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Improve your professional skills, learn new music, and meet people who value the positive power of music in the lives of children.

There are so many ways to a part of our ongoing affinity groups, take a workshop, attend our annual conference...

Journal of Children's Music

In-depth interviews, articles, columns, and songs to share.



Environmental Songbook Peace Songbook Multicultural Songbook

Songs to learn and sing – songs that are fun, that teach, that bring out the best in children.


Friends & Sponsors

Ventriloquist Val Smalkin presents a fast-paced, humorous 40-minute musical treat with puppets, dancing, singing, and 100% audience participation. From the Pink Flamingo Can-Can, to Love Bug, Val's shows are guaranteed to delight tots, tweens, teens, and the timeworn, as well! Children delight to Silly Goose’s mixture of naughtiness and innocence, Val’s adult muddlement, and irresistible sing-along and dance-along songs.

Learn More about Val, visit:

Joanie Calem has been leading concerts and classes for all ages, including inter-generational singalongs, around the US and Israel since 1983. Joanie's concerts are full of dancing, singing, storytelling with audience participation and puppet shows, all bringing the message of joyous appreciation of our world, of nature, of one another, and of ways to help heal the world. Joanie is also a disability awareness advocate, training parents, teachers and counselors in inclusion strategies.

Joanie has published 10 CDs, 7 for children and 3 for adults, and 6 picture books for children. On her latest CD, Today Is A Dancing Day, Joanie takes listeners on a journey of fun, humor, hope, persistence and joy: the daily tools for making our way through our complex world.

For more information about Joanie, visit:
or email her at:

Learn about and support our business sponsors and friends.


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Diversity and Inclusion

CMN stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement across the world. We are committed to cultivate a welcoming and affirming space, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization and the world at large. We recognize the positive power of music to shape children’s sense of fairness and justice, to teach the enormous importance of often-marginalized cultures to our music traditions, and to amplify the voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People Of Color), LGBTQI+ communities, and people of all abilities. We pledge to lead with humility, to continue our advocacy and support our members in theirs.

Learn about CMN's Guiding Principles and Community Agreements

The Children's Music Network
10 Court Street #22, Arlington, MA 02476
(339) 707-0277

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