Security Risk: The Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Accountability

In the three years since the president’s inauguration ending in March 2024, DHS’s alluring quick-release policies resulted in more than 50,000 Border Patrol encounters with Chinese nationals, at escalating monthly rates surpassing 4,500 and reaching nearly 6,000 during calendar year 2024. 

Foreign-Born Population Grew by 5.1 Million in the Last Two Years

The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Hearing on Amnesty for DACA Recipients

It would be a grave mistake for Congress to give consideration to an amnesty, ether for DACA recipients or any other group of illegal aliens, at this time - when the government does not have operational control of the border and is catching and releasing illegal migrants on a mass scale.

Panel: The How and Why of the Mayorkas Impeachment

Featuring Rep. Mark Green, Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee

The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a panel to discuss the history and impact of the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Should he have been impeached? Why was he impeached? What are the consequences of the U.S. Senate’s refusal to either hold a trial itself or to appoint an impeachment trial committee to take and consider evidence?

The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Agency

Funded and Advised by the State Department’s Refugee and Migration Bureau

The issue of Palestinian refugees is important, not just in the obvious foreign policy sense, but also to U.S. migration and refugee policy. This report offers an overview of UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees’ history, financing, staff, and institutional culture.

Read more: Opening the Door to Palestinian Refugees from Gaza?

The Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration
The Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration
New Record Highs for Foreign-Born
New Record Highs for Foreign-Born
Amnesty for DACA Recipients
Amnesty for DACA Recipients
Panel: The Mayorkas Impeachment
Panel: The Mayorkas Impeachment
The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Agency
The UN’s Palestinian Refugee Agency

House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Accountability

In the three years since the president’s inauguration ending in March 2024, DHS’s alluring quick-release policies resulted in more than 50,000 Border Patrol encounters with Chinese nationals, at escalating monthly rates surpassing 4,500 and reaching nearly 6,000 during calendar year 2024. 

The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history.

It would be a grave mistake for Congress to give consideration to an amnesty, ether for DACA recipients or any other group of illegal aliens, at this time - when the government does not have operational control of the border and is catching and releasing illegal migrants on a mass scale.

Featuring Rep. Mark Green, Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee

The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a panel to discuss the history and impact of the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Should he have been impeached? Why was he impeached? What are the consequences of the U.S. Senate’s refusal to either hold a trial itself or to appoint an impeachment trial committee to take and consider evidence?

Funded and Advised by the State Department’s Refugee and Migration Bureau

The issue of Palestinian refugees is important, not just in the obvious foreign policy sense, but also to U.S. migration and refugee policy. This report offers an overview of UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees’ history, financing, staff, and institutional culture.

Read more: Opening the Door to Palestinian Refugees from Gaza?


Incentives Matter at the Border

The policy levers are available, but, for now, the political will is not

Good public policy recognizes that people respond to incentives. In the case of the Southern border, inadmissible migrants will continue trying to cross as long as they believe the benefits of an attempt outweigh the costs.

For the Second Time in a Year, DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits His Prior Border Strategy to Be an Abject Failure

If this week's announcement, the administration's third try at a border plan, also fails, then what?

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas's first border plan was announced in 2022. When that failed, he announced his Plan B in 2023. That also failed, so this week the administration announced Plan C. Since that's also likely to fail, what's Plan D?

New: A Russian Just Convicted of Terrorism Illegally Crossed the SW Border

Biden DOJ press releases omitted that the Russian family man had illegally crossed the southern border and that the FBI regarded him as a high attack risk

As the California terrorism prosecution against Russian national Mura Kurashev progressed from 2021 indictment through his 2024 sentencing, no government press release or media report mentioned the fact that he had crossed the border illegally with his family and been released.

Moped-Riding Venezuelan Migrant Charged in Shooting of Two NYPD Cops

His removal case had been dismissed — that’s increasingly common these days thanks to the diktats of a Biden ICE appointee

Was the shooter one of the thousands of lucky migrants who took advantage of ICE Principal Legal Advisor Kerry Doyle’s “Prosecutorial Discretion” largesse when his case was closed in May? No way to tell, but Congress may want to find out.