New Clean Business Theme

This is our first ever theme created to allow businesses to get a quality theme that would easily allow them to upload a small static headline and page with an image so that businesses could talk about what they do, put a founders photo or a product photo and have their blog posts listed with thumbnails thereafter.

Hope you like it.


Download it here

Note this theme is free, all we ask in return is that you keep the copyright and theme link at the bottom of the page. Thanks Mike

Instructions for installation.

  1. Download and upzip.
  2. Use FTP program to upload to your Themes directory. You correct directory is at (insert your domain here)  If you don’t have an FTP program then you can download FileZilla. from here
  3. Go to admin panel of your wordpress installation
  4. Select Appearance
  5. If you have uploaded the theme to right spot you will see a screenshot (like above)
  6. Select this theme
  7. Go to the theme settings (down the bottom left on WordPress >2.8.x and change them as you like
  8. You can insert a logo, a company or product picture and a headline of what you do as well as little explanation about you or your company
  9. Change the sidebars using widgets, add your phone number or email address
  10. Change Colors as required
  11. Create some categories and then select these for the front page
  12. Recommended plugins include Contact Form 7 for setting up lead generation contact forms Tip: keep them simple and minimal