aligned with you in mind

Hi there!

Andreas here, your friendly Yoga and Pilates teacher / rollerblading dad.

Welcome to my bendy little corner of the internet.

I’ll keep this brief as I know we’re all mad busy with our modern lives.

Hopefully, my classes will give you a bit of an escape from all that.

And make you feel (super) human!

Just breathe...

Here, you’ll find all the info you need about me, my teaching style, my yoga and pilates classes, one-to-one and business sessions.

It’s a pretence-free zone – no posers, just strong poses and smiley faces. My jokes are a bit of a stretch, so they fit right in!

Yoga-phobic? Stop ohhhmm’ing and ahhhh’ing, meet me on the mat and see just how good you can feel. I strive to make everyone welcome, in a warm, encouraging environment where everyone supports each other and their own unique abilities.

"Andreas is a great pilates instructor. He makes the classes accessible, yet challenging and all with a generous dose of warmth and humour."

Core, that feels good!

See you on the mat!