade you can follow to try and remove the pomegranate stains, but the key to these disasters are quick stain removal. If left for too long on any surface it may be impossible to remove the stain. With the recent drive to be healthier many have begun to eat and drink pomegranate products.

How to Remove Maple Syrup Stains

Maple syrup is a tasty addition to any breakfast waffles, pancakes, even sausage and bacon get their flavors enhanced by maple syrup's sweet taste and sticky texture. But, those same things that make maple syrup tasty also make maple syrup difficult to clean if you spill it. Check out this guide on how to remove maple syrup stains .

Basic arrangement of adsorptive solvent recovery with steam desorption

Basic Steam System

Adsorptive solvent recovery units have at least two, but usually three or four parallel-connected fix-bed adsorbers which pass successively through the four stages of the operation cycle.1-418-23 Cooling Whilst adsorption takes place in one or more of them, desorption, drying and cooling takes place in the others. The most common adsorbent is activated carbon in the shape of 3 or 4 mm pellets or as granular type with a particle size of 2 to 5 mm 4 x 10 mesh . A schematic flow sheet of a two...

Recycling paper and saving trees

Example Recyclinh

The world cuts down more than a million trees every year to make paper and paper products. In the USA, each person uses about 300 kilograms of paper each year. In Europe, the figure is 200 kilograms. In India, each person uses only six kilograms of paper each year. It takes two tonnes of wood and 200,000 litres of water to make a tonne of paper. About thirty per cent of our rubbish is paper and paper products. It is stupid and wasteful to dump them. Paper on rubbish dumps does not do anybody...

Removing Blood Stains from Upholstery

Removing blood stains from upholstery is not as difficult as most people think. Blood stains can happen on both furniture and vehicle upholstery. By following the steps in this guide you'll be able to clean the stain from your favorite items with ease. Steps to Remove Blood Stains from UpholsteryThe success for removing blood stains from fabric upholstery relies upon taking removal steps as soon as possible.

How to Get Silly Putty Out of Carpet

Silly Putty, a brand-name product from Crayola, is a fun substance that almost seems to defy explanation. It doesn't always seem so fun, however, when you are standing there trying to figure out how to get Silly Putty out of carpet . Instructions to Remove Silly Putty from CarpetSilly Putty is a polymer (e.g., plastic), therefore it reacts to cold by solidifying and hardening. To chill the putty, fill a plastic zip bag with a few ice cubes. Place on top of the putty spot.

Remove Dry Erase Whiteboard Marker Stains

While not always as permanent and as tough to remove and permanent markers are, it can still be a bit of a challenge to remove dry erase marker stains when they are used on surfaces that they shouldn't be used on. Dry erase marker stains can even stain the dry erase boards that they are meant to be used on With a few key cleaning ingredients and a bit of know-how about these office supply staples, you'll soon be able to readily remove dry erase marker stains from every surface that has been...

How To Remove Spit Stains

Knowing how to remove spit stains can save you a lot of frustration and irritation. It can also help to keep you from needing to throw away some of your favorite garments. Whether from a bored toddler, a petulant teenager, or an over-eager slobbering dog, with a few swift cleaning steps, you can soon restore stained surfaces and garments to pristine condition.

Remove Water Stains From Unfinished Woods

Removing water stains from unfinished wood can be a challenge. There are many sources of water stains on unfinished wood surfaces. Although they often appear more permanent than those on finished wood, they are often easily removed using table salt and in some cases an iron. Steps for Removing Water Stains on Untreated WoodMix one teaspoon of salt with several drops of water to create a salt paste. Apply the paste to the stained wood .

The Journey Of Trash

Modern trash and recycling collection are convenient and easy processes for individuals and businesses. When our trash or recyclables are placed curbside, in a bin, or down a chute they are out of sight and out of mind. But that's just the first step in a processing journey. The waste industry does more than simply collect trash.

How to Remove Stains from Silk

Knowing how to remove stains from silk is a good skill to have, especially if you own a lot of silk fabrics. Silk fabrics are one of the most delicate and elegant fabrics. They require particular cleaning and care. There are certain stains which cannot be removed from silk fabrics. Other stains can be removed if you attend to them in a timely fashion. Still, some remain unsure, unless the proper methods are applied which only improve the odds.

Remove Stains from Ceramic Tiles

It's a shame when ceramic tiles end up getting stained they're supposed to be durable and attractive, after all. Keeping them in pristine shape takes work, and stains just make maintenance all that more difficult. If you're worried about whether it's possible to remove stains from ceramic tiles , you'll be happy to know that there are some tools and products available to help you remove just about any kind of stain even the tough ones.

