Save your Capital!

No upfront outlay

JOIN our subscription website service, and receive a fresh, custom-built website with  hosting, updates, maintenance, and on-going support included in one affordable monthly payment, no big upfront cost, easy to budget monthly!



Getting Started.
75 Monthly (CAD)
  • NEW DESIGN 1-2 pages
  • 30 min/month WEBSITE EDITS
  • E-COMMERCE Support NOT included


Ideal for growing businesses.
125 Monthly (CAD)
  • NEW DESIGN up to 5 pages
  • 1 hr/month WEBSITE EDITS
  • E-COMMERCE Support NOT included


Ideal for advanced businesses and e-commerce.
175 Monthly (CAD)
  • NEW DESIGN up to 10 pages
  • 2 hr/month WEBSITE EDITS
  • E-COMMERCE Support included


Are you suffering “Website Shame”? While you have a website, you hesitate to send potential clients to view it. What will they think of you when they see your website? Don’t worry most businesses go through this at some time. We can help you with a fresh, exciting website design.


Book a time to discuss your website and digital marketing. Includes a FREE Website Analysis emailed to you prior to our meeting.


Simplified Web Design with Subscription Model

Discover a simpler, more manageable approach to establishing your digital presence with our subscription-based web design service. This comprehensive package offers you the initial development or redesign of your website, completely tailored to your needs and business goals. It eliminates the need for a hefty upfront investment, allowing you to instead spread the cost over manageable monthly installments.

High-Quality Hosting and Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Our subscription service ensures your website has a robust, reliable hosting foundation, crucial for maintaining your online presence. The package also includes a cutting-edge Content Delivery Network (CDN). This guarantees that your website content is rapidly accessible to users, irrespective of their location, improving user experience and your site’s global reach.

Speed and Accessibility Optimization

We place great emphasis on ensuring that your website isn’t just visually appealing, but also optimized for speed and accessibility. A faster loading website can significantly improve user experience, boost your search engine rankings, and potentially increase conversion rates. Additionally, our accessibility optimization ensures that your website is user-friendly for all visitors, including those with specific accessibility needs, broadening your audience reach.

Legal Updates and

Navigating the digital landscape can be complex, particularly with constantly evolving privacy laws. As part of our service, we ensure your website stays updated and legally compliant with new privacy regulations. This feature provides the reassurance that your website adheres to the latest legal requirements without any extra effort on your part.

Optional Content and Link-Building Features

To boost your website’s visibility and relevance, we offer optional features such as regular content updates and a link-building program. Regularly updated content keeps your website fresh and engaging, while a well-implemented link-building strategy can enhance your site’s authority and SEO ranking

Ownership and Future

After a period of 24 months, you gain full ownership of your site. This gives you the flexibility to either continue using our services or transition to a different provider. The choice is entirely yours, ensuring you maintain control of your digital assets.

Budget-Friendly and Consistent Support

This subscription model helps you avoid large capital expenditures, providing an easily budgeted monthly expense instead. More importantly, you gain access to a consistent source of expertise and support. Whether you need information, have questions, or encounter issues with your site, you can have peace of mind knowing that assistance is always available.

Would you leave your store or office without proper maintenance and security? You wouldn’t leave the front door unlocked? It is amazing the number of people who do just that when it comes to their website. Your customers experience your website and in so doing they are experiencing you, in just the same way as when they come to your premises. Without proper care your site will show neglect, work less efficiently, if at all, look old-fashioned and out of date and at worst become infected with malware, which could negatively effect your customer’s computers.


Book a time to meet either in person or virtually to start the consultation and onboarding process
Or if you have a question you can use the form below to ask.
I am always happy to chat!

I work with businesses that understand the value of their online presence.

Bringing 45 years of combined business experience to your digital marketing

I believe that I can use my 45 years of business experience to help other entrepreneurs and small business owners gain traction in the digital marketing era.

I believe the greatest thing we as humans do is to provide service to others. Unlike those who think that service to others is restricted to charity work, I believe that every time we go to work, if we are giving our best, and regardless of how “important” our work is, we are providing service to others. That is why I place great value on work and why I do everything possible to provide the very best service to my clients.

It is my goal to offer an unrivaled level of service and support throughout your journey with us.

Ever worked with an online company that took forever to get back to you?

Well that won’t happen with me. I know that when you contact me most likely you are having a problem or concern and minutes feel like hours until you are reassured.

Available 8am-11pm EST (UTC-5) 7 days per week. Existing clients will be called back within 1 hr, guaranteed. New inquiries within 4 hrs.


3 SUMMER ST., Summerside PE C1N 3H3

DIRECT: 902.786.1952