Yoga Stretching

Yoga stretching is actually a type of physical activity that has recently gathered a great level of success and popularity in the western world. Based on the ancient (dating more than 5,000 years back ) physical, mental and spiritual method for bonding one's body and mind and reaching a state of perpetual peace, practicing yoga postures and stretches has developed to a highly popular and natural means of increasing muscles flexibility and strength, improving posture and coordination, while...

Sever's Disease Stretches

Sever's disease (also known as calcaneal apophysitis) is a dysfunction that occurs when the growth plate that is, the growing part of the heel is affected by inflammation, ultimately resulting in pain and discomfort sensed in parts of the lower body. Due to its nature, this disorder most frequently affects children between the ages of 8 and 15 years (and especially those who wade in sports activities), but can be seldomly seen also in older individuals.

Symbolizing The Anahata Chakra

At first the mental location of the anahata chakra is quite difficult. A useful aid in developing sensitivity to the exact point in the -pine is as follows: place one finger at the centre of the chest; place the other hand behind the back and try to place a finger on the spine at the same horizontal level as the finger in the front of the body. If necessary use a mirror or the help of another person to find exactly the right position.

Degenerative Disc Disease Stretches

Degenerative disc disease (or degenerative disc disorder, since the condition is not literally a disease) is a type of osteoarthritis (more info on osteoarthritis stretches) of the spine which affects the intervertebral discs (small rubbery pieces of cartilage) located between the bones (or vertebral bodies) that consist the spine these intervertebral discs make it possible for the spine perform motions like flexing, bending and twisting, functioning at the same time as shock absorbers.

The work of Master Chin Kung

Venerable Master Chin Kung AM (b. 1927) is an eminent monk in the Pure Land school of Mahayana Buddhism. Master Chin Kung has learned Buddhism for fifty-seven years and lectured on Buddhism for over fifty years. He is advisor to over 100 Amitabha Buddhist Societies and Pure Land Learning Centres worldwide, and founder of the Pure Land Learning College Association, Inc. in Toowoomba, Australia.

Pure Land Practice

Practice and study are complementary. We practice to calm the mind so our innate wisdom will arise. We study to understand the principles, and to better understand why we practice.

Lion Breath

Lion Breath

Lion Breath helps to make energy move through the body (Figure 3.2). It also helps to expel anger and resentment. This is a good breath to use if your child is having difficulty in releasing feelings. Your child should think about what his problem is, and do several Lion Breaths to get the problem and the negative feelings out of his system. It is helpful if you demonstrate Lion Breath first, and then actually do the breathing exercise with your child. This breath technique is extremely freeing...

Sushumna defined

The sushumna is a symbolic passage nadi which connects all the main chakras. That is, sushumna is regarded as connecting all the different levels of consciousness. It is a symbolic passage through which the kundalini rises on its ascent from mooladhara to sahasrara. The etymology of the word sushumna is not certain. A voluminous Sanskrit dictionary that we have in our library defines it as 'something very gracious and kind, and one of the seven principal rays of the sun, supposed to supply...

Location of chakra and kshetram

Like swadhisthana, manipura and anahata chakras, vishuddhi chakra also has a reflection on the front surface of the body called the vishuddhi kshetram. This is utilized in the practices of kriya yoga. The positions of the chakra and kshetram are as follows Vishuddhi kshetram is located on the front surface ofthe throat in the region ofthe Adam's apple and the thyroid gland. Vishuddhi chakra is located in the spine directly behind the kshetram. The kshetram can be easily located for it is...

Sushumna ida pingala and meditation

Why is this balance of ida and pingala so important in relation to meditational techniques The answer is simple so that one's being functions on the path of sushumna2. Ida and pingala both indicate the realm of time. That is, they represent the inner psychic realms and the outer world respectively, both of which are under the sway of time. Meditation is concerned with the timeless and therefore the ida and pingala should be balanced. In this way, the kundalini is able to flow up the sushumna...

The path of darkness and the path of light

In the Indian scriptures, concern only with the ida, or concern only with the pingala, is called the dark path - the path of the pitaras ancestors . This is the path of delusion. Simultaneous awakening and balance of the ida and pingala is called the path of light - the path of the devas divine beings . This is the path where there is simultaneous expansion of inner awareness combined with corresponding action in the outside world. This is such an important topic that it is mentioned in many...

The right and left hand path of tantra

In tantra, much is said about the left hand path yama viarga and the right hand path dakshina marga . There are many misconceptions about these terms. It is often said that the left hand path is somehow decadent and immoral and the right hand path is preferable. This is a misunderstanding, because actually the left hand path is for those aspirants who are firmly established in spiritual life. It is the path for more advanced sadhakas and comes after they have trodden the right hand path. It is...

Ida and pingala implications in summary

We have defined the meaning and implications of ida and pingala along a few basic lines. But actually, if you care to think about it, you will find that the ida-pingala principle applies to all aspects of life. It implies moderation in all activities - in food, between work and play, between mental and physical activities. It implies a balance between passivity and dynamism, ambition and no ambition, between sleep and wakefulness, like and dislike, effort and no effort, victory and defeat and...

Meditation Chidakasha Dharana

Each of us at one time or another has looked at the sky and stars at night and felt an ineffable awe at the immensity of everything. Some feel an inexpressible joy while others feel a sense of complete insignificance compared to this infinite colossus called the cosmos. Some people may become a little depressed yet this is not necessary if each and everyone of us also looked inwards to the unfathomable depths of the internal cosmos of the mind. This inner universe is just as awesome,...

