Credit: Shaun Wolfe / Ocean Image Bank
Blue starfish on hard coral at sunset in Indonesia
fish swim over a coral reef in Tahiti
fish swim around Daedalus reef in Egypt

Life is Better in Color

Millions of people and species of wildlife depend on coral reefs. While climate change threatens their future, science shows that corals can adapt and survive if we keep them healthy.

Credit: Shaun Wolfe / Ocean Image Bank

Cutting-edge Science. Community Engagement.

For nearly 30 years, we have combined cutting-edge science and community engagement to reduce direct threats to reefs and to promote scalable and effective solutions for their protection.

Impact Globally, Regionally, & Locally

We employ a variety of conservation approaches and engage diverse communities around the world to save coral reefs.

Credit: Roatan Marine Park

It Can Happen

Coral reefs can adapt to climate change. If together we take the right actions, they can evolve and thrive for generations to come.


of all marine life depends
on coral reefs


people depend on coral reefs for food, income, and coastal protection


in services comes from coral reefs
each year

Featured Profile

Meet Heather Starck

Get to know CORAL’s new executive director and learn why she is determined to save the world’s coral reefs.

Coral Restoration Alone Likely Won’t Be Enough to Save Coral Reefs. That’s Why We Focus on Reducing Marine Threats

Why don’t we focus on coral restoration? It’s a question we, at CORAL, have been asked time and time again.  We address overfishing, minimize water pollution, support local communities, and lead cutting-edge research on coral adaptation to climate change…but we don’t generally work on coral restoration projects. Our decision comes down to the fact that… Continue Reading →

Inside CORAL’s Action-Packed Staff Summit

Recently, the CORAL team gathered in the vibrant coastal paradise of Cozumel, Mexico, for an unforgettable staff summit. This event brought together staff members, board members, and key partners from around the globe to collaborate, learn, and set the course for the future of coral reef conservation. Our primary goals were to foster relationships among… Continue Reading →

5 Ways To Dive Into #EarthDay with CORAL!

Welcome, ocean enthusiasts and environmental champions! Happy Earth Day! Throughout this Earth Month, we’ve been diving into discussions about how each of us is intricately connected to the ocean and our precious coral reefs. From the air we breathe to the food we eat, the ocean touches every aspect of our lives, reminding us of… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

Let’s explore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the safe places of our ocean’s biodiversity. In the world of conservation, MPAs are a key strategy for safeguarding the most lively and endangered parts of our oceans. These are special areas–managed by a variety of stakeholders, including governments, local communities, and organizations like ours–that vary from places with… Continue Reading →

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Help save the world’s coral reefs