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Moms for Liberty to spend over $3 million targeting presidential swing state voters

Moms for Liberty to spend over $3 million targeting presidential swing state voters

NEW YORK (AP) — The conservative parental rights group Moms for Liberty plans to spend more than $3 million on a multi-state advertising blitz to increase its membership and engage voters before November, following through on a pledge it made last year to become more politically active across the country in 2024….

Tuesday’s primaries include presidential races and the prosecutor in Trump’s Georgia election case

Tuesday’s primaries include presidential races and the prosecutor in Trump’s Georgia election case

The presidential primaries that Joe Biden and Donald Trump have already clinched will move closer to their end Tuesday. Voters in two states, Kentucky and Oregon, will get their chance to weigh in, symbolic decisions that provide a few more delegates to the national conventions and a gut check on where the Democratic and Republican bases stand toward their standard-bearers…

Nikki Haley faces a murky path forward and a key decision on whether or not to endorse Trump

Nikki Haley faces a murky path forward and a key decision on whether or not to endorse Trump

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Nikki Haley is perhaps the highest-profile Republican in the nation who has refused to fall in line and endorse Donald Trump’s presidential bid. It’s unclear how long that might last. Some allies believe she may be forced to endorse him before the November election to avoid permanently alienating the Republican Party base. Some even suspect…

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