Kundalini Yoga Varuyas Kriya KY kriyas from Sadhana Guidelines

Front Bend Kundalini Yoga

Put the right foot slightly forward. Stretch the left leg far backward. Put the top of the toes of the left foot on the ground. Extend the arms forward parallel to the ground. Put the palms together. Tilt the spine slightly forward of the vertical position. Fix the eyes on the horizon or at the brow point. Take a deep breath, then begin a rhythmic chant of Sat Nam. Emphasize the sound Sat as you pull the navel point in and apply a light mul bhand. Continue for 1-1 2 minutes....

Kundalini Yoga for the warriors tension release KYkriyas

Release Kundalini

Place the right palm on the ground about 6 inches from the body lA . Extend the left arm to the side, parallel to the ground, and bend the elbow so the palm faces the head lB . First slap the ground firmly with the right palm 8 times chanting Har with each slap. Then begin sharp powerful motions with the left palm as if to slap the cheek but stop about an inch before contact. Move the left palm in and back out 8 times chanting Hari with each slapping movement. Continue...

Kundalini Yoga for energy and rejuvenation KYkriyas

Rejuvenation Yoga

Grab the edge of a sink and, using it for support, walk your feet backwards until you are holding your body at a 45 degree slope from heels to head. You will feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Begin raising and lowering alternate heels, walking in place without lifting the toes off the ground. Your arms and legs are fully extended and the body bends slightly in the middle. As you walk, you may lower your head, it does not have to be held up. Walk vigorously and work up a sweat. 11 minutes....

Kundalini Yoga for inner vitality and stamina KY kriyas

Kundalini Yoga Serie

Balance on your toes and fingertips with the knees straight but not locked. Rapidly move your hips from side to side like an animal swishing its tail. 3 Minutes 2. Sitting in easy pose, lean back to sixty degrees. Fold your arms across your chest and lock your elbows with your hands at diaphragm level. Keep your neck straight with your chin pulled in and roll your shoulders in a forward circle. 3 Minutes. 3. Lie down in baby pose. Bring both hands to the small of your back and interlock your...

Give Yourself New Life

Sitting in easy pose, raise your right arm up to sixty degrees in front of you and bring your left arm in a sixty degree angle pointing downward behind you. The two arms should form a straight 60 degree line. Keep the elbows stretched and the Jupiter finger of each hand extended with the thumb locking down the other fingers. The palm of the right hand mudra is downward and the palm of the left hand mudra is upward. The closed eyes are focused at the center of the chin. Breathe slowly and...

Shunya Mudra

Bend the middle finger until it touches the ball of your thumb. Lightly press down on the middle finger with your thumb. The other fingers are extended. Do this with each hand. Do as needed, or use three times daily for 15 minutes as a course of treatment. This is a special exercise against ear and hearing problems. The Shunya Mudra can also quickly heal earaches and almost all diseases of the ear when used for a longer period of time, according to Keshav Dev. Hearing problems are related to a...

Linga Mudra

Linga Mudra Heat Hand

Place both palms together and clasp your fingers. One thumb should remain upright encircle it with the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Do as needed or three times a day for 15 minutes. This finger position increases the powers of resistance against coughs, colds, and chest infections. It also loosens mucus that has collected in the lungs. In addition, it is very useful for people who suffer from respiratory complaints when the weather changes. It also increases the body temperature...

How To Channel Reiki Ninja Kuji Kiri Nine Grid

How Did Ninjas Use Kuji Kiri

Certain techniques described in this manual can be dangerous to practice or misuse. Before performing any of these exercises, it is advised that anyone intending to do so should have a complete physical examination by a competent physician. Persons with respiratory or heart problems, epilepsy, brain tumors SHOULD NOT practice these exercises. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of any of the information contained within this training manual. The Koga...


This is also a very simple yet powerful technique. If required, it can be used in conjunction with desensitization. The power of suggestion is well known. It is so powerful that many people autosuggest themselves into illnesses. In other words, they think that they will suffer from an illness and in time they do suffer. People are continually autosuggesting themselves into negative situations. They feel inferior and eventually they act and project themselves as being inferior. On the other...

Nyasa traditional yoga nidra

It is a practice in which specific mantras are 'placed' and felt at different parts of the body. It is the traditional form of yoga nidra used by yogis throughout the ages and still practised by almost all Hindus. Nyasa is described in various scriptures such as the Brihad Yoga Yajnavalkya Smriti and the Yogataravali, as well as many upanishadic and tantric texts. The Aruneyi Upanishad verse 5 advises all wandering sannyasins to practise nyasa at all times - to...

Scriptural references Uov

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika describes tadan kriya but under the name of maha vedha as follows Just as a beautiful woman is useless without a man, so also are maha bandha and maha mudra fruitless without maha vedha (tadan kriya). The sadhaka should sit in the maha bandha pose (padmasana) and do pooraka (inhalation) with a concentrated mind. The breath should be retained inside while doing jalandhara bandha. Placing both palms on the ground on each side of the body, the sadhaka should slowly raise...

