Strange Wondrous Quotes & Quotations

Browse or search a huge collection of quotes on just about every topic imaginable.

Topics that are especially well represented here — much more so than most collections — are those related to science & physics, mathematics, computer science & computers, philosophy, and the sciences and humanities in general (under many other subjects).

Some other favorite subjects are books & reading, cognitive bias, consciousness, discovery, genius, happiness, learning, literature, madness, poetry, programming, reality, reason, truth, thought & thinking, understanding, wisdom, and writing.

There are many passages and extended excerpts from fiction and poetry, as well as all the usual suspects, such as famous quotes, inspirational quotes, aphorisms, etc.

Use the search page to search for particular terms, phrases, authors, or combinations of the above, or use the browse pages to browse all quotes by author or subject. Enjoy!

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