How to Remove Soy Sauce Stains

This guide explains how to remove soy sauce stains from a variety of materials. Traditional soy sauce is made from fermenting soy beans with some special molds, water, and salt, while less expensive soy sauces are made using hydrologized acids. Understanding the composition of the soy sauce helps us understand soy sauce stain removal. The number one thing to know about removing a soy sauce stain is act fast - time is of the essence with stain removal.

Recycling Printer Cartridges

How to turn you black ink green FACT Did you know it takes a gallon of oil to manufacture one inkjet cartridge Most of us use computers on a daily basis and often print material for use at work, school, and home. In 2011, Americans generated 70 million tons of paper 1 , most of which was used as a medium for printing. Much of that printing is done by laser and ink jet printers which use plastic printer cartridges.

Get Stains Out Using Boiling Water

Many people often ask whether they should try to get stains out using boiling water , warm water, or cold water. The truth is that a lot of types of stains are definitely best treated with cold water because using any sort of heat on the stain may actually permanently set the stain into the fibers of the fabric. There are however several instances where boiling water can be highly effective at removing some types of stains.

Get Iron Burn Marks Out Of Clothing

A lot of us typically avoid ironing because it can take so much extra time, but it can also be the perfect way to get that crisp crease in your dress shirt and leave your pleated skirt looking gorgeous. However, if you don't know how to get burn marks out of clothing then you might find yourself very irritated the next time that you attempt iron a shirt or blouse, but get distracted by the kids, the phone, the doorbell, or the latest happenings on The Tonight Show.

Benefits Of Recycling Glass

Glass is produced locally within the Perth metropolitan area, yet less than 30 of the annual production of glass in circulation each year is collected for recycling. The majority of glass discarded in urban refuse is from food and beverage packaging. Depending on the nature of the glass, it can be recycled in the following manner crushed and remelted as cullet, that is, for broken and non-returnable or non-refillable glass containers and bottles cleaned, sterilised and refilled, that is,...

Styrofoam Recycling / What is Styrofoam?

When we say Styrofoam we are referring to that ubiquitous substance commonly used for packing sensitive electronics and other breakable items when they are shipped. The term ‘Styrofoam’ is actually a trademark for a kind of thermal insulation made from polystyrene. The Dow Chemical Corporation owns this trademark. What we commonly call Styrofoam is actually extruded polystyrene foam. Polystyrene foam can be made in three configurations.

Remove Relish Stains

No summer baseball game is complete without a hotdog and relish, but if you don't know how to remove relish stains from your kid's baseball uniforms or from your shirt, your carpets, or your car seats then you may find yourself with a stained mess that puts a total damper on your day. Defeat the gloomy clouds that stains can bring in, and learn the best methods to effectively get rid of relish stains for good.

Copper Recycling Prices

Copper is a mineral that is found in the Earth&rsquo s crust. It is a ductile metal that has high thermal and electrical conduction properties. Pure copper is soft and malleable and a newly exposed surface has as somewhat pink or peachy color. Copper is used as an electrical conductor, thermal conductor, and as a constituent of various alloys. All higher animal and plant life need copper as an essential trace nutrient. In humans and animals it is found in tissues and bone with concentrations in...

Anaerobic Composting / Conserving Valuable Resources

Composting, often described as nature’s way of recycling, is the biological process of breaking up of organic waste such as food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, worms, and coffee grounds, etc., into an extremely useful humus-like substance. Today, the use of composting to turn organic wastes into a valuable resource is expanding rapidly in many countries, as landfill space becomes scarce and expensive, and as people become more aware of the impact they have on the environment.

Types of Composting

Actinomycetes are similar to fungus in the way they grow and spread, but its distinguishing elements are that the types of materials they are efficient at decomposing. The active nature in this microscopic bacteria and the sheer number present (about 10 million per 1 gram of soil), make them highly effective at breaking down materials like tree bark, newspaper, and other hard organic material.

Compost Bin Facts

What is composting and what is so special about the compost bin What is composting Composting is the process whereby you help speed up the decomposition process of organic waste (e.g. food waste, garden waste like grass clippings and dead leaves and twigs, animal waste, etc), and convert these waste material into useful fertilizing material for gardens and soils. Composting has many benefits.