The origin and development of yoga

The origin of yoga lies hidden in the mists of pre-history. It was slowly evolved and developed by the ancient sages, not only in India but all over the world. However, it has been modified to suit regional languages, social ideas and so on. The essence of yoga was wrapped up in or explained in different symbols, analogies and languages. Some traditions believe that yoga was a divine gift revealed to the ancient sages so that mankind could have the opportunity to realize its divine nature....

Remembering Larry Schultz 1950 - 2011

FIVE YEARS AGO ON THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY, THE YOGA TEACHER AND INNOVATOR, LARRY SCHULTZ PASSED AWAY. TODAY, WE LOOK BACK ON THE LIFE OF A YOGA PIONEER, AFFECTIONATELY NICKNAMED THE BAD MAN OF ASHTANGA YOGA.'Image Credit on Wiki. That nickname came about since Larry Schultz taught classes that incorporated poses from all three of the Ashtanga series.

Mula Bandha Pelvic Floor Root Lock

In Sanskrit, the word bandha means lock. In yoga, bandhas are special positions that lock or seal in energy. Yoga practitioners believe that a vital life force energy called prana air, breath, or life force energy in Sanskrit runs through the body and sustains us with its life-giving energy. By sealing off certain parts of the body, a man can lock, or trap, the energy inside his body to intensify its vitalizing effects. For this reason, various bandhas are often applied during the exercise of...

The Seal Of Happiness

Most of the traditional hatha yoga books from the 14th to 19th centuries mention this kind of bifocal practice, which is commonly known as Shambhavi Mudra the seal mudra that produces happiness shambhavi . Shambhu from which the word shambhavi is derived , or Shiva, then refers to the Self-realized state, which produces happiness. A mudra is thought to be like a sealing device with a raised surface, like a signet ring. In the same way the ring stamps an impression on a soft waxlike surface, so...

Shambhavi Mudra

Shambhavi mudra is also called bhrumadhya drishti eyebrow gazing and is an excellent method of developing sensitivity to the bhrumadhya and should be mastered in this sadhana course4. It is an integral part of kriya yoga. 1 Bindu - Book III, Lesson 25, Topic 5 Sahasrara - Book III, Lesson 26, Topic 1 2 For details refer to the following references Book II, Lesson 19, Topic 1 Book II, Lesson 20, Topic 2 Book II, Lesson 21, Topic 2 Book II, Lesson 22, Topic 1 Book II, Lesson 23, Topic 1 3 Trataka...

Mudras Bhoochari Mudra

Bhoochari mudra is an allied technique to agochari and shambhavi mudra and all three are excellent forms of trataka1. Agochari and shambhavi mudras are often integrated with other yogic techniques or done specifically during one's yogic practice program. Bhoochari mudra on the other hand, though it can be done in your daily program, can easily be practised in everyday life. It can be done without other people realizing that you are practising a yogic technique. It is an excellent, simple, yet...

Mudras Shambhavi Mudra

Shambhavi mudra eyebrow centre gazing , the technique we will shortly describe, is very similar to agochari mudra nose tip gazing '. The main difference is that the eyes are focused on the eyebrow centre instead of the nose tip. It gives fundamentally the same benefits and the two mudras are equally as good as each other. They are both an integral part of kriya yoga and should therefore be mastered to a reasonable level of proficiency before starting to learn and practise kriya yoga. Though...

Rotation through shambhavi khechari and mool

Shambhavi Mahamudra

Rotation of awareness through these centres must be done with retention of breath. A reasonably long retention is required in order to complete 12 rotations, therefore we suggest that beginners rotate their awareness through these centres 3 times. Gradually they can increase this by 1 rotation every week or so according to individual capacity, until they can do 12 rotations. Under no circumstances should you hold your breath for longer than is comfortable. In the practices of kriya yoga never...

Dahn Yoga Cycle

Shambhavi Mudra

The fourth triad or yantras, gaining Suspended like a Vulture, is for applying 230 ft Sbxjt Breathing Directing the PrAna iwto the Central Cm In tsogpu, raise your buttocks and push pour knees back and your torso forward, wrap your hands back behind your ankles and remain bound in the yogin posture. Applying a contracted hold for one complete nek rch vour torso and remain suspended like ti vulture. 0. Sit with the soles of your feet together, your knees wide apart and 1. Inhaling in four...

Special Events

2010 Yoga Therapy Intensive with Gary Kraftsow, Bo Forbes, Judith Hanson Lasater, and others Yoga Fusion with Claire Este-McDonald, Alicia Orr, Mahan Kirn Kaur Khalsa, and others Kim Eng Kali Ray David Swenson Bo Forbes Krishna Das Rodney Yee Elena Brower Erich Schiffmann Stephen Cope Dharma Mittra Bryan Kest Amy Weintraub Swami Nirmalananda Saraswati Priti Robyn Ross Aadil Palkhivala Sylvia Boorstein Snatam Kaur Pandit Rajmani Tigunait SARK Julia Cameron Alberto Villoldo Tara Brach Caroline...

The Physiology of Yoga

Before proceeding to describe the mode of operation of the divine Energy, kundalini, and the methods devised from ancient times to arouse it to activity, it is necessary to enter into a brief discussion about one point. If kundalini is the only natural device in human beings, implanted by nature to lead to transcendent states of consciousness, how has it been possible for the followers of other schools of Yoga and the adherents of other religions to attain the mystical state without awakening...

