

What teachers do during summer break

By Dr. Brandon EnosCushing ISD’s Superintendent The end of the school year is a time for students and their families to celebrate. As the school year winds down, many teachers…


Bridging Families – Iliana and Star

Submitted 12-year-old Iliana is an open minded, outgoing, energetic child who is very artistic and has a talent for drawing. She is also very caring, as she is always willing to…

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Individual arrested for outstanding warrant

By Sarah Reyna sreyna@cherryroad.com On Thursday, May 30, the Jim Wells County Sheriff’s Office’s Interdiction Unit pulled over a 2015 Nissan Altima, which was traveling southbound on 281. The driver, 21-year-old Joshue Solis was in possession of 60 THC edible packages and 32 pre-rolled THC containers that consisted of both THC wax and marijuana.  According…

Special Sections


Three Carrillo brothers, one team

By Pete Vasquez, Sports Reporter sreyna@cherryroad.com It made this trio of brothers grow as a whole. The discipline and structure of a household sharpened RJ, Matt and Maddex as they grew up. They credit their father for the disciplined upbringing. Their father greatly influenced their character and career goals. “Our dad was always strict in…




What teachers do during summer break

By Dr. Brandon EnosCushing ISD’s Superintendent The end of the school year is a time for students and their families to celebrate. As the school year winds down, many teachers start thinking about how to…


Bridging Families – Iliana and Star

Submitted 12-year-old Iliana is an open minded, outgoing, energetic child who is very artistic and has a talent for drawing. She is also very caring, as she is always willing to help others and takes her…