Landfill Gas & Renewable Energy

Imagine a future where communities are powered by the trash they throw away that future is here. Through innovation and leadership from members of the National Waste & Recycling Association and others associated with the solid waste industry, our waste can now be tapped as a source of renewable and sustainable energy. This happens primarily through two technologies landfill-gas-to-energy projects and waste-to-energy facilities. According to the U.S.

Recycling Paper

What do you need to know about recycling paper FACT Every ton of mixed paper recycled can save the energy equivalent of 165 gallons of gasoline. As Americans, we generate a lot of paper about 69 million tons in 2012 1 . Paper is very useful we use it everywhere, all the time. Since the invention of paper in ancient China in the 2nd century BCE (Egyptians were using a paper-like material called papyrus far earlier), human civilization has advanced because of the spread of ideas on paper.

Wire Recycling

The market for wire recycling has grown manifold over the last few years. A large number of recycling companies will buy your old copper wire and send it for refining or smelting. Two of the biggest advantages of recycling wire are that lesser quantity of new material is required for manufacturing and also the amount of copper dumped into landfills is reduced drastically. What happens to the wire insulation Some old copper wires are covered in insulation.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary Improving Recycling Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of Market Failures and Barriers 15 2. The economic importance and structure of the recycling sector in OECD countries 15 United 3. The nature of potential market imperfections in secondary material markets 19 3.1. Transaction costs and search costs in secondary material markets 20 3.2. Information failure and uncertainty related to waste 3.3. Consumption externalities related to products derived from secondary...

The consequences of price volatility

Pet Recycling Diagramm

Price fluctuations in the overall market will have important consequences for profitability and the long term survival of firms involved in recycling. Fluctuations in the quantities of different types of materials collected will interact with this, and firms will need to be able to cope with both types of uncertainty. Such fluctuations can arise from collection where the amount of particular materials included in the waste stream will change on an unexpected basis. This type of problem will be...

Recycling Lead

Current statistics reveal approximately 88 % of the batteries were Starting, Lighting & Ignition (SLI) automotive batteries with a lifespan of about 4 years accompanied by 8% of motive power type with a lifespan of 6 years. Further, 4 percent were a stationary type with a lifespan of 10 years. Widely researched facts conclude that 97 percent of the lead recycled was from lead-acid batteries.

Recycling Waste Collection

Why is it important to know about recycling waste collection It is not sufficient for us to know about the importance of recycling. We must know how we can make a difference. That is why there must be public education on what to collect and what to do with the recyclables. The common man like you and I need to know what to do with our recyclables, ie. where to send them to so that they can be directed for processing and be given a new lease of life.

Pvc Soil Contamination

Deca Pbde Degradation

Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Chimica Fisica e Chimica dei Materiali Universita di Torino, Via P. Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy Contamination in recycling is an extremely broad topic encompassing a diversity of forms such as dirt, partially oxidized polymers, printing inks, paper, pesticides, metals, foil, additives e.g., fire retardants and antioxidants and their transformation products. Contamination in polymers for recycling is ubiquitous be it soil in LDPE mulch film or metal...

QA element raw materials

Regrind Machine Diagram

The raw material element is a key component of the quality assurance system. Unlike the quality-controlled trade with finished products, raw material and inspection Figure 5. Quality loop with quality elements. inspection Figure 5. Quality loop with quality elements. used material trading uses a completely different acceptance procedure generally known by the term telquel . From the quality assurance point of view, this means that a buyer accepts a processing risk without having an option of...

What is Recycling?

Wondering what is recycling about I believe the term recycling is no stranger to many of us. We would have at least some vague ideas of what recycling is about about, either through school, media or even our immediate community. In fact, some of us have already made recycling a way of life.

IDIS International Dismantling Information System

Smart Car Tech Info

The automotive industry has responded to stringent legislation concerning disposal of materials by joining forces. IDIS, the International Dismantling Information System was originally developed by 10 European car manufacturers and was intended to provide dismantlers with valuable information for an environmentally-sound treatment of end-of-life vehicles ELV . This has subsequently grown into the IDIS 2 Consortium representing 23 automotive manufacturers, including all major manufacturers from...

Recycling Jobs

Recycling jobs In this day and age, it is not unthinkable. With growing concern for the environment and growing planet-saving efforts, both private and public sector businesses are starting to invest heavily in the recycling business. Governments too are forced to respond to the situation, develop and implement green policies, and encourage citizens to participate actively in recycling and other green efforts.