Technique Yoga Danda

A traditional method oftantra is to use a special T-shaped crutch. In Hindi it is called a kubadi. The crutch is designed so that when a person is in a sitting position on the floor, the horizontal beam rests firmly under and supports the armpit with the bottom of the vertical pillar on the ground. It is usually made of wood, and if you are sufficiently interested then you can easily make one for yourself if you have a rudimentary knowledge of carpentry. 1. If the left nostril flow is...

Ajna chakra and the pineal gland

Ajna chakra is often directly related to the physical pineal gland, the pea-sized endocrinal gland located in the centre of the head. In fact, they are often regarded as one and the same thing. This is rather an over-simplification. The difference should be clearly understood. The pineal gland refers to the physical body the ajna chakra spans the chasm between the physical and the most subtle psychic realms. In fact, ajna chakra leads beyond the psychic realms via sushumna. It seems likely that...

Lalana chakra

The lalana chakra is a minor chakra that is closely associated with the vishuddhi chakra. It is located in the root of the palate at the back of the mouth. It is this centre that is referred to in the following quotation from the Bible But God clave a hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived . . . Judges 15 19 Again, the water is not the liquid water, but bliss. After the nectar leaves the bindu, it is stored in...

The granthis

The Sanskrit word granthi means 'knot'. In the context of the chakras, the word granthi is translated as 'psychic knot'. They are three in number, called the brahma, vishnu and rudra granthis. They represent levels of awareness chakra domains) where the power of maya illusion), ignorance and attachment to material things is especially strong. 1. Brahma granthi. This psychic knot functions in the region of the mooladhara chakra. It implies attachment to physical pleasures and material objects,...

Chakra kshetram

In kriya yoga practices the trigger points of all the main chakras are utilized. These trigger points ascend from mooladhara to ajna chakra, following the contours of the spine between the swadhisthana and ajna chakras. The swa-dhisthana, manipura, anahata and vishuddhi chakras are also regarded as having physical counterparts on the front surface of the body. They lie directly in front of the corresponding chakras and on the same horizontal plane. Each of these frontal trigger points is called...

Psychic passage rotation

In nada sanchalana you will be require d to move your awareness through the arohan and awarohan psychic passages. Arohan is the ascending frontal passage and awarohan the descending passage1. As you rotate your awareness through these psychic pathways try to feel that each chakra and kshetram is being pierced in turn by a powerful flow of prana. If you wish you can imagine that each of the centres is like a bead and that together they form a chakra-kshetram mala. Imagine that each bead is being...

Asanas Shankhaprakshalana Asanas

The following five asanas are to be specifically used in the intestinal cleansing practices of shankhaprakshalana1 and laghoo shankha-prakshalana2 This series of asanas has a special role to perform in these practices, for they systematically open the various intestinal valves between the stomach and the bowels. That is, these asanas, when performed in the given sequence, progressively open the pyloric valve at the outlet of the stomach , then the ileocecal valve at the exit of the small...

Kundalini Yoga for elimination apana exercises KYkriyas

Vatskar Kriya Sit in easy pose with hands on knees. Make a beak of the mouth and drink as much air as you can into the stomach using short, continuous sips, as if you were swallowing. Pull in and hold. Roll the stomach to the left. then reverse the direction to the right when the breath has been held in for half its maximum time. Continue rolling the stomach as long as possible with neck lock applied. When the breath can be held in no longer, straighten the spine and exhale slowly (not...

Hakini Mudra

Hakini Mudra

Hakini god of the Forehead 6th Chakra The Hakini Mudra can be practiced at any time. When you would like to remember something, or want to find the red thread again, place your fingertips together, direct your eyes upward, place the tip of your tongue on your gums while inhaling, and let the tongue fall again while exhaling. Then take a deep breath and what you wanted should immediately occur to you. Moreover, when you must concentrate on something for a longer period of time, could use some...

The 4 Key Differences Between Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga

Iyengar and Ashtanga these two unique yoga practices are very different to each other, but they both also have an impressive following with many dedicated yogis around the world. Personally, I study and practise Iyengar style yoga, while one of my good friends is an Ashtangi. We normally have long chats about the differences in the two, and we constantly learn from each other and help balance out each others' practices.

Types of Asanas

What is an Asana The word asana has different meanings in Sanskrit. In this page we will focus on the postural aspect. Three General Types of AsanasAsanas can be divided into meditative, relaxing, and cultural asanas. These three types of postures are quite different in their purpose and technique. Meditative AsanasThese are cross-legged sitting postures which allow you to sit upright and relaxed for a longer time. They provide a stable seat for meditation.

Tantra Mantra and Kundalini Yoga

Mani Padme Hum Written Sanskrit

Tantra, Mantra, and Kundalini Yoga are grouped together here because they are all somewhat different than the other types of yoga. Although they share many practices and ideas, Tantra, Mantra, and Kundalini Yoga are more esoteric than other forms of yoga. Tantra Yoga involves the study of sacred writings and rituals. Mantra Yoga is the study of sacred sounds. Kundalini Yoga is the study of kundalini energy movement Karma is the law of cause and effect, or what goes around comes around....

Havan Mantra Swaha

A Havan is a sacred fire ceremony, where negativity is consumed by making offerings to the fire. Havans are performed normally at the beginning of an enterprise to ensure success deal with problems or negativity on a local or global scale. A Havan can be performed outside, indoors in a fireplace or in the middle of a room as the smoke from a Havan has a cleansing effect on the vibrations - a well tended Havan need not produce a lot of smoke but be careful- open fires are dangerous .a...

