New evidence for Planet 9 at the fringes of our solar system
Researchers said the bunching of small objects beyond Neptune fits perfectly with the existence of a Planet 9 hiding on the outskirts of our solar system.
Mars craters pop in new images from ExoMars
Mars craters pop in these new images showcasing the diversity of impacts across the red planet. ESA's ExoMars mission took these images. See them here!

Among solar storms, the one causing the Carrington Event was BIG

Massive solar storms could damage the power grid, disrupt the internet, affect the ability of GPS and create auroras that reach toward the equator.
Astronomy Essentials

What is a galaxy? All you need to know about galaxies

What is a galaxy? We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space!
Astronomy Essentials

Constellations and signs: What’s the difference?

What is the difference between signs of the zodiac and constellations of the zodiac? Astronomer Guy Ottewell illustrates and discusses this difference.
Brightest Stars

Sun news May 19, 2024: Giant filament erupts from calm sun

Sun news for May 19, 2024. A giant filament erupted from an otherwise calm sun today. CMEs from a few days ago may be causing minor geomagnetic storming and auroras tonight. Clear skies.
Brightest Stars

Spica, the bright beacon of Virgo, is 2 stars

Spica is a scorching-hot pair of stars, whirling very closely around one another. One of them may go supernova someday. It's the brightest star in Virgo.
Astronomy Essentials

Visible planets and night sky guide for May

Visible planets and night sky guide for May 2024. Tonight and tomorrow night (May 19 and 20), the waxing gibbous moon will visit the bright star Spica.

Crepuscular rays are sunrays in twilight skies

Crepuscular rays form around twilight when particles in the atmosphere reflect the sun's light beams toward our eyes. See photos of the phenomenon here.

Lineup of 6 planets soon to grace our morning skies

There's a lineup of 6 planets in the morning sky in early June. But four of them aren't easy to see. Find charts and observing tips here.