Brightest Stars
Sun news May 25, 2024: Huge active region rotating toward Earth
Sun news for May 25, 2024. A huge sunspot region appears on the northeast. Sun activity is moderate as departing AR3679 produced an M1.4 flare.
Earth-sized exoplanet discovered around ultracool dwarf star
Astronomers have discovered a new Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3. But any atmosphere it had is probably long gone.

Stargazing in national parks around the world

Stargazing in national parks ... yes! Increasing light pollution in the United States makes national parks some of the last dark refuges.
Today's Image

See the best Milky Way photos of 2024

See 10 of Capture the Atlas' Best Milky Way photos of 2024. This annual edition showcases 25 of the best Milky Way photos from around the world.
Astronomy Essentials

Dark nebulae are obscuring clouds of gas and dust

Dark nebulae are clouds of gas and dust in space. They block the light of stars shining behind them. Often, they're locations where new stars are forming.
Human World

How to see the International Space Station in your sky

The International Space Station has been orbiting our planet since 1998. Here's how to spot the ISS soaring overhead in your nighttime sky.
Human World

Egyptian pyramids new finding: Just add water

Egyptian pyramids are marvelous constructions. But how could the ancient Egyptians transport the tons-heavy blocks there? Now, a new explanation.
Human World

The Egyptian sky goddess and the Milky Way

Learn how the ancient Egyptian sky goddess, Nut, is linked to the Milky Way. And read about other myths associated with the goddess Nut.

Portugal fireball captured on satellite and video

The Portugal fireball of May 18, 2024, was captured from the ground on video and from satellites in space. The fireball was most likely a comet fragment.

Virgo the Maiden represents a harvest goddess

Virgo the Maiden is the largest of the zodiac constellations. A handy mnemonic device - using the Big Dipper and its bright star Spica - make it easy to find.