Hans Swan Kriya Kundalini

Sit on your heels with your hands in prayer pose in the center of your chest during the introductory prayer (about 45 seconds). Sing from your heart center. When the ragi sings the lines that begin with "Namastang" or "Namo", bow your head down to the floor and rise up again. Your hands are on the floor on either side of your knees.

The Five Series

Yantra Yoga Poses

In conclusion, pive sets of yantras arc combined with the method of the Four Characteristic Conditions of the Breath, which emphasizes the open hold five sets of yantras are combined with the method of the Four Profound Applications, which emphasizes the directed hold five sets of yantras are combined with the Secret Breathing for Directing the Prana into the Central Channel, which emphasizes the closed hold five sets of yantras are combined with the method of the Smooth Breathing with Seven i...

PART The Jumon Power Grid

Kuji Kiri Mantras

As formidable as the nine cuts of the Kuji-kiri are when used separately, they can be symbolically woven together to create a power grid which summons the total energy of all nine symbols. Through a series of horizontal and vertical cuts, as illustrated in Diagram 3.1 and Photo Sequence 3.20-3.23, Ninja can form this power grid and tap into its power. The names of each cut can be spoken silently or aloud as they are performed. Juji, the final tenth cut of the Jumon, Photo 3.24, is thrust...

Bindu and nada yoga sadhana

According to ancient Indian philosophy, consciousness expresses itself through nada subtle vibration . Three concepts are worth mentioning kala, bindu and nada. Kala is the individuating principle mentioned under the heading 'Evolutionary Implications'. Bindu is the point through which consciousness expresses itself in the created universe. Nada is the flow of consciousness from the infinite through the bindu to the object of creation. This process can be compared to a funnel bindu and kala...

The Ins and Outs of Alternate Nostril Breathing

EVER WONDERED WHY YOU FEEL SO GOOD AFTER ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING LET ME EXPLAIN Image Credit Quinn Dombrowski on Flickr. Alternate nostril breathing, or nadi shodhana pr n y ma, is the first of the pr n y ma practices described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (one of the ancient texts of yoga). Nadi Shodhana literally means nadi purification' and the practice is believed to balance the subtle energy, or prana, of the energetic body .

5 Essential Mudras and When to Use Them

Ever been in class and see someone looking very yogic and wise by making funny gestures with their hands These are mudras, and they're more powerful than they look. When used with awareness, mudras can alter our mood, change our attitude and increase our concentration. On advanced practitioners, it is thought that mudras can be a part of the awakening of our kundalini power.

Scriptural references Ikm

Vipareeta karani mudra is one of the few kriyas mentioned in various traditional tantra-yoga texts. The most comprehensive description is given in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika as follows The secretion of the moon bindu , the nectar of immortality amrit , is normally consumed by the fire of the sun manipura chakra . It flows downwards and results in ageing of the body. There is a wonderful technique which can reverse this process it should be learned from a guru and can never be understood by...

Psychic passage awareness and mental repetition

As in kriya number 3 you will be require d to rotate your awareness through the arohan and awarohan psychic pathways. You should mentally repeat the name of each chakra and kshetram in turn as your awareness passes through them. The process is as follows When your awareness reaches mooladhara you should mentally repeat three times 'mooladhara mooladhara . mooladhara'. Then mentally say the word 'arohan', immediately before ascending the arohan psychic passage. Ascend the arohan passage as you...

Pronunciation of Soham

Some people hear the sound Saham when they listen to their breath instead of Soham. This is perfectly acceptable and can be used in shabda sanchalana instead of Soham. Soham should be integrated with the breathing. With the practice of ujjayi pranayama the sound can be heard very distinctly. Try it. You should hear So with inhalation, Ham with exhalation. In shabda sanchalana you should hear so as you breathe in from mooladhara up the frontal arohan psychic passage to bindu. The sound should be...

Sitting position Ktl

Aarohan Ajna Bindu Bindu Bindu

The sitting position for naumukhi mudra is siddhasana for men, and siddha yoni asana for women6. These two asanas are most suitable since they apply a constant pressure at the mooladhara chakra trigger point in the area of the perineum. If you cannot sit in one of the above asanas you can choose any other comfortable sitting pose as an alternative. If necessary you can use a cushion. Sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asana. Keep the back straight but relaxed. Close the eyes and keep them closed...

Alternative route of the arohan psychic passage

There is also another pathway for the arohan psychic passage that has been taught by tradition throughout the ages. On the ascent, the awareness is taken from vishuddhi kshe-tram to the lalana chakra in the palate, then to the nose tip, then to bhrumadhya14, then follows the curvature of the skull through sahasrara at the crown to bindu at the back of the head. This method is perfectly valid and also follows a natural flow or circuit of subtle prana. If you already practise kriya yoga and use...

Shanmukhi Mudra Technique

Shanmukhi Mudra

Hold the back straight. Close the eyes and keep them closed throughout the entire practice. Do khechari mudra. Exhale deeply. Bend the head forwards. Fix the awareness at mooladhara chakra. The first round begins here. Mentally pronounce the mantra 'mooladhara - mooladhara - mooladhara'. Then inhale with ujjayi pranayama letting your awareness ascend the frontal arohan passage. You should be aware of each centre in turn as follows swadhisthana, manipura, anahata,...