The Recycling Process

Recycling, in its literal meaning, is the procedure of making used or unwanted products in into new remanufactured products. The procedure of recycling is unique in the sense that the products are recycled in such a way that the materials that are left after the remanufacturing are considered essential. When educating oneself on the process of recycling it helps to remember that most materials can be recycled but certain products (i.e. cell phones and old computers) provide more of a challenge...

Facts on Recycling Symbols

The universal recycling symbols for recycling are actually Mobius loops comprising three changing arrows used to form a triangle, such as the one seen below. History of the symbol This Mobius loop was designed by Gary Anderson, a 23-year-old-college student in the late 1960s to 1970. The design was the winning entry for an art contest sponsored by a Chicago-based recycled paperboard company to raise environmental awareness amongst high schools and colleges across the country.

Executive Summary Improving Recycling Markets

Markets for many recyclable materials are growing. The growth of markets for many classes of potentially recyclable materials is due in part to policy incentives, but also to more general commercial conditions. In many cases their development is supported directly by public authorities through measures such as collection schemes for recycled materials, deposit-refund systems, and public procurement schemes. Public authorities also provide indirect support for such markets through the...

Wood Recycling

Hoping to find out more about wood recycling Sources of Waste Wood A study by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) found that the following sources contribute substantially to wood waste in a particular area Municipal waste -- when households dispose of wood products like furniture, DIY wood waste, wood packaging. Industrial and commercial waste -- waste from manufacturers of furniture, construction materials (e.g. doors, floorboards, etc), wood packaging, etc.

Green Technology

Green technology is sometimes referred to as environmental technology, sustainable technology or clean technology. It is basically the application of environmental science and knowledge, with the aim of conserving the environment and reducing man's impact on it. The applications of environmental technology are widespread (though some may argue that it is still not enough) in our lives and society today.

What Materials Can Be Recycled?

Not sure what items around your house are suitable for recycling? This page will cover all materials that an informed layman and consumer should be aware of regarding most commonly known recyclable materials. We will also discuss some materials that are not widely known to be recyclable. There should be special attention given to materials that are poorly understood and/or hard to recycle.

Petsmart Sustainability

With over 1100 stores operating in United States and Canada, PetSmart is the largest specialty pet retailer and undoubtedly the most popular one. PetSmart has established itself firmly in the pet market, but in terms of sustainability this mega corporation is yet to achieve the creditability they desire. PetSmart is planning its steps towards environmental conservation slowly and strategically. Several initiatives that have been taken in this direction are mentioned below.

How to Remove Soup Stains

Soup seems to fix almost any emotional and physical ailment, but it can also leave you wondering how to remove soup stains . Now that soup comes in packages that allow them to eat their soup on the go people are becoming more aware of needling to know great tips on how to remove the stains that come with eating on the go. Vegetable base soups are a little easier to remove than most cream based soups, but both can be removed with the right stain fighting tips.

Remove Wasabi Stains

For a fiery kick to your sushi, you can't beat wasabi But if you eat it long enough you are going to find yourself needing to know how to remove wasabi stains from a variety of surfaces. Don't get burned up Simply follow these handy tips and you'll soon find yourself with freshly restored surfaces, clothing, and table linen so that you can return to indulging in your favorite sushi treats.

Remove Apple Stains

A crisp and sweet apple can be the perfect healthy snack, but one of the downsides to a sweet and juicy treat is that it can leave stains you weren't expecting. However, if you know the best methods to help you remove apple stains then you'll be able to enjoy the sweet crunch of your apple without worrying about any potential for mess and stain. Apples can be a bit deceiving to those who enjoy this sweet crunchy snack.

The Paper Recycling Process

The paper recycling process basically involves the generic recycling process of collecting the recyclables, sorting them by their types, processing them into raw materials and manufacturing new products using these recycled raw materials. Nevertheless, there are some variations from the process of recycling other materials. Three categories of paper can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper mill broke, pre-consumer waste, and post-consumer waste.

How to Remove Raspberry Stains

Raspberries are a very popular berry to mix during summer picnics, in smoothies, or just part of a fruit salad. Removing raspberry stains is a skill worth knowing, since these bright fruits can ruin many substances if not treated properly. Remove Raspberry Stains from FlooringIf you are trying to remove raspberry stains from carpets, wools, rayon, or fiberglass, then you should use a sponge which is wetted with cold water.

