Digital and Immersive Media

  1. Most red, blue, or purple flowers contain pigments called anthocyanins, whose colors are sensitive to pH (the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution). As a result, when we immerse a blue flower into an acid or basic solution, its color is likely to change to red in acid condition, or to green or yellow in basic condition. In this film, to get the most dramatic effects, we immersed all flowers in saturated sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions and used macro lenses and a microscope to capture their glorious color transformations.

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    Video: Wenting Zhu
    Producer: Yan Liang

    # Uploaded 81.5K Views 18 Comments
  2. 2020 Custom software in Real-time: fluid simulations and vector fields.

    Cloud scene with shafts of light.

    Dimensions variable.

    # Uploaded 1,667 Views 0 Comments
    A Real-Time Generative Installation Performance Of Electrical Activity In The Musician’s Brain!
    dastrio x Ouchhh x Ars Electronica

    Direction_Design_Animation_Coding: Ouchhh (

    Bernhard Metz – Violin
    Manuel Von Der Nahmer – Violoncello
    Suyang Kim – Piano

    Data Journey

    More Information:

    Ouchhh created a cognitive performance that we generated real-time brain waves at the Deep Space with the South Korean/German trio. At a concert which we visualized the changes in brain wave activities in real-time, we transformed the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma brain waves into a real-time concert experience that is wrapped around by generating the data about emotion, focus & attention, some auditory and neural mechanisms with electroencephalogram (EEG).

    What if the matter is nothing but notes coming out of a vibrating string?
    According to superstring theory, all matter in the world is made up of one thing: vibrating infinitesimal strings. These strings, which vibrate at different resonances, bring everything into existence in the known universe. Matter consists of small strings. When these strings are pulled in a certain way – just like a violin or guitar string – they create a frequency. Therefore, the pitches/notes occur. We have become aware of the existence of the little notes that these superstrings create, and we realized that the universe is a symphony, and all the physical laws of the universe fit these superstrings.

    Ouchhh took inspiration from the notes that exist in the universe while micro-strings vibrate (Subatomic Particles) in real time and define the melodies created by the notes as “Matter” and symphonies of these melodies as “Universe”. With dastrio, Ouchhh took 11 dimensions in abstract directions in super grade gravity theory and move them beyond space in real time. The dimensions captured intuitively in living space will constantly change and turn into reality.

    # Uploaded 51.8K Views 4 Comments
  4. A POC and implemented prototype to investigate user interfaces that adapt to the user’s natural way of moving. By using light weight machine learning solutions, we are able to extract the user’s personal fingerprint of movements and implement a highly individualized user experience.

    Creative Coding: Marta Soto Morras
    Sound: Christian Losert

    # Uploaded 1,517 Views 0 Comments
  5. If an aesthetic object is created without any human purpose, do we witness an accidental product of nature or do we perceive new forms of artificial intentions?

    The sculpture Helin embodies an organic data mirror emerging from our collective historical heritage. Our technical approach is based upon a novel procedure for Deep Learning in 3D space. The corresponding custom network architecture is trained on 120.000 historical sculptures and generates new alternative bodies 30 times a second.

    We enable insights into historical, spatial data of human expressions and translate this assembled intelligence into a natural and tangible artefact of heavy dark marble.


    • Artistic Direction: Christian Mio Loclair
    • AI Art: Meredith Thomas
    • Generative Design: Helin Ulas
    • Production Management: Celia Bugniot
    • Management: Thomas Johann Lorenz
    • Camera: Marco Petracci
    • Edit: Ali Naddafi
    • Sound Composition: Christian Losert
    • Robot Operations: Tor Art

    # Uploaded 43K Views 14 Comments

Digital and Immersive Media

Josue Ibañez

This channel is curated by Josue Ibañez featuring the best art work in digital and immersive media, focused mostly on emerging technologies to create stunning experiences for people and audiovisual content.

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