Arohan Awarohan

After completing nada sanchalana kriya number 3 you should immediately begin to practise pawan sanchalana. Do not change your sitting position. Hold your spine straight. Open the eyes. Fold your tongue into khechari mudra practise khechari throughout the entire practice, though you can release the tongue lock for a short duration if you feel discomfort. Exhale deeply. Bend your head forwards but without any tension. Direct your awareness to the area of mool- Mentally repeat 'mooladhara ....

Tabulation of chakra characteristics

There are a large number of traditional characteristics associated with the chakras. On the accompanying two charts we have listed some of these characteristics, omitting those that are less relevant for the sake of clarity. Some of the characteristics have already been discussed. The following are ones that perhaps need a little explanation. Lokas These are 'levels of awareness' or 'spheres of being'. They can be very roughly defined as follows Swahah - subtle maha - the abode of devas (divine...

Ashwini Mudra

Kundalini Yoga For Male Organ

Ashwini is the Sanskrit word for mare horse would be an appropriate translation except that the word mudra, which means gesture, is a feminine noun in Sanskrit and requires a feminine modifier , and ashwini mudra in hatha yoga is named for the movement of the pelvic diaphragm in a horse after it has expelled the contents of its bowel. During the expulsion phase, the cone-shaped pelvic diaphragm moves to the rear, and after the contents of the bowel are dropped, the muscles of the pelvic...

Ushas Mudra

Break of day origin of all good things Clasp your fingers so your right thumb lies above the left. The right thumb presses slightly on the left thumb. Important Women should place the right thumb between the left thumb and index finger, pressing on it with the left thumb. Do this every day for 5 to 15 minutes. Hold this mudra until the desired effect occurs. No matter how old we are, there are times of change new beginnings come repeatedly in life. The second chakra, our center of sexuality...

The Muscular Mesomorph

The mesomorph develops muscle mass easily and has a high muscle-mass-to-body-fat ratio. Mesomorphs tend to accumulate fat around the waist, triceps, and back, but mesomorphs who get physical activity have well-developed muscles. It doesn't take much for a meso-morph to sport washboard abs, cut triceps, or an impressively muscled back. Strength is the mesomorph's forte, so the weight-bearing aspect of yoga makes the mesomorph feel right at home. Too much weight-bearing exercise can actually bulk...

Editorial Standards followed in this new edition

Any changes that have been made will, we hope, not detract from our unfailing admiration for the original Mantra Book and will further enhance this great edifice of praise of Shri Mataji in all Her forms. One idea is to try and bring the way we non-Indians say Sanskrit in line with the way it is spoken in India. To this end the Sanskrit has been notated and a section added on Sanskrit pronunciation. Some more items have been added notably Sanskrit names of Shri Lakshm , Shri Kr is hn a and Lord...

Special Advertising Section

Robin Gueth, Angela Farmer, Lynn Weinberger, 1165 Magnolia Ave., Larkspur, CA, 94939 SMC means yoga therapy Classes and private yoga for healthy backs, heart health, pain management, stretching, pre- postnatal, kids'. Angela Farmer-style, Viniyoga, Ananda, Iyengar, Svaroopa. June Katzen, 2207 Larkspur Landing Cir., Larkspur, CA, 94939 P 415 925-2440 F 415 925-9868 infolarkspur YogaWorks offers classes for all levels, seven days a week. Explore beginners' programs,...

A summary of bhakti yoga

We have written much about bhakti yoga. But the flow of ideas on the subject kept coming and coming. There seems to be no end, and even now there are countless other things that could be said. But at this point it is time to stop, and give you a chance to follow the path of bhakti yoga for yourself if you are devotion-ally inclined. Each of us has emotions. They are a normal part of the human makeup. But few people can direct and focus these emotions in one direction and towards positive and...


Third Yama of Ashtanga YogaBrahmacharya has two main meanings. In the broad sense it means control of the senses or indriyas. More specifically it refers to celibacy or chastity. Like all traditional spiritual traditions, yoga advocates restraining from indulging in sensual gratification. One of the many reasons is that practicing the higher limbs of ashtanga yoga - dharana, dhyana, samadhi - requires a tremendous amount of energy or prana.

Siddha Yoga Meditation The Grace of the Master

Siddha Yoga meditation is an approach to yoga bequeathed by Swami Muktananda 1908 1982 , a noted teacher in India and disciple of Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, regarded as one of the great saints of modern India. Siddha literally means a perfect human being in Sanskrit. Siddha Yoga meditation uses a variety of techniques, such as chanting, meditation, selfless service, and mantra repetition, as ways to attain enlightenment and perfection. The most complete reference about the Siddha Yoga...

Point Arena International Original Synergy Yoga Teacher Training

Charles Defay, Ronna Frost,340 Main St., Point Arena, CA, 95468 P (707) 882-3176 F (707) 882-2682 surftherapyyoga Surf Therapy Yoga featuring daily Synergy Yoga classes on the westernmost point in the U.S. All levels welcome Ongoing international Synergy Yoga teacher training home-study program. Workshops and retreats. Peri Ness Defay, founder Charles Defay, senior mentor teacher Ronna Frost, mentor Pam Mason, mentor. SAN DIEGO (LA MESA) A GENTLE WAY TEACHER TRAINING...