The Science of Stain Removal

The Science of Stain Removal can be broken down into the chemical composition of stain types and detergents. This article explains the general categories of stains and the best way to approach getting the stains out based on the chemical composition. There are 3 Types of Stains1. Organic Stains Explained Organic Stains refer to stains that are created by organic compounds. Organic compounds are composed of molecules containing carbon and hydrogen and other elements, but do not include metals.

Waste During the Injection Moulding Process

Lamellenwand Ablage

As well as reject injection mouldings, waste is also generated through runners or sprue as shown in Figure 6.8. These are produced on each moulding and are the channels used to feed molten plastic from the injection unit into the mould. These, as well as reject mouldings, can be fed back into the machine if care is taken to avoid contamination. For this, slow-running, largely dust-free granulators are available, which can be quickly and easily cleaned as required. Injection moulding is complex...

How To Remove Tape Residue

Whether you are working with masking tape, duct tape, or just plain sticky tape, knowing how to remove tape residue can save you from a lot of frustration and stress. It can also help to save you a lot of time that would have otherwise been spent trying different methods. With just a few quick steps, you can effectively remove the tape residue from various surfaces in and around your home.

Recycling Cell Phones / A Call to Action

Cellular phones or mobile phones are one of the most ubiquitous gadgets in today’s society. It can be found almost anywhere because of its usefulness as one of our leading communications tools. In fact most of us use them to keep in touch on a daily basis. Cell phones are no longer a luxury for the tech savvy but a necessity in a world constantly pressed for time. We need and love them so much that we replace them with newer and better models more frequently.

Recycling Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles can be found almost anywhere on Earth. This attests to the fact of their usefulness and to the ease and low cost in making these items. Indeed plastic bottles are so useful that almost any liquid beverage or food product can be found being sold in plastic bottles. Bottled water is generally accepted to be a better alternative to drinking plain tap water and especially better than soft drinks and sports drinks.

Recycling Is Not Environmentally Friendly

In the following viewpoint author Daniel K. Benjamin argues that recycling does not help conserve natural resources or protect the environment. He believes that recycling programs are an overreaction to myths the public has been fed about a so-called garbage crisis. Benjamin contends that no such crisis exists In his opinion, there is enough space to hold all of America's garbage, landfills do not produce dangerous gases, and natural resources are not being depleted. Furthermore, he suggests...

Application Of Molecular Sieves

Concentrator Voc

Molecular sieves is a term synonymous in this context to aluminosilicate hydrate also called zeolite. The zeolite is applied to deodorization, gas separation and some other processes. Since this material is, unlike activated carbon, non-combustible, it has increasingly been applied to concentrate volatile organic compounds, VOC. The concentration process discussed here applies to the VOC concentrator developed by Seibu Giken Co. Ltd. Japan.2 The element referred to here as the VOC concentrator...

How To Remove Jelly And Jam Stains

If you know how to remove jelly and jam stains , you'll be able to fearlessly hand your toddler a piece of toast smothered in sticky grape jelly. These types of stains can certainly leave a sticky mess in their wake but they can also often stain the carpet an unsightly purple, red, or even orange, if you do not know the best stain removal methods. Sticky stains, like those caused by jams and jellies, can be a daunting thing to handle.

Lemon Juice Stain Remover

Lemon juice stain remover comes from the famous fruit with very high levels of acidity. It is a green, healthy, and natural cleaning option that will get stains out. At the same time, it can also act as a staining agent if it comes into contact with furniture or clothing, so you need to be cautious when using lemon juice on stained items that could be damaged.

Disadvantages of Alternative Energy

The question that will come to your mind after reading the title of this page is, ‘Are there any?’  Alternative forms of energy seem to be the perfect solution – the concept is environmental friendly, it’s endless, and above all, it’s free. So what's the drawback? In fact, many people wouldn't even consider anything except an electric car as their main mode of transportation. However there are various pros and cons that should be kept in mind before taking the alternative energy leap. 

Old Blood Stain Removal

Old blood stain removal can be tough to accomplish. Human blood is made of proteins and when dry the stains can be very stubborn. Don't fret too much there are a few tricks to removing this nasty kind of stain. Blood is one of the hardest human body fluids to remove from all fabrics. Many women, and some men, look for ways to remove old blood stains from their mattresses.

Why is Recycling Important?

For decades now we've been creating toxic waste and dumping them into the environment without realizing the damage it is causing to all living beings around us. You may think industrial waste is the main culprit of such toxic and massive pollution. You may be right. But then, have you ever wondered where such industrial waste comes from Half the time, it is from the production of our day-to-day products (eg.