Meditation Trataka Stage Knn

The previous two stages of trataka are concerned with first of all focussing one's attention on an external object, followed by the resulting after-image1. The third stage of trataka which we will shortly describe, inner or antar trataka alone, is a more advanced technique. It can be either practised as a sequel to stage 2, or as a separate practice in its own right. However, little benefit is likely to be gained from the practice if you have not already developed the ability to create and...

Different methods of trataka

Trataka consists of three different modes of practice 2. Outer and inner antar trataka combined. Outer trataka can be practised alone, though in fact it is generally combined with inner trataka for the best results. The technique that we will discuss in this lesson and the next will be a combination of both outer and inner trataka. The most effective, though more difficult technique, is inner trataka practised by itself - the third stage of trataka practice'. 1. Outer trataka alone-. This can...

Meditation Trataka Stage

All meditational practices aim initially at establishing concentration of mind as a prelude to meditation. To attain this state, various different methods are adopted. One of the most direct, simple and yet at the same time effective, is the technique of trataka. The mechanics of the practice are easy to learn and understand. It can be practised by everyone and the benefits are enormous. Even beginners, with a little effort and persistence, can gain much from it in a short period of time with...

Integration of ida and pingala

The main purpose ofthis topic is to emphasize the importance of integrating and balancing the ida and pingala. By combining both paths, one's potential is unfolded in a balanced manner. Inner potential and awareness are expanded with a corresponding change in the actions and relationships with the external environment. This combination leads to a progressive effacement of ego-centred motives and identification, which in turn leads to the rising of the kundalini through the chakras. One's power...

Technique Padadhirasana

In English, this asana can be called the 'breath balancing pose'. It is very simple, yet it is most effective in balancing the ida and pingala flows before starting pranayama practice. Any method that applies pressure under the armpits has a direct influence on the flow of breath through the nostrils. If you don't believe this, then try it for yourself. If firm pressure is applied under the right armpit, then the left nostril will tend to flow. If a firm pressure is applied under the left...

Islam and the chakras

In Islam there is a story that relates directly to the progressive awakening of the chakras. It tells of Mohammed's nightjourney to heaven in which he passes through the seven heavens into the presence of Allah. It is very similar to the story of Enoch. Mohammed was awakened one night by the angel Gabriel, who purified the prophet's being by removing and washing his heart. Then Mohammed was conveyed to Jerusalem by a strange creature called an alborak, a white animal the same size and shape as...

The different levels of nada

It is impossible to specify the nature of the nada as it extends into more subtle regions of being. They have to be personally experienced. However, as an indication of the direction that nada will lead to, the following fourfold classification has been given in the ancient texts 1. Vaikhari This is the grossest form of sound that we hear in the world around us. It is produced by striking two objects together and is the type discussed in physics. This is the plane of the spoken word. This is...

The Anatomy Of Flexion And Extension

To understand any function, envision being without it. For example, w< can see at a glance how vertebral bending, both forward and backward contributes to whole-body bending by examining how someone would ben if their spine were fused from the pelvis to the cranium. This is not a academic hypothesis. One who has had such surgery for severe osteoarthrii will bend forward only at the hip joints, just like a hinged stick arm dangling, head, neck, and torso stuck out straight and stiff as a...

Sacroiliac Nutation And Counternutation

Sacroiliac Joint Nutation

Even though the sacroiliac joints are synovial joints, their opposing surface usually fit together tightly enough for every movement of the pelvis to affect th sacrum and therefore the spine as a whole , and for every movement of tl sacrum to affect the pelvis. This view that the sacroiliac .joints are essential immobile has practical value, and it was in fact the only view until the 193c but it is an oversimplification the synovial structure of the healthy sacroili c joint is now known to...

Murccha Kumbhaka Third Eye Breathing

Murccha kumbhaka (pronounced MER-chah koom-BHAH-kah) focuses all your attention and energy on your third eye, which is the chakra, or energy center, located between and just above your eyebrows on your forehead. (For more on this and other chakras, see Chapter 20. This exercise produces a focused, blissful feeling. 1. Gently and slowly inhale, then hold your breath. 2. As you hold your breath, concentrate on the spot on your forehead about an inch above the place exactly between your eyebrows,...

Parsva Pindasana in Sarvangasana

Parsva Halasana

In this Pindasana variation of the earlier pose, both the bent knees are moved sideways and placed on the floor on the same side of the trunk. This is the lateral embryo pose in Sarvangasana. 1. After staying in Pindasana Plate 123 turn the hips sideways to the right, exhale and lower both knees to the floor. The left knee should be by the side of the right ear. Plate 124 2. The left shoulder will be raised off the floor in the beginning. Push the shoulder...

Exercise Sequence for Freedom

We recommend that you do these exercises underneath or in sight of a bodhi tree. If that isn't possible, then visualise a bodhi tree. The energy of the tree strengthens the effect of the exercises. a) Place your feet hip-width apart now alternate between standing on the balls of your feet and back down again. Keep your eyes shut. Firebreathe. 1-3 minutes. The calf muscles are energetically connected to the lymph glands. These exercises stimulate the pituitary gland. b) Stand on the balls of...

Standing yoga mudra pose

Standing Yoga Mudra Pose provides an intense stretch to your shoulders. This pose also stretches your upper back and legs, while helping to increase the flexibility of your spine and hips. You can perform Standing Yoga Mudra Pose to help clear your mind, center your thoughts and become more aware of your feelings. As you move into the pose, try to keep your palms together to maintain the intensity of the stretch in your shoulders. Stretching your arms back and up in this pose can help correct a...

Seated yoga mudra pose

Kundalini Yoga Kneeling Pose

Seated Yoga Mudra Pose, also known as The Seal of Yoga, provides an intense stretch for your shoulders and upper back, which may help to relieve tightness in these areas. This pose also stretches your neck and stimulates your abdominal area. You may find that this pose not only clears your mind, but also reconnects your heart and mind to help you become more aware of your feelings. As you bend forward in this pose, your buttocks may lift off your heels slightly. With practice, you should be...

Kundalini Yoga for coordinating mind body and soul KYkriyas

Soul Body Kundalini Yoga

Leaving the fingers relaxed and open, use your thumbs to massage the ear mound, the flap that attaches to the cheek. 1 Minute. 2. Reach your hands up over your head and interlock your fingers. Stretch up as you move your body in an upward spiral from the base of the spine. Feel like you are going upward, keeping your elbows and spine straight. This spiral must stretch your spine up one-half inch minimum. 4-1 2 Minutes. 3. Stay in the same position and make three spirals upward and then bend...

The Secret Breathing for Directing the Prana into the Central Channel

Ayurveda Science Life

The third series is called SarJitng Wr jugpu rhb or he Secret Breathing. Method for Directing the Prana into the Central Channel. It comprises a pranayama and five vituras. The secret breathing, method for capturing the tannic prana within the central channel. The posture is the lotus, with the hands hold,ng the sides with the thumbs turned forward and the torso stretched this is is the 90 1 gt U Si-irtr Bk mhint. ior Oirk unc. mi IVvnv inio iiii Central Chanel Sir m the Lows pose, first...

Supine Chest Opener

Once you are warmed up and grounded, you'll do a passive backbcnd to shift your attention from active poses to one in which surrender is key. Lie over the bolster you can use two blankets rolled into a cylinder ifyou don't have a bolster , positioning it under your upper back. Try to relax as you let your shoulders, arms, and head hang. This is easier said than done Initially, your back muscles may contract in reaction to the strong backbcnd. If this happens, you can reduce the strain by...

Back Pain Stretches

Back pain is a common health issue that affects a massive percentage of people at some point of their life (most frequently, it impinges on ages between 35 and 50). Being consistent or sporadic, and sourced from muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures, it can be felt in several forms, thus making life and ordinary moves troublesome or even impossible for some individuals.

Shoulder Stretches

Tight shoulders are a common problem for many people today, posing serious hindrances to the accomplishment of ordinary movements of the upper part of the body and sometimes resulting in distressing situations, which further tighten the shoulders muscles. Luckily, all this unpleasant scenario can be resolved to a very satisfactory extend with some basic stretching exercises.

Osteoarthritis Stretches

Osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease) describes a series of mechanical irregularities which affect joints, articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Initially, the surface of the cartilage becomes inflamed and irritated the joint starts losing tissues and water while the cartilage is stricken by cracks and ditches ultimately, the cartilage becomes tougher or even destroyed partially and the edges of the bone end up being uncovered, thus resulting in...

La Jolla Yoga Center

Jeanie carlstead, E-RYT 500, Lisa Fischer, 7741 Fay Ave., La Jolla, ca, 92037 p (858) 456-2412 F (858) 456-2457 lajollayogacenter San Diego's premier yoga center, located in beautiful seaside La Jolla. Features 90+ classes per week, 40+ highly experienced and inspiring teachers, 22+ styles, workshops, teacher training, retreats year-round. Check website often for updates on internationally recognized visiting master teachers. This inviting oasis of peace and...

Twameva M t

Kshama-prarfhana- a prayer for forgiveness. Twameva Mata Sa Pita twameva, Twameva bandhu Sa sakha twameva, Twameva vidya Dravinam twameva, Twameva sarvam, Mama deva deva. Aparadha sahasrani Kriyante aharnisham maya, Daso-yam iti mam matwa Kshamaswa Parameshwar , Kshamaswa Parameshwar , Kshamaswa Parameshwara. Avahanam na janami Na janami tav-archanam, Pujam chaiva na janami Kshamyatam Parameshwar , Kshamyatam Parameshwar , You are my Mother, You are my Father, You are my Relation, You are my...

Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana

It's time to fly After a 30-sccond Headstand and a brief visit to Parsva Sirsasana, split your legs, right leg forward and left leg back. There is a tendency to drop the front leg much lower, so focus on the opening of your back leg. Twist so that your front leg crosses your midline. Keep your eyes soft but focused, your arms strong, and your neck elongated and easy. Strongly extend your legs as your feet remain alert and spread. Orient your pose from your...

Universal Business Management

Prasarita Padottanasana

Have fun as you prepare for a challenging arm balance. By all appearances, Parsva Bakasana Side Crane Pose seems to require serious upper-body strength. But Prana Flow Yoga teacher Simon Park says that brute strength isn't the key. Instead, mastering the physics of the pose will help you unlock Side Crane. You need enough twist to place your elbow on the outside of the opposite leg and get both arms on the floor in the shape of Chaturanga Dandasana Four-Limbed Staff Pose . Here, Park shares a...